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Memoirs of Rootonic

Latest book: “Memoirs of ‘Rootonic’ – The Magic Fungus” - Click Here to Download

Areas of Research

  • Plant-Microbe Interaction
  • Microbe-Microbe Interaction
  • Biocontrol
  • Bioremediation
  • Crop Pest Management
  • Duckweed Research and Applications
  • Mushroom Biotechnology
  • Stress Alleviation through Microbes
  • Antimicrobials and Novel Drugs
  • Food Microbiology and QA/QC
  • Biofertilizers: Development & Commercialization
  • IPR- Translational Research
  • Genetic Transformation for Plant value addition
  • Applied Microbiology
    • Bioenergy and Biofuels
    • Enzyme Technology
  • Agricultural Biotechnology and Microbiology
    • Oil Seed Brassica Double Haploid Research
    • Studies on Plant Pathogenesis in Oil Seed Brassica

Research Projects (Ongoing)

S. No. Principal Investigator(s) from AUUP Title of the project Funding Agency Total Approved Budget (Rs.) Sanction Order No. Date of Sanction PDuration (Status)


Dr. Amit C Kharkwal

Development of Bioformulation Based on Novel Root Endophyte Talaromyce spurpureogenus HNB9 for Plant Growth Promotion and Biocontrol of Fusarium spp.


28.578 lakhs



2 Years


Dr. Naveen Chandra Joshi

Phosphate controls the fate of root meristems to regulate root system architecture

in plants


26.108 lakhs



2 years


Dr. Neeraj Shrivastava

Synergistic impact of symbiotic fungus Piriformsopora indica and PGPRs in promoting Stevia rebaudiana growth and its secondary metabolites


23 Lakhs



3 years


Dr. Ajit Varma

Training of Rajasthan rural women on use of biofertilizer for crop productivity enhancement


33.53341 lakhs



18 months


(i) Research Papers:

