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Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla

Chair, ICEIL-2022
Professor – Entrepreneurship, Leadership & IT
Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh

Entrepreneurship and leadership skills are significant assets in our rapidly transforming age. Individuals with entrepreneurial skills find themselves drawn to opportunities, innovation and new value creation. Teaching entrepreneurship to students at an impressionable age focuses significantly on inter-disciplinary skill development that will make youth ready for unpredictable challenges. With globalization and digitalization, youth need to harness and develop skills that will make them a rich resource for an economic revolution and sustainable development of our nation. Entrepreneurship does not only focus on personal benefits but also on transforming the industry in such a way that it becomes more socially committed. With unknown threats to human existence, it is our collective duty to make innovation and development a professional and ethical duty.

At Amity, we focus on creating better opportunities of innovation and skill development for both our students and faculty members. For this, we are highly indebted to the visionary guidance of our Hon’ble Founder President, Dr. Ashok Chauhan, and our dynamic Chancellor, Dr. Atul Chauhan, who always promoted experiential learning and innovative thinking. The Amity Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (ACED), Amity Innovation Incubator (AII), Amity Innovation and Design Centre (AIDC), Amity Science, Technology, and Innovation Foundation (ASTIF), etc., various departments were created to promote a research & innovation culture, use of latest technology and extend support to budding entrepreneurs from the neonatal stage of ideation to execution, with the help of workshops, trainings, and seminars. International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership (ICEIL) is one such initiative of Amity which involves all the disciplines to foster Industry -Academia association, research, partnerships and promote entrepreneurial ecosystem by facilitating the mobility of experts across the channels.

It gives me immense pleasure to share that Amity University, Uttar Pradesh (AUUP) is organizing the 4th edition of International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership (ICEIL 2022) on the theme ‘Resilient Entrepreneurship, Disruptive Innovations, and Agile Leadership: Gearing up for Industry 5.0 for Economic Growth in VUCA World’ from 20 – 22 January 2022, in the virtual mode.

ICEIL’2022 aims to orient the participants with the art of dynamic learning, use of disruptive technologies, instilling entrepreneurial spirit, developing leadership skills and facilitating future collaborations. It will introduce delegates to the nature and dynamism of industries to enable them to find their vocation, meet the demand of VUCA world and gear up for industry 5.0.

This multidisciplinary conference shall have six tracks having 72 Panel discussion sessions covering various sectors such as Business Management, Law, Science Engineering & Technology, Biosciences & Biotechnology, Health & Allied Sciences, Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Education, Architecture & Design, Applied Arts, Journalism, Mass Communication, Hospitality & Tourism, etc., wherein more than 300 globally renowned CEOs/Presidents/Directors/CIOs etc., will share their expertise, success stories, business survival strategies, entrepreneurial opportunities, crisis management techniques, agile approaches to meet competitive advantage, emerging technologies, trends etc., Several Start-ups shall be showcasing their products, and services in the Start-Up Expo. Students of various colleges and universities shall showcase their innovative projects through Eureka competition. There will be a business plan competition, case study competition and research paper presentations by academicians, researchers, students, and entrepreneurs.

I am sure that all the participants will benefit immensely from the meaningful deliberations of experts and shall take home with them a highly enriching experience.

I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the invited speakers, session chair, panelists, venture capitalists, jury members, start-ups, sponsors, session partners and supporters who have been associated with us for this conference. I congratulate each member of the ICEIL’22 organizing team for their remarkable efforts. It is only through such dedication and perseverance that one can achieve excellence.

I wish the ICEIL’22 a resounding success!

Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla