Sadiya Umrani presented a paper titled “Protection of Gene advancement: An Analytical study” in National seminar organized by AIB, AUC, Jul 2016.

Priya Barlota presented a paper titled “Balancing intellectual property protections with limitations” in National Conference on limits to Intellectual Property Rights

Won Moot Court Competition at ITM University Raipur, Chhattisgarh.

Aakanksha Jain presented a paper titled “Protection of computer program and computer database under the Copyright Law” in National seminar on Copyright issues in cyberspace in India organized by National Law Institute University, March organized by National Law Institute University, March 2016.2017.

Jigyasa Singh presented a paper titled “Encouraging protection of Trade Secrets in India: An overview” in National Conference on IP Laws organized by National Law Institute University, March 2017

Abhinav Sharma presented a paper titled “National Green Tribunal: A roadmap to environmental Justice” in International Conference on legal dimensions of environment at Amity Law School, Amity University Haryana, Oct 2017

Zaid Ali presented a paper titled “ Indian ageing Environment Laws: A critical Analysis with special reference to the Environmental Laws of Sweden and China ” in International Conference on legal dimensions of environment at Amity Law School, Amity University Haryana, Oct 2017

Safia Tarannum presented a paper titled “Technological advancement and legal regime: Making mining sustainable” ” in International Conference on legal dimensions of environment at Amity Law School, Amity University Haryana, Oct 2017

Won Silver Medal in Virudhaka Sports Fest organized by National Law Institute University, 2017.

Won Bronze Medal in Viraj Sports Fest organized by NLUO, Cuttack

  • Participation in National Moot Court Competition:10 (2017-2018)
  • Paper Presentation: 33(2015-2018)
  • Publications: 40( Proceedings +Abstracts)