  1. M Rai and A Varma (2005) Arbuscular mycorrhiza-like biotechnological potential of Piriformospora indica, which promotes the growth of Adhatpda vasica Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, Chile (South America) 8: 107-11
  2. M Kaldorf, B Koch, K-H Rexer, G Kost and A Varma (2005) Patterns of Interaction between Populus Esch5 and Piriformosporaindica: A Transition from Mutualism to Antagonism. Plant Biology, Germany. 7: 210-218
  3. R Oelmüller, T Peškan-Berghöfer, B Shahollari, A Trebicka, Irena Sherameti, A Varma (2005) MATH-domain proteins represent a novel protein family in Arabidopsis thaliana and at least one member is modified in roots in the course of a plant/microbe interaction. Physiologia Plantarum 124:152-166
  4. I Sherameti, B Shahollari, Y Venus, L Altschmied, A Varma and R Oelmüller (2005) The endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica stimulates the expression of nitrate reductase and the starch-degrading enzyme glucan-water dikinase in tobacco and Arabidopsis roots through a homeodomain transcription factor which binds to a conserved motif in their promoters. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280:26241-7
  5. B Shahollari, A Varma and R Oelmüller (2005) Expression of a receptor kinase in Arabidopsis roots is stimulated by the basidiomycete Piriformospora indica and the protein accumulates in Triton X-100 insoluble plasma membrane microdomains. Journal of Plant Physiology 162: 945-958
  6. Y Rezaee Danesh, E Mohammadi Goltapeh, A Alizadeh, A Varma and KG Mukerjii (2006) Distribution and abundance of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi from soybean rhizospherein Iran. Journal of Agricultural Technology 2(2): 251-257
  7. SK Gosal, Lalit Kumar, A Kalia, Rajni Chauhan, Ajit Varma (2007) Comparative role of Piriformospora indica as biofertilizer for plant growth promoting and micronutrient acquisition activity on Dendrocalamus strictus Journal of Bamboo and Rattan 6 (3 & 4):223-228
  8. US Bagde and A Varma (2007) Mechanism of biochemical changes induced by lead in the population of Escherichia coli and Aerobacter aerogenes, Journal of Current Sciences 10(2): 555-561
  9. US Bagde and A Varma (2007) Biochemical changes induced by chromium in the population of Escherichia coli and Aerobacter aerogenes, Journal of Current Sciences 10(2): 562-568
  10. B Shahollari, A Varma and R Oelmüller (2007) A leucine rich repeat protein is required for growth promotion and enhanced seed production mediated by the endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal, USA. (Published online:
  11. Y Rezaee Danesh, E Mohammadi Goltapeh, A Alizadeh, A Varma and KG Mukerjii (2007) Arbuscular-mycorrhizal Fungi Associated with Alfalfa Rhizosphere in Iran. American-Eurasian J. Agric. And Environ. Sci., 2(5): 574-580.
  12. Bhatnagar K and Varma A (2007) Nanobiogenomics: Education & research. A Technical Review. IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India). 24(1): 27-30
  13. SK Gosal, GK Chandi, SS Gosal and Ajit Varma (2008) Role of Piriformospora indica and Pseudomonas fluorescens as growth promoting agents in biotized micropropagated plants of Populus deltoids. Indian Journal of Agroforestry. 10: 84-90
  14. SK Gosal, HS Beddesha, A Kalia and A Varma (2008) Role of endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica in nutrient acquisition and grain yield of maize in Phosphorus deficient soil under field conditions. J. Environment and Ecology.26 (4B): 2172-2175
  15. I Sherameti, Y Venus, C Drezewiecki, S Tripathi, VM Dan, I Nitz, A Varma, FM Grundler, R Oelmüller (2008) PYK10, a beta-glucosidase located in the endoplasmatic reticulum, is crucial for the beneficial interaction between Arabidopsis thaliana and the endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica. The Plant Journal. 54(3):428-39
  16. Irena Sherameti, Swati Tripathi, Ajit Varma and Ralf Oelmüller (2008) The Root-Colonizing Endophyte Pirifomospora indica Confers Drought Tolerance in Arabidopsis by Stimulating the Expression of Drought Stress–Related Genes in Leaves Mol Plant – Microbe Interaction 21: 799–807
  17. Jyothilakshmi Vadassery, Claudia Ritter, Yvonne Venus, Iris Camehl, Ajit Varma, Bationa Shahollari, OndÅ•ej Novák, Miroslav Strnad, Jutta Ludwig-Müller and Ralf Oelmüller (2008) The Role of Auxins and Cytokinins in the Mutualistic Interaction Between Arabidopsis and Piriformospora indica 21(10): 1371–1383
  18. R Prasad, US Bagde, P Pushpangadan, Ajit Varma (2008) Bacopa monniera L: Pharmacological Aspects and Case Study Involving Piriformospora indica. International Journal of Integrative Biology, Singapore 3: 100-110
  19. AC Kharkwal, R Kushwaha, Om Prakash, RK Ogra, Amita Bhattacharya, PK Nagar, PS Ahuja (2008) An efficient method of propagation of Podophyllum hexandrum: An endangered medicinal plant of the Western Himalayas under ex situ conditions. J Nat Med 62: 211-216
  20. Jyothilakshmi Vadassery, Swati Tripathi, Ram Prasad, Ajit Varma, Ralf Oelmüller (2009) Monodehydroascorbate reductase 2 and dehydroascorbate reductase 5 are crucial for a mutualistic interaction between Piriformospora indica and Arabidopsis J Plant Physiol 165:60–70
  21. Oelmüller R, Sherametic I, Tripathi S, Varma A (2009) Piriformospora indica, a cultivable root endophyte with multiple biotechnological applications. Symbiosis 19: 1-19
  22. G Chauhan, M Sharma, P Pushpangadan and H Kharkwal (2010) Pharmacognostic, Preliminary Phytochemical Studies and Anticancerous Potential of Trigonella foenum-graecum. Pharma Science Monitor (International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science) (Manuscript id PSM-10- 76)pp 350-359
  23. Cruz C, Martins-Loução, MA, Varma, A (2010) The influence of plant co-culture of tomato plants with Piriformospora indica on biomass accumulation and stress tolerance (Conference Paper). Acta Horticulturae. 868 123-127
  24. SK Gosal, A Karlupia, SS Gosal, IM Chibba and A Varma (2010) Biotization with Piriformospora indica and Pseudomonas fluorescens improves survival rate, nutrient acquisition, field performance and saponin content of micropropagated Chlorophytum Indian Journal of Biotechnology. 9: 289-297
