Research & Publications

Research & Publications - ALS

Engaging in legal research sharpens analytical abilities, deepening students' grasp of core legal principles and illuminating the legal system's role across social, political, economic, international, and cultural landscapes. Our research initiatives delve into diverse legal domains, encouraging focused expertise in particular legal study areas.
Title Name of Author/Faculty Name of Journal Year of Publication ISSN/ ISBN Number National/ International
  Marrakesh Treaty: Realizing Million Dreams Jelis Subhan Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies May 2017 ISSN: 2348-0459 International
The Protection of Fictional Characters Jelis Subhan International Journal of Media and Management May 2016 ISSN: 2319 - 121X National
Protection of Plant Varieties at Crossroads Jelis Subhan Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies February-  2016 ISSN: 2348-0459 IF: 2.389 International
‘Speedy trial to rape victim - An Indian Perspective.’ Prashant Rahangdale Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies January 2016 ISSN No. 2348-0459 International
“Fair Dealing: Limitation to Copyright?” Prashant Rahangdale Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies June 2017 ISSN No. 2348-0459 International
“Copyright Law: Encouraging Research And Innovation”. Prashant Rahangdale Indian Institute of Bankers May 2018 ISSN: 00194921 National
“Climate Change vis-à-vis Sustainable Development”. Prashant Rahangdale International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts May 2018 ISSN: 2454-2415 International
Dr. Ambedkar’s Vision of ‘Due Process of Law’ and the Supreme Court of India: The Quest for Right to Life” Aqa Raza International Research Journal of Socio-Legal Studies October-December, 2016 ISSN 2455-0019 International
“Dicta of the Supreme Court of India on Constitutionalism”, Aqa Raza Indian Journal of Law and Policy Review August, 2017 ISSN 2456 3773 National
"A Legal Study on Status of a Child Born in a Live-in Relationship in India Shivangi Chauhan World Journal on Juristic Polity May 2016 ISSN 2394-5044     National
The Third Gender and Gender Self-Identification in India: A Review Aakanksha Kumar Journal of Politics and Governance October-December, 2014.   National
Foreign arbitral awards enforcement and the public policy exception - India's move towards becoming an arbitration-friendly jurisdiction Aakanksha Kumar International Arbitration Law Review August 2014   International
“Analysis of Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill, 2013 with special reference to Investigation and Sanction Apoorva Singh Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies May 2016 ISSN - 2278-8808 National
Title Name of Author/Faculty Conference/Proceedings Title and Venue Year of Publication ISSN/ISBN Number
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act, 2001: An Overview .Jelis Subhan Co-Author with Ms Jigyasa Singh “National Seminar on Futuristic Scope in Biotechnological Advancements and Allied Instrumentations” NSFSBAAI-2016, Organized by Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Chhattisgarh, Raipur 28th to 29th July, 2016 ) ISBN-978-93-5267-088-8
Plant Breeders’ Rights: Incentivizing Innovations Jelis Subhan “National Seminar on Futuristic Scope in Biotechnological Advancements and Allied Instrumentations” NSFSBAAI-2016, Organized by Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Chhattisgarh, Raipur 28th to 29th July, 2016 ISBN-978-93-5267-088-8

Research & Publications - ASCO

At the Amity School of Communication, our faculty members are deeply involved in research activities, consistently contributing high-quality research papers to esteemed national and international journals.
Title Name of Author/Faculty Name of Journal Year of Publication ISSN/ ISBN Number National/ International
Humanizing the De-Human Interest stories in Media Houses: A shift from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 Mr. Joydev Majumdar Industry 5.0 and Paradigm Shift: Emerging Challenges (book) 2023 97893-90951-505 National
The Digital Banner Studios Become the Cottage Industries in Tamil Nadu Dr. M. Suresh Global Media Journal 2022 1550-7521 International
Aarogya Setu App in Fighting with a Global Pandemic COVID-19: An Analytical Study Mr. Satyabrata Das Shodh Samagam 2022 2581-6918(Online),2582-1792(Print) National
Media Awareness among the School Going Students” A Study of Manth Village in Raipur District of Chhattisgarh Mr. Satyabrata Das The Asian Thinker 2020 2582-1296 International
Online Teaching and its Impact on Students: An Analytical Study Mr. Satyabrata Das Pragyaan Journal of Mass Communication 2020 0974-5521 National
Gandhian and Contemporary Journalistic Outlook for Rural India: A Comparative Study Mr. Satyabrata Das Universal Review Journal 2019 2277-2723 National
Contemporary Challenges in Development Communication: A Study Prof. (Dr.) S. C. Nayak JansancharVimarsh Dec.2017 ISSN-2277-3932 A UGC listed Journal
Dissemination of Agricultural Information: A Study of DD Kisan Facebook Page Prof. (Dr.) S. C. Nayak JansancharVimarsh Dec.2017 ISSN-2277-3932 A UGC listed Journal
National Perspectives of Development Communication: A Descriptive Study Prof. (Dr.) S. C. Nayak International Journal of Research Culture Society Feb – 2018 ISSN: 2456-6683 International
Hindi Mein VigyanLekhan, GyanGarimaSindhu Prof. (Dr.) S. C. Nayak A Journal of CSTT July-Sep 2018 ISSN No: 23210443 National
Sambhartanatak Vigyapanoki NaiPrabityuoka VisheshlamtakaAdhayan Prof. (Dr.) S. C. Nayak JansancharVimarsh Jan-June 2018 ISSN-2277-3932 National
Traditional Dance Forms of Chhattisgarh: A Study of Panthi Prof. (Dr.) S. C. Nayak JansancharVimarsh Jan-June.2018 ISSN-2277-3932 National
MEDIA ETHICS: A GUIDE TO COMPLETE JOURNALISM Bichitrananda Panda Global Media Journal – Indian Edition 2017 ISSN 2249 – 5835 International
Dissemination of Agricultural Information: A Study of DD Kisan Facebook Page Bichitrananda Panda Jan Sanchar Vimarsh 2017 ISSN: 2277-3932 National
Celebrity Endorsement in Tourism
Advertisement: A study of
Gujarat Tourism
BichitranandaPanda Journal of Content, Community & Communication 2017 ISSN: 2395-7514 (Print)
2456-9011 (Online)
Eradicating Naxalism and Developing Jharkhand: A Depiction through "The Hunt" Documentary by Meghnath&BijuToppo Jai KishonGoswami Pramana Research Journal 2019 2249-2976 National
Title Name of Author/Faculty Conference/Proceedings Title and Venue Year of Publication ISSN/ISBN Number
Analysis of Science Communication in reference to print media of Chhattisgarh Surinder Pal Singh National Seminar on “Futuristic Scope in Biotechnological Advancements and Allied Instrumentations” 2016 ISBN-978-93-5267-088-8