Amity University Punjab

Career Test

Career Test

4 Last one....This one has to do with the LIFESTYLE you adopt. Please Click on Either A or B :


  • Prefer my life to be decisive,imposing my will on it.
  • Prefer knowing what they're getting themselves into.
  • Feel better after making decisions.
  • Enjoy finishing things.
  • Work for a settled life, with my plans in order.
  • Dislike surprises & want advance warnings.
  • See time as a finite resource,and take deadlines seriously.
  • Like checking off "to do" list.
  • Feel better with things planned.
  • Settled. Organized.
Select A


  • Seek to adapt my life and experience to what comes along.
  • Like adapting to new situations.
  • Prefer to keep things open.
  • Enjoy starting things.
  • Keep my life as flexible as possible so that nothing's missed.
  • Enjoy surprises and like adapting and like adapting to last-minute changes.
  • See time as a renewable resource,and see deadlines as elastic.
  • Ignore "to do" list, even if made one.
  • Would rather do whatever comes along.
  • Tentative. Flexible. Spontaneous.
Select B