  25. M Sharma, G Chauhan, P Pushpangadan, A Varma and H Kharkwal (2010) Herbal Contraception: A call for Education and Research. Medicinal Plants- International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries 2(1): 21-31
  26. Geetanjali Chauhan, Manisha Sharma, Ajit Varma and Harsha Kharkwal (2010) Phytochemical analysis and anti-inflammatory potential of fenugreek. Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries. 2(1): 39-44
  27. M Sharma, SK Gosal, RP Gupta and A Varma (2010).Comparative role of Piriformospora indica with VAM fungi. Indian J of Ecology. 35 (1): 22-24
  28. Ram Prasad, Rajesh Pandey, Shwet Kamal, A Varma and DD Pandey (2010) Effect of plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and their role in improvement of soil fertility and crop productivity. Biol. Res. 28: 9-19
  29. Suman, R Prasad, VK Jain and A Varma (2010) Role of nanomaterials in symbiotic fungus growth enhancement. Current Science 99: 1089-1091
  30. US Bagde, Ram Prasad and A Varma (2010) Mass cultivation of Piriformospora indica in New Brunswick Fermenter and its formulation as biofertilizer. Asian J. of Microbial Biotech. Env. Sc. 12: 911 – 916
  31. US Bagde, Ram Prasad and A Varma (2010) Characterization of culture filtrates of Piriformospora indica. Asian J. of Microbial Biotech. Env. Sc. 12: 805 – 809
  32. M Imran, US Bagde and A Varma (2010) Effect of aristolochic acid on macromolecular synthesis of Morganella morganii. National Journal of Life Sciences. 7: 25-29
  33. N Srivastava, J Pandey, A Varma and R Prasad (2010) Induced single spore germination in Ganoderma lucidum. Mushroom Research 19 (2): 68-73, 2010
  34. Kadambari Gupta, Deepak Prem and Abha Agnihotri (2010). Pyramiding white rust and Alternaria blight resistance in low erucic Brassica juncea [( L.) Czern & Coss] using Brassica carinata. Journal of Oilseed Brassica. 1(2), pp 55-65
  35. Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar, Chauhan Puneet Singh, DasGupta Sangeeta Mehta, Seem Karishma, Varma Ajit and Staddon William J (2010) Interaction of Paenibacillus lentimorbus NRRL B-30488 and Piriformospora indica DSM 11827 on nodulation, rhizosphere functional diversity and community structure of Cicer arientium World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. DOI 10.1007/s11274-010-0312-z
  36. Camehl Iris, Sherameti Irena, Venus Y, Bethke G, Varma A, Lee Justin and Oelmueller R (2010) Ethylene signalling and ethylene targeted transcription factors are required for balancing beneficial and non-benificial traits in the symbiosis between the endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica and Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologists DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2009.03149.x (added doi)
  37. Ghahfarokhi M. Rabiey and Goltapeh E. Mohammadi and Varma A (2010) Potential of the root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica; Sebacina vermifera and Trichoderma species in biocontrol ofTake-all disease of wheat Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici in vitro. Journal of Agricultural Technology Vol.6(1): 11-18
  38. Bagde US, Prasad R and Varma A (2010) Interaction of Piriformospora indica with medicinal plants and of economic importance. African Journal of Biotechnology 9 (54), pp. 9214-9226
  39. Ana G L Assunção, Eva Herrero, Ya-Fen Lin, Bruno Huettel, Sangita Talukdar, Cezary Smaczniak, Richard GH Immink, Mandy van Eldik, Mark Fiers, Henk Schat and Mark GM Aarts (2010) Arabidopsis thaliana transcription factors bZIP19 and bZIP23 regulate the adaptation to zinc deficiency. 107(22): 10296–10301 PNAS
  40. Abha Agnihotri (2010). Synergy of biotechnological approaches with conventional breeding to improve quality of rapeseed-mustard oil and meal Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology: S10: 00-00, pp 154-162
  41. M Sharma, G Chauhan, A Chandra, P Pushpangadan, A Varma and H Kharkwal (2011) Piriformospora indica Varma and Franken mediated enhancement of biomass and diosgenon production in Trogonella foenum-graecum. Medicinal Plants. 3(3): 217-226
  42. Aparajita Das, Swati Tripathi and Ajit Varma (2011) Piriformospora indica: The fungus of the millennium. Biolixi. 1:5-8 (University Journal)
  43. Gosal, SK, Sharma, M, Gosal, S.S, Chhibba M, Bhatnagar K, Varma, A (2011) Biohardening with Piriformospora indica improves survival rate, growth, iron uptake and cane yield of micropropagated sugarcane. International Sugar Journal. 113(1349): 382-388
  44. Hossein Kari Dolatabadi, Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh, Kamkar Jaimand, Neda Rohani and Ajit Varma (2011) Effects of Piriformospora indica and Sebacina vermifera on growth and yield of essential oil in fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) under greenhouse conditions. Journal of Basic Microbiology 2011, 51, 33–39
  45. Hossein Kari Dolatabadi, Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh, Ahmad Moieni, Kamkar Jaimand, Pakdaman Sardrood Babak, Ajit Varma (2011) Effect of Piriformospora indica and Sebacina vermifera on plant growth and essential oil yield in Thymus vulgaris in vitro and in vivo experiments. Symbiosis 53:29-35 DOI 10.1007/s13199-010-0104-0
  46. MR Ghahfarokhy, EM Goltapeh, E Purjam, BS Pakdaman, SAM Modarres Sanavy and A Varma (2011) Potential of mycorrhiza-like fungi and Trichoderma species in biocontrol of Take-all Disease of wheat under greenhouse condition. An International Journal of Agricultural Technology 2011 Vol. 7: 185-195
  47. KH Dolatabadi, EM Goltapeh, A Varma, and N Rohani (2011) In vitro evaluation of arbuscular mycorrhizal-like fungi and Trichoderma species against soil borne pathogens. An International Journal of Agricultural Technology 7: 73-84
  48. US Bagde, R Prasad and A Varma (2011) Influence of culture filtrate of Piriformospora indica on growth and yield of seed oil in Helianthus annus. Symbiosis 53: 83–88
  49. Anchal Singh, Udai Pratap Singh, Ajit Varma, Ashish Swarup Verma (2011) Cure for HIV: New possibility on horizon. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences. 3: 436-438
