Centre of Excellence for Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Mitigation
Centre for Excellence for Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Mitigation has been established to promote Research & Development in the area of Chemical and Biodefence. Recently centre organized a visit of Dr. SP Singh, Joint Director, National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention (NACWC), cabinet Secretariat New Delhi, to provide the required support from the international organization for prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW). He visited the centre and interacted with the scientist/ Faculty members involved in the CBRN research
The Centre is involved in the following activities:
- Development of novel technologies for rapid screening and onsite detection of CBRN agents.
- To develop new materials and methods for sample preparation technologies for off-site identification of agents.
- Develop new neutralization technologies / devices for CBRN agents.
- Build up infrastructure for preparation, handling and testing of high risk agents.
- Provide training on CBRN to students and law enforcement agencies.

Centre of Excellence: Nanobiotechnology and Alternative Medicine
Amity Institute of Biotechnology has identified two major research thrust areas including the interdisciplinary areas of biotechnology in which it has established Centre of Excellence in Nano-biotechnology and Alternative Medicine in order to augment and strengthen institutional research capacity for promotion of interdisciplinary science and innovation in specific areas of biotechnology. It provides flexible long-term support for highly innovative research in biotechnology. Centre has organized an International conference on Recent Advances in Biotechnology and Nanobiotechnology.

The Centre is involved in the following activities:
- Develop and promote R&D activities for applications of biotechnology.
- Promote Research and Development on all aspects of Nanobiotechnology and development of Alternative Medicine.
- To develop linkages between industry and R&D for promoting applications of biotechnology in various sectors.
- Provide consultancy in terms of training, research and dissertation programs for Ph.D., Postgraduate & Undergraduate students.
Centre of Excellence: Centre for Environmental Conservation & Biodiversity
The centre will come up with new strategies and plans for conservation of biodiversity. Various alternative measures will be developed to mitigate the effects of pollution to protect the environment. Centre also provide S&T base for assessment of Biodiversity and Pollution. Recently centre organized “Tree Plantation” in campus on the eve of world environment day.
The Centre is involved in the following activities
- Undertaking funded projects from Government agencies and industry
- Development of eco-friendly techniques and products
- Assessment and conservation of biodiversity of the state
- Monitoring of Environmental Pollution and Development of Alternatives Measures
- Identification and Investigations of Harmful Synthetic Compounds in Environment and Remedial Measures
- Assessment and Conservation of Biodiversity
- Eco-friendly Product Development
Centre of Excellence for Gwalior as a Smart City
Smart City is about taking advantage of already available technologies to preserve and improve the Quality of life. With this objective, Amity University Madhya Pradesh has joined hands with Gwalior Nagar Nigam and working as a knowledge partner to create awareness amongst students towards the Smart City concept, involve them in developing new ideas for making Gwalior a smart city, propagating these ideas so that the local administration can adapt these ideas well.
The Centre of excellence is involved in the following activities:
- Creating greater citizen awareness for the smart city concept
- Development of an accountable model for the smart city concept
- Fostering discussion on the challenges and concerns of smart city
- Facilitating interaction among local industries, organizations, academia, and local administration
Centre of Excellence for Detection of Fake News & Disinformation
This Centre remains updated about technology for the Detection of Fake news/videos/audio/pictures on social media/print/ electronic media. It also liaises with agencies like Google News Initiative, and Poynter with know-how and methodology for Detection of Fake News. The Centre mainly trains the faculties and students of AUMP in general, and students of ASCO in particular about technology associated with the subject. It also gives training and consultancy to various Government/Educational institutes of Madhya Pradesh. The centre also works to Identify the clone, Predatory and hijacked journals and help scholars and academicians to publish their research in reputed journals.
The Center focuses on the following points:
- Open Source Verification of facts
- Media Literacy
- Critical Thinking
- Tools of Advanced Verification of Photos
- Advanced Geolocation through various techniques
- How to catch Deep Fakes
- Digital Security and Safety
- Fighting Misinformation
- University-Newsroom Partnerships
Centre of Excellence for Tribal Development Centre
Tribal Development Centre is developed for raising the socio-economic conditions of the tribal community and helping them to overcome poverty and ignorance. Recently centre organized a free medical health camp with Gajra Raja Medical College, at Kishanpura village of Malanpur, District Bhind, Gwalior.
The Centre is involved in the following activities:
- Substantial reduction in poverty and unemployment.
- Creation of productive assets in favour of scheduled tribes to sustain the growth likely to accrue through development efforts.
- Human resource development of the scheduled tribes by providing adequate educational and health services.
- Provision of physical and financial security against all types of exploitation and oppression.