Dr. Yogesh Makarand Keskar
Amity School of Architecture and Planning
Mob: +91 7588858555

From the Desk of Cordinator

"Architecture is about creating, designing solution for habitation. The profession of architecture is deep rooted in knowledge of social, cultural, technological, and sustainability with an expertise in practical application for livability. As an inherent part of the expansive Creative Industry the design profession is sustainable & forever evolving. "

Amity School of Architecture and Planning ASAP is committed to provide an academic environment that nurtures quality education in Architecture and Planning of the human habitation. The school has qualified faculty team, well equipped labs & studios and integrated campus facilities make ASAP a great place of learning. Studio based pedagogy makes the education process simulative, interactive, reflective and creative.

We aim to make Architects and Designers who are critical thinkers, sensitive, are articulate, confident and have strong work ethics. The school’s research focuses on ‘Sustainability’, ‘Energy Efficiency’, ‘Conservation’, ‘Art & Aesthetics’ and ‘Advance Technologies’. Based on this core arears ASAP strives to develop as a resource center for architectural pedagogy at the national and international level.