AI in Space Technology Research Group

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Welcome to the AI in Space Technology Research Group - Exploring the Cosmos through Artificial Intelligence

About Us

The AI in Space Technology Research Group is a vibrant and forward-thinking community of students who are passionate about merging the wonders of space with the power of artificial intelligence. Our group comprises dedicated undergraduate and postgraduate students eager to drive the next generation of space exploration and technology.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create an innovative and collaborative environment where students can:

  • Bridge Disciplines: Unite talents from aerospace engineering, computer science, robotics, electronics engineering, and more to solve complex challenges in space technology.
  • Advance Space Exploration: Develop AI-driven solutions that push the boundaries of space missions, satellite technologies, and extraterrestrial research.
  • Foster Innovation and Learning: Offer hands-on experiences, skill development, and mentorship from leading experts to inspire the next wave of space technology pioneers.

What We Do

  • Groundbreaking Research

Embark on innovative projects that leverage artificial intelligence to address critical challenges in space exploration. Some of our focus research area includes:

  • Autonomous Spacecraft Navigation: Enhancing the precision and reliability of spacecraft navigation systems.
  • Satellite Data Analytics: Analysing vast amounts of satellite data to uncover valuable insights using AI.
  • Planetary Exploration: Utilizing AI to facilitate the exploration and study of distant planets.
  • Space Debris Management: Developing AI solutions to mitigate and manage space debris.
  • Dynamic Workshops and Seminars

Remain at the forefront of technological advancement through our interactive workshops and seminars. Gain insights from leading industry experts and researchers on the latest trends and breakthroughs in AI and space technology.

Collaborative Learning

Participate in a vibrant community where innovative ideas flourish and knowledge is freely exchanged. Collaborate with peers to bring groundbreaking projects to fruition and contribute to the collective growth of the field.

Competitions and Challenges

Demonstrate your expertise and ingenuity by participating in prestigious national and international challenges/competitions/hackathons focused on application of AI in space technology.

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Advanced Satellite Imaging Enhancement for Precision Earth Observation: Enhance the resolution and quality of satellite images through advanced image processing techniques and deep learning algorithms.
  • Cost Estimation for Disasters Using Satellite Imaging: Develop an AI-powered system that utilizes satellite imagery to provide rapid and precise cost estimations for natural disaster impacts.
  • Cloud Burst Prediction Using AI and Satellite Data: Develop an AI-driven system that leverages satellite data to accurately predict cloud bursts, enhancing early warning systems and disaster preparedness.
  • Automatic Summarization of Space Mission Reports/Documents Using Large Language Models: To develop Language Model (LLM)-based algorithms to automatically summarize space mission reports, logs, & telemetry data generated during space missions, providing concise and informative summaries for mission control and decision-makers.
  • Deep Neural Networks for Satellite Image Anomaly Detection and Prediction: Detecting and predicting changes in satellite images require advanced techniques to differentiate between regular environmental variations and anomalous changes, prompting the need for deep neural networks to automate the process.
  • Potential Fishing Zone Prediction Using Satellite Data: Create a system that employs satellite imagery and oceanographic data to identify and predict potential fishing zones, optimizing fishing efforts and sustainable resource management.

Join Us

Are you captivated by the idea of using AI to explore the final frontier? Do you want to be part of revolutionary research and innovative solutions? Join the AI in Space Technology Research Group and become a trailblazer in this exciting field.

  • Who Can Join: Open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students with a keen interest in AI and space technology.
  • How to Join: Reach out to us at or visit our to become a member.

Get Involved: Whether you aspire to lead a research project, collaborate with peers, or deepen your knowledge, there’s a place for you in our group.

Student Coordinator

Name: Keshav Sharma
Designation: B.Tech AI 3rd year student Areas of Interest: DNN, LLMs, GenAI

Contact Us

For more information, feel free to reach out to us:

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