Review Articles

AIJTE looks forward to enlist keen Research and academicians in its panel of 'Peer Review'. In case, you are interested in providing your qualitative input in enriching the quality of research in Teacher Education through the medium of AIJTE, you may post your detailed CV along with a letter expressing your interest to be a part of peer review team to the Chief Editor.

Process Of Review

Members of a Panel of Readers will be asked to read, evaluate, and provide comments on all manuscripts deemed appropriate for initial review on the basis of review criteria. All peer reviews are proposed to be blind. Once the initial review is completed, the Editor will make a decision to accept or not to accept, or might ask the author to revise and resubmit the manuscript. When a manuscript is deemed acceptable, the Editor then sends the manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief and Consulting Editor, who also provides a blind review and provides comments about the quality and appropriateness of the manuscript for AIJTE. Based on this review, the Editor then makes the final decision to publish or not.

Please Note:

1.Manuscripts must be created with Microsoft Word 2007/2010, double-spaced
between 6-7 pages in length, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins, and the names of authors NOT included on the actual manuscript.
2.Authors must use APA style, 6th edition for headings, sub-headings, citations, and references.Consult an APA style webpage or hire a copyeditor who is familiar with APA style.
3.Transmittal page:A separate page for transmittal purposes, with all authors' names and affiliations, current addresses, phone numbers, , e-mail addresses, biographical sketches (125 words including author(s) name(s), position and affiliation, research interests, books published if relevant, key positions held in professional organizations, etc.) should accompany the manuscript materials submitted.

Peer Review Guidelines

1.Make sure that you have expertise in the article you have been asked to review.

Go through the title and the paper if you believe that it goes beyond your expertise
please inform the editor in time so that we have ample time to get it reviewed by some other expert.
2.Avoid a potential conflict of interest.
Please inform us of any potential conflict of interest while responding to the editor's invitation for review.
3.Check that you have enough time.
Reviewing an article can be a demanding task. On an average, an article will take
about 5-6 hours to review properly. Please let us know if you have sufficient time available to devote for reviewing an article
4.If you are busy and will not be able to review.
If you feel the review will take longer to complete than normal, please inform us in advance.
5.Do not just criticize
6.Avoid spending time on the mechanics of writing. You are not required to do
an editorial review , in case mechanical errors are leading to ambiguity then you may
provide suggestions for the same. Do not focus on spelling and mechanics.
Instead, we seek your support in reviewing the following :
A) Whether the paper is worthy enough to be included in the research journal
B) Whether the paper can be included in the research journal after some improvements,
kindly provide suggestions for the author.
C) Whether its standard is not fit enough to be included in the journal.

Review Criteria
The manuscripts will be reviewed based on the parameters listed below

  • Relevance to the field of teacher education and Scheme education.
  • Conceptual framework
  • Research Methodology:
    1. Aptness of the topic
    2. objectives/research questions/hypothesis: formulation and adequacy
    3. Adequate description of research design,data collection and data analysis procedures
    4. References
  • Literature based or data-based findings/conclusions
  • Educational Implications
  • Writing style in terms of accuracy , brevity , clarity
  • No ambiguity
  • No plagiarism