  50. Deepak Prem, Kadambari Gupta and Abha Agnihotri (2011) Can we predict mutagen induced damage in plant systems mathematically? Insights from Zygotic embryo and haploid mutagenesis in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) Botanica Serbica 35 (2), pp 139-145
  51. Kumar Suranjit Prasad, Darshit Pathak, Ankita Patel, Palak Dalwadi, Ram Prasad, Pradip Patel and Kaliaperumal Selvaraj (2011) Biogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Nicotiana tobaccum leaf extract and study of their antibacterial effect. African Journal of Biotechnology 10: 8122 – 8130
  52. Khwaja Salahuddin, Ram Prasad, Santosh Kumar and Manish D Visavadia (2011) Isolation of soil thermophilic strains of actinomycetes for the production of α-amylase. African Journal of Biotechnology 10: 17831-17836
  53. Ram Prasad, Neeraj Srivastava, US Bagde and Ajit Varma (2012) IPRs and Agro Biotechnology: Current Scenario of International Policy Implication for India. Law Quest Journal of Mumbai University. 1: 87-95 (University Journal)
  54. A Varma, M Bakshi, B Lou, Anton Hartmann and R Oelmüller (2012) Functions of Novel Symbiotic Fungus- Piriformospora indica. Agricultural Research NAAS 1(2): 117-131
  55. A Varma, A Kharkwal, KS Bains, Aparna Agarwal, R Bajaj and R Prasad (2012) Piriformospora indica: The model microbe for organic green revolution. National Project on Organic Farming. Biofertilizer Newsletter 20(1): 3-8
  56. Harsha Kharkwal, DD Joshi, Preeti Panthari, Manish Kant Pant, Amit C Kharkwal (2012) Algae as future drugs (Review article). Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 5(4): 1-4
  57. D Prem, K Gupta, G Sarkar and A Agnihotri (2012) Determination of oil, protein and moisture content in whole seeds of three oleiferous Brassicas species using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of Oilseed Brassicas: 3 (2); 88-98
  58. Deepak Prem, Kadambari Gupta and Abha Agnihotri (2012) Harnessing haploid mutations using mutant donor plants for microspore culture in Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Coss] Euphytica 184 (2), pp 207-222
  59. MJ Zarea, S Hajinia, N Karimi, EM Goltapeh, F Rejali and A Varma (2012) Effect of Piriformospora indica and Azospirillum strains from saline or non-saline soil on mitigation of the effects of NaCl. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2011.11.006. 45: 139–146
  60. Aparajita Das, Shwet Kamal, Najam Akhtar Shakil, Irena Sherameti, Ralf Oelmüller, Meenakshi Dua, Narendra Tuteja, Atul Kumar Johri and Ajit Varma (2012) The root endophyte fungus Piriformospora indica leads to early flowering, higher biomass and altered secondary metabolites of the medicinal plant, Coleus forskohlii. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 7: 103-112
  61. Vipin Mohan Dan, Vinitha Richard, Asha Nair, Palpu Pushpangadan, Varughese George, Ajit Varma and Radhakrishna Pillai (2012) Effect of extract of Bacillus megaterium 9554 on oral cancer cell line SCC131. Journal of Research in Biology. 2(5): 523-528
  62. Khwaja Salahuddin, Ram Prasad, Suresh H Gor, Manish D Visavadia, Virendra K Soni. and M. Dilshad Hussain (2012) Biochemical characterization of thermostable cellulose enzyme from mesophilic strains of actinomycete. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 11(43): 10125-10134
  63. Ram Prasad, US Bagde and Ajit Varma (2012) An overview of intellectual property rights in relation to agricultural biotechnology. African Journal of Biotechnology. 11(73): 13746-13752
  64. Ram Prasad, V. Satyanarayana Swamy, Kumar Suranjit Prasad and Ajit Varma (2012) Biogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles from the leaf extract of Syzygium cumini (l.) and its antibacterial activity. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 3(4): 745 – 752
  65. Harsha Kharkwal, Preeti Panthari, Manish Kant Pant, Amit C Kharkwal, Harendra Kharkwal, Devi Datt Joshi (2012) Foaming Glycosides: A review. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy , pp 1-11
  66. VS Swamy and R Prasad (2012) Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from the leaf extract of Santalum albumand its antimicrobial activity. Journal of Optoelectronic and Biomedical Materials 4(3): 53–59
  67. A Varma, S Tripathi, R Prasad, A Das, M Sharma, M Bakshi, M Arora, K Rastogi, A Agrawal, AC Kharkwal, M Tsimilli-Michael, RJ Strasser, US Bagde, VS Bisaria, CP Upadhyaya, R Malla, G Kost, Joy, I Sherameti, Y Chen, J Ma, B Lou, and R Oelmuller (2012). The Symbiotic Fungus Piriformospora indica: Review. In: The Mycota IX. (ed., B Hock), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York. Volume 9, pp 231-254
  68. H Kharkwal, DD Joshi, AC Kharkwal and R Prasad (2012) Antifungal Activities of the Leaf Extract of Clerodendrum infortunatum World Applied Sciences Journal 20 (11): 1538-1540
  69. Jie Li, Guo-Zhen Zhao, Ajit Varma, Sheng Qin, Zhi Xiong, Hai-Yu Huang, Wen-Yong Zhu, Li-Xing Zhao, Li-Hua Xu, Si Zhang, Wen-Jun Li (2012) An endophytic Pseudonocardia species induces the production of artemisinin in Artemisia annua. PLoS. 7(12): 1-9
  70. Navpreet Kaur, Ram Prasad, Ajit Varma (2013) Antibiotic Resistance Among Clinical Isolates Of Staphylococcus Aureus and Usefulness Of Antibiogram. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 4(1): (B) 957 – 964
  71. Navpreet Kaur, Ram Prasad, Ajit Varma (2013) Detection of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) by automated and manual methods. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 4(2): (B) 534 – 540
  72. Jasroop Kaur Aneja and Abha Agnihotri (2013) Alternaria Blight of Oilseed Brassicas: Epidemiology and Disease Control Strategies with Special Reference to Use of Biotechnological Approaches for attaining Host Resistance. Journal of Oilseed Brassica, 4(1): 1-10
  73. Uttamkumar S. Bagde, Ram Prasad & Ajit Varma (2013) Impact of Culture Filtrate of Piriformospora indica on Biomass and Biosynthesis of Active Ingredient Aristolochic Acid in Aristolochia elegans International Journal of Biology; 6(1). Published Online doi:10.5539/ijb.v6n1p29
