06 Sep 2024|Gwalior


 Objective: This event was celebrated on the occasion of Teacher’s Day. This Program was organized by student of AIBAS.  It is a way to shows the gratitude and respect for the teachers.

Outcome of the Activity: The basic outcome of a Teachers' Day program is the recognition and appreciation of teachers' efforts in shaping students' lives. It strengthens the bond between teachers and students, fostering mutual respect and a positive learning environment. The program also highlights the importance of education and the vital role teachers play in society, while encouraging teachers to reflect on their teaching practices for continuous improvement.

“Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.”
Mode:                      Offline
Venue:                     AIBAS: Block C Seminar Hall
 Date and Time:     6 September, 2024, 2:30 – 5:00 pm
Participants:         Student of AIBAS from different Program
Coordinators:        Dr. Deepika Kushwaha
Key Highlights
Welcome Song: Program has been started by Welcome song sung by students.
Inspirational Deliverance by Director of AIBAS  
An inspirational deliverance by the Director of the AIBAS (Amity Institute of Behavioral and Allied Sciences) during a Teachers' Day program could focus on key themes such as the impact of educators, the value of learning,  the pursuit of excellence and the effect of team work through the story of Hare and Tortoise. 
Student Performances or Psycho Cultural Program
Students put on performances such as songs, dances, or poetry to express their gratitude to their teachers. These performances were designed to entertain and appreciate the efforts of teachers in a creative and engaging way.
Teacher-Student Interaction Activities
Fun and interactive activities between teachers and students, such as games or competitions. Activities may include quizzes, musical chair game, role-reversal games (where students act as teachers), or sports, fostering bonding and strengthening relationships outside the typical classroom setting.
Teachers Taking the Stage
 Teachers themselves participate in or lead activities, such as sharing personal experiences or talents. Teachers may deliver inspirational talks or even showcase hidden talents like singing or acting, making the program more interactive and enjoyable for everyone.
Closing Ceremony and Refreshments
The event usually ends with a closing ceremony where final words of appreciation are shared, followed by refreshments. This segment wraps up the celebration on a positive note, often accompanied by a token of appreciation.
These highlights make Teachers' Day a meaningful occasion that emphasizes the value of education and celebrates the critical role teacher’s play in shaping individuals and society.
 Conclusion: The conclusion of a Teachers' Day program typically serves to reinforce the core message of appreciation and respect for educators. It provides a moment to reflect on the day's activities, recognizing the pivotal role that teachers play in shaping the minds and futures of students. The program often ends with expressions of gratitude from students, administrators, and parents, along with words of encouragement for teachers to continue their impactful work. A sense of unity and mutual respect between teachers and students is fostered, leaving everyone with a renewed commitment to the value of education.