Message from Director AIDSS

The Amity Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies (AIDSS) started in June 2019 with its Doctoral & Post-Graduate Programmes. With a truly multidisciplinary approach and class composition, the Institute aims to empower its students with knowledge and capabilities to compete at both national and international levels. It instils a sense of responsibility towards the country and supports them in their endeavours to acquire critical approaches towards issues of development & security. Research scholars in the institution include serving officers of the Indian Armed Forces. Members of the Doctoral programme contribute to the growth of the Institute in its academic evolution.
AIDSS has partnered with multiple think-tanks and provides opportunity to students to take part in policy-making debates through seminars, conclaves, and talks on multiple subjects. The institute hosts extremely learned lectures from eminent scholars, officers of the Indian Armed Forces, diplomats & policy makers. It has the most qualified teaching staff available on the subjects with unparalleled academic experience. The course outline ranges from Foundational/ Core courses such as Defence & Strategy; Global Political Economy; Defence & Foreign Policies; International Relations; Military History; National Security; Science, Technology & Security; Internal Security; Geopolitics among others. Depending on the students’ interest and placement opportunities, Elective Courses are offered. It could be from: Cyber Security; Maritime Security; Defence Entrepreneurship; Defence Journalism and its variations from Artificial Intelligence and other Transformational or Disruptive Technologies. Pedagogy of the Course; Student learning Objectives or Assessment practices go through continuous evaluation and refinement to evolve industry-ready citizens. Course components include issues related to Millennium & Sustainable Development Goals and competitive exams. The common thread running through all the courses is harnessing the acquired knowledge for securing the Nation State.
AIDSS is a proud and an emerging member of Amity Universe, which trains its students to become better citizens of the country. It imparts some very important lessons of nationalism and patriotism and aims to make the students more aware of India’s glorious past and how students can contribute to its rise as a global power. AIDSS is successfully training its students to represent Amity and India at global platforms. Our students have internship facilities with premier institutions and government agencies in NCR and Study Abroad Program (SAP) with foreign universities. We feel privileged to invite you to join our programs, experience our unique and contemporary courses, achieve academic excellence and be part of Emerging India’s accomplishments.
Jai Hind

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