  74. Vipin Mohan Dan, Sandhya Mishra, Vasvi Chaudhry, Poonam Singh, Sumit Yadav, Shashank Mishra, Palpu Pushpangadan, Varughese George, Ajit Varma and Chandra Shekhar Nautiyal (2013) Characterization of rhizospheric bacteria Bacillus licheniformis 9555 and analysis of antifungal action. Journal of research in Microbes. 1(2): 77-82
  75. Ram Prasad, Shwet Kamal, Pradeep K Sharma, Ralf Oelmueller and Ajit Varma (2013) Root endophyte Piriformospora indica DSM 11827 alters plants morphology, enhances biomass and antioxidant activity of medicinal plant Bacopa monniera. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 53(12):1016-24
  76. Rajesh Pandey, Narendra Kumar, Seema Paroha, Ram Prasad, Mukesh Yadav, Shalini Jain, Hariom Yadav (2013) Impact of obesity and diabetes on arthritis: An update. Health 5(1): 143-156
  77. Kumar Suranjit Prasad , A.L. Ramanathan , Jaishree Paul , Vaidyanathan Subramanian & Ram Prasad (2013): Biosorption of arsenite (As+3) and arsenate (As+5) from aqueous solution by Arthrobacter sp. biomass, Environmental Technology, 34(17-20):2701-8
  78. Sajad Majeed Zargar and Abha Agnihotri (2013) Impact of silicon on various agro- morphological and physiological parameters in maize and revealing its role in enhancing water stress tolerance. Emir J of Food Agric. 25 (2); 138-141
  79. Swetha, Ajit Varma, T. Padmavathi (2013) Statistical evaluation of the medium components for the production of high biomass, a-amylase and protease enzymes by Piriformospora indica using Plackett–Burman experimental design. 3 Biotech. 4:439–445. September 2013
  80. Chandrama Prakash Upadhyaya, Mayank Anand Gururani, Ram Prasad, Ajit Verma (2013) A cell wall extract from Piriformospora indica promotes tuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum L) via enhanced expression of Ca+2 signaling pathway and lipoxygenase gene. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 170(4):743-55
  81. Smriti Shrivastava, Pratyoosh Shukla, Putchen Dakshinamoorthy Deepalakshmi, Kunal Mukhopadhyay (2013) Characterization, cloning and functional expression of novel xylanase from Thermomyces lanuginosus SS-8 isolated from self-heating plant wreckage material. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 29(12):2407-15. December 2013
  82. KR Unnikumar, K Sowjanya Sree, Ajit Varma (2013) Piriformospora indica: A Versatile Root Endophytic Symbiont. Symbiosis 60: 107-113
  83. Jogawat, S Saha, V Dayman, M Kumar, M Bakshi, A Varma, R. Oelmueller and A Johri (2013) Piriformospora indica rescues growth diminution in rice seedlings during high salt stress. Plant Signal Behavior. 9(1). pii: e26891
  84. Shahid, A., Singh, J., Bisht, S., Teotia, P and V. Kumar (2013) Biodegradation of textile dyes by fungi isolated from North Indian field soil. Env. Asia. 6(2): 51-57
  85. Bisht, S., Pandey, P., Kaur, G., Aggarwal, H., Sood, A., Sharma, S., V, Kumar., Bisht, N.S. (2014) Utilization of endophytic strain Bacillus sp. SBER3 for biodegradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in soil model system. European J. Soil Biol. 60: 67-76. DOI
  86. Ruchika Bajaj, Aparna Agarwal, Kartikeya Rajpal, Shobhit Asthana, Ram Prasad, Amit C. Kharkwal, Rajesh Kumar, Irena Sherameti, Ralf Oemüller and Ajit Varma (2014) Co-cultivation of Curcuma longa with Piriformospora indica enhances the yield and active ingredients. American Journal of Current Microbiology, 2:1-12
  87. Kaur, R. Prasad and A. Varma (2014) Prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Tertiary Care Hospitals. British Biotechnology Journal 4(3): 228-235
  88. Neha Samber, Ajit Varma, Nikhat Manzoor (2014) Evaluation of Mentha piperita Essential Oil and its Major Constituents for Antifungal Activity in Candida spp. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. 3(2): 9404 – 9411
  89. Manish K Pant, Preeti Panthari, Amit Kharkwal, Harendra Kharkwal and Harsha Kharkwal (2014) Curcumin: A Wonder Therapeutical Drug. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 3(6): 374-396
  90. Harsha Kharkwal, Amit Kharkwal, Preeti Panthari, Harendra Kharkwal (2014) Anti-termite activity of heartwood of Dalbergia sisso roxb. EX. DC. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 3(6): 673-679
  91. Aparajita Das, Swati Tripathi and Ajit Varma (2014) In vitro plant development and root colonization of Coleus forskohlii by Piriformospora indica. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 30:1075-1084
  92. Ajit Varma, Kandregula Sowjanya Sree, Monika Arora, Ruchika Bajaj, Ram Prasad and Amit C Kharkwal (2014) Functions of Novel Symbiotic Fungus - Piriformospora indica. Proceedings of Indian National Science Academy. 80(2): 429-441
  93. Sandeep Bisht, Shivesh Sharma, Vivek, Kumar, Manoj Kumar Surjeet Singh Bisht and B.P. Nautiyal (2014). Assessment of antimicrobial efficacy of secondary metabolites of lichen species from Uttarakhand temperate Himalayas, India. Journal of Natural Products. 7: 168-176
  94. Anamika Saral, Rafiq Lone, Deepmala Pathak, Ram Prasad, Ajit Varma, K. K. Koul (2014) Interaction of Novel Plant Growth Promoting Fungus (PGPF) Piriformospora indica With Plants and PGPR. Int. J. Bioinformatics and Biological Sci.: 2(1&2): 127-146
  95. Neha Chadha, Manjita Mishra, Ram Prasad, Ajit Varma (2014) Root Endophytic Fungi: Research Update. Journal of Biology and Life Science. 5(2): 135-158
  96. Manjita Mishra, Ram Prasad and Ajit Varma (2014) Rootonic with Bio-Zinc to accelerate Pennisetum glaucum seed germination and plant growth. International Journal of Plant Animal and Environmental Sciences. 4(3): 552-561
  97. Sree K S, Appenroth K-J. (2014) Increase of starch accumulation in the duckweed Lemna minor under abiotic stress. Albanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 13: 11-14
  98. Borisjuk N, Chu P, Gutierrez R, Zhang H, Acosta K, Friesen N, Sree K S, Garcia C, Appenroth K-J and Lam E. (2014) Assessment, validation and deployment strategy of a two barcode protocol for facile genotyping of duckweed species. Plant Biology. 1: 42-9, August 2014
