Our work has been selected for the cover page of Green Chemistry. (18th Issue)
Green Chemistry 2018

Congratulations to Dr. Monalisa Mukherjee for the recent publication in Green Chemistry

Article entitled “Sustainable Growth and Lipid Production from Chlorella pyrenoidosa Using N-Doped Carbon Nanosheets: Unravelling the Role of Graphitic Nitrogen” got accepted in ACS Sustainable Chemistry

Vipin Kumar

presented a poster at the Contemporary Facets in Organic Synthesis 2017 IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand

Adeeba Shakeel

Congratulations to Adeeba Shakeel for winning the first prize for Oral Presentation at “Global conference on Polymer and composite materials” (PCM 2017) held at Guangzhou, China.

Aarti Singh

Congratulations to Aarti Singh for winning the first prize for Oral Presentation at NRIP SCON KIET University Ghaziabad India 2017.

Prof. Robert Pike

Prof. Robert Pike and Prof. John E Moses visited Amity Institute of Click Chemistry Research and Studies (AICCRS) from La Trobe Melbourne.

Prof. Brian Smith

Prof. Brian Smith visited Amity Institute of Click Chemistry Research and Studies (AICCRS) from La-Trobe Melbourne for the inauguration of Click Chemistry Research Program!

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