
26 Mar 2012|Noida | Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism

Prof. Ajit Sikand – Indology, Technical University of Dresden, Frankfurt delivers lecture at Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism

The Industry-Academia Lecture Series, organized by Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, went to the next level with the lecture session by Prof. Ajit Sikand – Indology, Technical University of Dresden, Frankfurt, on 26 March, 2012.

The theme of the lecture was “Control in Tourism”. The experienced professor spoke at length about the various ways in which tourism needs to be controlled. One of the major reasons of tourism still not being a well regarded industry is the lack of trained professionals. A person who is not from the tourism background cannot be better than one who has acquired some professional expertise in terms of studies in the same field.

He further enhanced the topic by giving importance to the fact that unless one travels to a particular destination, it is difficult to tell how the people of the destination are, how they feel or react. Similarly, unless, adequate measures are taken to promote tourism effectively, it would be difficult to see the industry rise and reach to a level which it actually deserves.

In reality, the tourism industry is indispensable in anyone’s life, as everyone needs to travel for one reason or the other. It is, thus, important for people at the ministerial cadres to realize the importance and take up steps to make the people realize the same. For this, it is required that the people holding vital positions should themselves possess the qualification required to handle such responsibilities.

During the session series of questions were poured in by the students as well as faculty members. Prof. (Dr.) Sajnani, Director, Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism, also got involved in the question-answer session. The students were quite enthused as they saw a dimension of the industry they are about to join in sometime. They also, once again, realized the value of the education that is being imparted by the institute in their lives.