  99. Smriti Shrivastava, Krishna Gopal Tekriwal, Amit C Kharkwal and Ajit Varma (2014) Bio-ethanol production by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation using microbial consortium. International Journal of Current Microbiology & Applied Sciences. 3(7): 505-511
  100. Shrivastava S and Varma A (2014) From Piriformospora indica to Rootonic: A Review. African Journal of Microbiology. 8(32): 2984-2992
  101. Manjita Mishra, Neha Chadha, Vivek Kumar, Ram Prasad and Ajit Varma (2014) Extracellular enzymatic activity, IAA production and phosphate solubilization by root endophytic fungi isolated from two extreme geographical regions, India. Endocytobiosis and Cell Research, Germany. 25: 20-26
  102. Nafe Aziz, Tasneem Fatma, Ajit Varma and Ram Prasad (2014) Biogenic Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Scenedesmus abundans and Evaluation of Their Antibacterial Activity. Journal of Nanoparticles. Volume 2014, Article ID 689419, 6 pages. September 2014
  103. Ashish Vyas, Pooja Bhardwaj, Manoj Kumar, Umesh Pachouri, Annapurna S. Agasthya and Joginder Singh (2014). Biochemical characterization of Plant Pathogenic Fungal Cultures and Their Control Through Trichoderma harzianum. National Academy Science Letters, Springer. 37:435-439. Jan 2014
  104. Sandeep Bisht, Vivek Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Shivesh Sharma (2014). Innoculant technology in Populuas deltoides rhizosphere for effective bioremediation of Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in contaminated soils, Northern India. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. Emir. J. Food Agric. 26 (9): 786-799
  105. Komal Gupta, Shashank Gerg, Joginder Singh and Manoj Kumar (2014). Enhanced Production of Napthoquinone metabolite (Shikonin) from cell suspension culture of Arnebia sp and its up-scaling through Bioreactor. 3 Biotech, Springer, 4:263-273
  106. Joginder Singh, Manoj Kumar and Anil Vyas (2014). Healthy Response from Chromium survived Pteridophytic Plant-Ampelopteris prolifera with interaction of Mycorrhizal fungus Glomus deserticola. International Journal of Phytoremediation; Taylor and Francis; V 16 (5); 524-535
  107. Neha Chadha, Manjita Mishra, Prasun Bandyopadhyay, Aparna Agarwal, Ram Prasad and Ajit Varma (2014) Protocol for production of the beneficial fungus Piriformospora indica for field applications. Endocytobiosis and Cell Research. 25: 42-46
  108. Sandeep Bisht, Shivesh Sharma, Vivek, Kumar, Manoj Kumar Surjeet Singh Bisht (2014). In vitro assessment of antimicrobial efficacy of secondary metabolites produced by lichen sp. collected from North West Himalayan region, of India. Journal of Natural Products. 7(2014): 168-176
  109. Manoj Kumar, Shashank Garg, Piyush Kumar, Tanveer Bilal, Reiaz Rehman, Madhu Bala, Ajay Kumar Sharma, Joginder Singh, Manish Kumar and Naseem Gaur (2014). Characterization of native and mutant strains of Trichoderma for Cellulase scaling. The SpringerPlus. BMC, 3:622.
  110. Manisha Sharma, Preeti Panthari, Palpu Pushpangadan, Ajit Varma and Harsha Kharkwal (2014) Phytochemical analysis of Glycosides from leaves of Triogonella foenum graecum. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 29(1): 146-152
  111. Priyanka Sharma, Amit C Kharkwal, Harsha Kharkwal, MZ Abdin and Ajit Varma (2014) A review on pharmacological properties of Aloe vera. International journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research 29(2): 31-37
  112. DP Katare, AC Kharkwal and P Sharma (2014) Effect of ZnSo4 and CuSo4 on regeneration and Xanthotoxin content in Ammi majus and Agrobacterium mediated transformation. World journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 3(10): 542-556
  113. Y Xu, S Ma, M Huang, M Peng, M Bog, KS Sree, KJ Appenroth, J Zhang (2014). Species distribution, genetic diversity and barcoding in the duckweed family (Lemnaceae). Hydrobiologia, 743(1): 75–87. Doi: 10.1007/s10750-014-2014-2
  114. TG Vimala Kumari, Kausik Basu, K, Nithya, TG, Varma A, Kharkwal AC (2014) Isolation and screening of alkali tolerant trichoderma spp as biocontrol agent for alkaline agricultural soil International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 6(10): 512-516
  115. Monika Arora, Divya Kilam, Amit C Kharkwal and Ajit Varma (2014) Use of locally available Jaggery for development of a cost effective media for Mass Cultivation of Piriformospora indica – A step forward towards commercialization. International Journal of Current Research. 6(11): 9531-9535
  116. Sharma P, Kharkwal AC, Abdin MZ, Varma A (2014) Piriformospora indica improves micropropagation, growth and phytochemical content of Aloe vera L. plants. Symbiosis. 64(1): 11–23. Sept 2014 DOI 10.1007/s13199-014-0298-7
  117. Kasotia, A., Varma A. Choudhary DK. (2014). Pseudomonas-mediated mitigation of salt stress and growth-promotion in Glycine max Merrill. Agricultural Research. March; 4: 31-41
  118. Tripathi Swati, Das Aparajita, Chandra Anil and Varma Ajjt (2014) Development of carrier-based formulation of root endophyte Piriformospora indica and its evaluation on Phaseolus vulgaris World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 31(2):337-44
  119. Tanveer Pirzadah, Shashank Garg, Joginder Singh, Ashish Vyas, Manish Kumar, Naseem Gaur, Madhu Bala, Reiaz Rehman, Ajit Varma, Vivek Kumar and Manoj Kumar (2014) Characterization of Actinomycetes and Trichoderma spp. for cellulase production utilizing crude substrates by response surface methodology. SpringerPlus. 3:622
  120. N Samber, A Khan, A Varma, N Manzoor (2015) Synergistic anti-candidal activity and mode of action of Mentha piperita essential oil and its major components. Pharmaceutical Biology. 53(10): 1496-1504. April 2015
  121. Sree KS, Maheshwari SC, Boka K, Khurana JP, Keresztes A, Appenroth KJ (2015) The duckweed Wolffia microscopica: a unique aquatic monocot. Flora. 210: 31–39. Jan 2015
  122. Manjita Mishra, Ram Prasad and Ajit Varma (2015) Endophytic Fungi: Biodiversity and Functions. Review Article. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 6(1): (B) 18 – 36. Jan 2015
