Prof. (Dr.) Mani Sachdev Coordinator - Amity Institute of Behavioural & Allied Science, Jaipur
Chairperson - Internal Complaint Committee (Gender Cell)

From the Desk of Coordinator, AIBAS

Rendering services to enhance human potential as psychologists is a noble cause, an excellent service to mankind, and a highly valued (and well paid) profession. Skilled psychologists have always been in demand. However, due to a steep rise in mental health problems, increasing level of stress and rising number of depression cases in people across ages, psychologists are in greater demand than ever before.

To address this growing need, we are passionate in our mission to nurture competent psychologists of global standards through our undergraduate program in Applied Psychology, postgraduate programs in Counselling and Clinical Psychology and PhD program.

We at AIBAS equip budding psychologists with the latest evidence based practical knowledge, field training, experiential learning, and research aptitude. We have world class facilities, including smart classrooms, well equipped laboratory and library, comprehensive course curriculum and evaluation procedures to match world class education system.

Our psychologists specialize in understanding human assets and limitations in a wider context within socio-cultural and politico-legal systems. Our Psychology graduates play vital role in the development of behavioral skills and promotion of healthy lifestyles as well as help people to live in harmony with themselves and people in their surroundings. They help people in building personal and professional competency, thus enhance their employability. They help organizations develop effective teams and authentic leadership, evolve a healthy work culture, boost work motivation, enhance performance, and manage occupational stress of their employees and influence their behavior to optimization.

Our clinical psychologists are trained for the purpose of assessment and diagnosis of psychopathologies, enforcement of corrective and preventive measures, conduct counseling and psychotherapies at psychiatric and mental health centres.

Formal training of psychology at AIBAS opens a wide range of career opportunities to our graduates in service sector as well as in multinational industry, corporate, IT, science and technology, management and administration, judiciary, forensic, defense sector, health and education sector, mass media, art, religion and culture, and almost every human endeavor. Psychologists trained by us not only seek jobs but create jobs for others through their entrepreneurial endeavors. They are competent in carrying out high quality interdisciplinary research and contribute to theory building, innovations and future directions.

The true meaning of education at Amity University is to be a thorough professional and to evolve as a good human being. AIBAS, through its value-added courses of Behavioral Science offered to every student in every semester of every program, nurtures the students to be mature, responsible, law abiding citizen and evolve as a good human being, who radiates positivity in personal life and surroundings.