  123. Neha Chadha, Ram Prasad and Ajit Varma (2015) Plant promoting activities of fungal endophytes associated with tomato roots from central Himalaya, India and their interaction with Piriformospora indica. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 6(1): (B) 333 – 343. Jan 2015
  124. Tamanna Bhuyan, Kavita Mishra, Manika Khanuja, Ram Prasad and Ajit Varma (2015) Biosynthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles from Azadirachta indica for antibacterial and photocatalytic applications. Material Science in Semiconductor Processing. 32(2015): 55-61
  125. T Bhuyan, M Khanuja, R Sharma, S Patel, MR Reddy, S Anand and A Varma (2015) A comparative study of pure and copper (Cu)-doped ZnO nanorods for antibacterial and photocatalytic applications with their mechanism of action. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 17(7): 1-11, July 2015
  126. Rudrangshu Chatterjee, Jaswant Ray, Pankaj Goyal, and BK. Aggarwal (2015) Microbiological Evaluation of Roadside Fast Food in North India And Relevance To Food Safety. International Journal of Modern Research and Reviews. 3(1): 582-586
  127. Pankaj Goyal, Abhishek Chauhan and Ajit Varma (2015) Targeting cyanobacteria as a novel source of biofuel. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences Feb; 4(2): 981-993. February 2015
  128. TGVimala Kumari, Kausik Basu, TG Nithya, Ajit Varma, Amit C Kharkwal (2015) Study of bio-efficacy of alkali tolerant Trichoderma against damping off and rotting diseases of tomato and cauliflower caused by Pythium and Sclerotina spp. International Journal of Agri. Sc. 3(2): 1-4. March 2015
  129. Huili Wang, Jirong Zheng, Xueyan Ren, Ting Yu, Ajit Varma, Binggan Lou, Xiaodong Zheng (2015) Effects of Piriformospora indica on the growth, fruit quality and interaction with Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in tomato cultivars susceptible and resistant to TYCLV. Plant Growth Regulation. July; 76: 303-313
  130. N Chadha, M Mishra, K Rajpal, R Bajaj, DK Choudhary and A Varma (2015) An ecological role of fungal endophytes to ameliorate plants under biotic stress. J. Arch. Microbiol. Sept; 197(7): 869-881
  131. Deepak Kumar, Shashi Shekha, Sandip Bisht, Vivek Kumar, Ajit Varma, Manoj Kumar and Mukesh Saxena (2015) Ectopic overexpression of Lectin in transgenic Brassica juncia plants exhibit resistance to fungal phytopathogen and showed alleviation to salt and draught stress. J Bioengineer & Biomedical Sci (OMICS), March; 5(1): 100147 (doi: 10.4172/2155-9538.1000147)
  132. Jaswant Ray, Bipin K. Aggarwal and Pankaj Goyal (2015) In Vitro Mutagenicity Study (Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test) of Extracts Prepared from Leaves of Eucalyptus globules. British Open Journal of Advanced Microbiology. 1(1): 1 - 8
  133. Sarita Kumari, Anukool Vaishnav, Shekhar Jain, Ajit Varma, Devendra Kumar Choudhary (2015) Bacterial-mediated induction of systemic tolerance to salinity with expression of defense related proteins in soybean. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. Sept; 34: 558-573
  134. Pragati Awasthi, Smriti Shrivastava, Amit C Kharkwal and Ajit Varma (2015) Biofuel from agricultural waste: A review. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. Jan; 4(1): 470-477
  135. KS Sree, A Keresztes, B Mueller-Roeber, R Brandt, M Eberius, W Fischer, K-J Appenroth (2015) Phytotoxicity of Cobalt ions on the duckweed Lemna minor. Chemosphere. July; 131: 149-156
  136. Manoj Kumar, Amandeep Kaur, Umesh Chandra Pachouri and Joginder Singh (2015) Growth Promoting Characteristics Of Rhizobacteria And Am Fungi For Biomass Amelioration of Zea Mays. Achieves of Biological Science. January 2015, 67(3): 877-887.
  137. Ruchika Bajaj, Weiming Hu, YinYin Huang, Senyu Chen, Ram Prasad, Ajit Varma and Kathryn E. Bushley (2015) The beneficial root endophyte Piriformospora indica reduces egg density of the soybean cyst nematode. Biological Control. 90: 193-199. Nov 2015
  138. Jaswant Ray, Pankaj Goyal, Bipin K. Aggarwal (2015) Approach of Eucalyptus globulus plant parts for Human Health Safety and Toxicological Aspects. British Open Journal of Plant Science. April 2015: 1: 1 – 10
  139. Anukool Vaishnav, Sarita Kumari, Shekhar Jain, Ajit Varma and Devendra Choudhary (2015) Putative bacterial volatile-mediated growth in SOYBEAN (Glycine max L. Merrill) and expression of induced proteins under salt stress. Journal of Applied Microbiology. Aug; 119(2):539-51
  140. Ravi Shanker Mishra, Neeraj Shrivastava, Manoj Kumar, Awadh Kishore Roy, Shankar Kumar Pandey, Ajit Varma and Vivek Kumar (2015) Diversity and biocontrol aspects of rhizospheric fungal flora of healthy and diseased plants of Dalbergia sissoo in Central East India. Paripex – Indian Journal of Research July; 4(7): 61-64
  141. Soubhagya Bhuyan, Prasun Bandyopadhyay, Pramod Kumar, Deepak Mishra, Ramraj Prasad, Abha Kumari, Kailash Upadhyaya, Ajit Varma, and Pramod Yadava (2015) Interaction of Piriformospora indica with Azotobacter chroococcum. Scientific Reports. 5:13911 doi:10.1038/srep13911. Sept. 2015;
  142. Aparajita Das, Swati Tripathi and Ajit Varma (2015) Use of Piriformospora indica as Potential Biological Hardening Agent for endangered Micropropogated Picrorhiza kurroa Royel ex Benth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences. 87(3): 799–805 September 2017, DOI 10.1007/s40011-015-0656-0
  143. Nafe Aziz, Mohd. Faraz, Rishikesh Pandey, Mohd. Shakir, Tasneem Fatma; Ajit Varma, Ishan Barman, Ram Prasad (2015) Facile Algae-Derived Route to Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Antibacterial and Photocatalytic Properties. Langmuir. 31(42):11605-12. October 2015
  144. Atul K. Johri, Ralf Oelmüller, Meenakshi Dua, Vikas Yadav, Manoj Kumar, Narendra Tuteja, Ajit Varma, Paola Bonfante, Bengt L. Persson and Robert M. Stroud (2015) Fungal association and utilization of phosphate by plants: success, limitations, and future prospects. Review Article. Frontiers in Microbiology. 6: 984. October 2015
  145. Manoj Kumar, Ajit Varma, Vivek Kumar (2015) Ecogenomics based microbial enzyme for biofuel industry, Science International. 4(1):1-11
  146. Neha Singh, Kavita Mishra and Ajit Varma (2015) Isolation, Screening and Characterization of PGPRs from the semi-arid rhizospheric soil of Jatropha curcas. Journal of Endocytobiosis and Cell Research. 26: 13-20. Feb 2015
  147. Neha Singh, Archana Yadav and Ajit Varma (2015) Effect of plant growth promoting activity of rhizobacteria on Cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) plant growth and biochemical constituents. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 4(5): May (2015)
  148. Divya Kilam & Monica Saifi & M.Z. Abdin & Abha Agnihotri & Ajit Varma (2015) Combined effects of Piriformospora indica and Azotobacter chroococcum enhance plant growth, antioxidant potential and steviol glycoside content in Stevia rebaudiana, Symbiosis (2015) 66:149–156
  149. Abhishek Chauhan, Pankaj Goyal, Ajit Varma and Tanu Jindal (2015) Microbiological evaluation of drinking water sold by roadside vendors of Delhi, India. Applied Water Science. 7(4): 635–1644. July 2015 DOI 10.1007/s13201-015-0315-x
  150. Abhishek Chauhan, Pankaj Goyal, Ajit Varma and Tanu Jindal (2015) In – vitro antibiotic resistance and heavy metal tolerance patters of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria isolated from effluent treated water of Delhi, India. Journal of Current Pharma Research, March 2015 5(2): 1449-1458
  151. Priti Gupta, Jaswant Ray, Bipin K Aggarwal and Pankaj Goyal (2015) Food processing residue analysis and its functional components as related to human health: Recent developments. Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences. August 2015, 3(3): 1068
  152. Abhishek Chauhan, Pawan K Bharti, Pankaj Goyal, Ajit Varma and Tanu Jindal (2015) Psychrophilic pseudomonas in Antarctic freshwater lake at strones peninsula, larsemann hilld over east Antarctica. Springer Plus. 4:582 Doi 10.1186/s40064-015-
  153. Pankaj Goyal and Purushotam Kaushik (2015) commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhandari (Guggulu): A rich source of natural gum and resin and its potential in combating microbial resistance against antibiotics. International Journal of Herbo Medica. 2(1): 28-36, March 2015
  154. Tanveer Bilal, Bisma Malik, Reiaz ul Rehman and Manoj Kumar (2015) Influence of various parameters on cellulase and xylanase production by different strains of Trichoderma species. Austin Journal of Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2(1): 1034, March 2015
  155. S Raikwar, VK Shrivastava, SS Gill, R Tuteja, and N Tuteja (2015) Emerging importance of helicases in plant stress tolerance: characterization of Oryza sativa repair helicase XPB2 promoter and its functional validation in tobacco under multiple stresses. Frontiers in Plant Science, section Plant Physiology. 6:1094. Dec 2015
  156. Madhunita Bakshi, Khabat Vahabi, Samik Bhattacharya, Irena Sherameti, Ajit Varma, Kai-Wun Yeh, Ian Baldwin, Atul Kumar Johri, Ralf Oelmuller (2015) WRKY6 restricts Piriformospora indica-stimulated root development in Arabidopsis under phosphate limitation Identification of genes for the optimization of root growth and development. BMC Plant Biology 2015; 15: 305
  157. Sonali Gupta, Arti Nigam and Rajni Singh 2015. Purification and characterization of a Bacillus subtilis keratinase and its prospective application in feed industry. Acta Biologica Szegediensis. 59(2):1-8. Impact Factor: 0.89
  158. Stuti Sah and Rajni Singh. 2015. Siderophore: structural and functional characterisation – a comprehensive review. Agriculture (Poľnohospodárstvo). 61 (3): 97-114. Impact Factor: 0.53
  159. Sarika Chaturvedi, Rajni Singh and SM Paul Khurana 2015 Production of Bacterial - Xylanolytic Enzyme using Agricultural Waste by Solid State Fermentation International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 4(4) 9-16. ISSN: 2319-7706 Impact Factor: nil
  160. Rajshree Saxena, and Rajni Singh 2015. MALDI-TOF MS and CD Spectral analysis for Identification and Structure Prediction of a Purified Novel, Organic Solvent stable, Fibrinolytic Metalloprotease from Bacillus cereus B80. Biomed Research international. 2015 (2015), Article ID 527015 doi.:10.1155/2015/527015 Impact Factor: 2.19
  161. Sonali Gupta S.P.Singh and Rajni Singh 2015. Synergistic Effect of Reductase and Keratinase for Facile Synthesis of Protein Coated Gold Nanoparticles. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 25(5), 612–619. DOI 10-4014/jbm.1411.11022. Impact Factor: 1.53
  162. Aziz N, Pandey R, Barman I and Prasad R* (2016) Leveraging the attributes of Mucor hiemalis-derived silver nanoparticles for a synergistic broad-spectrum antimicrobial platform. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:1984. Dec 2015-Jan 2016 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01984
  163. Gangadhar BH, Sajeesh K, Venkatesh J, Baskar V, Abhinandan K, Yu JW, Prasad R* and Mishra RK* (2016) Enhanced tolerance of transgenic potato plants over-expressing non-specific lipid transfer protein-1 (StnsLTP1) against multiple abiotic stresses. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:1228. Aug 2016
  164. R Prasad, R Pandey and I Barman (2016) Engineering tailored nanoparticles with microbes: quo vadis. WIREs Nanomedicine & Nanobiotechnology. 8:316–330. doi:10.1002/wnan.1363 (Top cited 2016 articles)
  165. Kausik Basu, TG Vimala Kumari, Amit C Kharkwal, M Z Abdin, Vivek Kumar, Ajit Varma (2016) Study of Piriformospora indica as bioinoculant for nutrient management in Calcareous soil. International Journal of Chemtech Research, CODEN (USA). 9(01):73-81, 2016
  166. M Kumar, V Kumar, A Varma, A Pal, A Arshi, A Sharma and J Singh (2016) An efficient approach towards the bio-remediation of copper, cobalt and nickel contamination from environmental field samples. Journal of Soils and Sediments. Publisher: Springer. 16(8), 2118-2127. March 2016
  167. SS Gill, R Gill, DK Trivedi, NA Anju, KK Sharma, MW Ansari, AA Ansari, AK Johri, R Prasad, E Pereira, A Varma and N Tuteja (2016) Piriformospora indica: Potential and Significance in Plant Stress Tolerance.Front.Microbiol.7:332. March 2016. doi: 3389/fmicb.2016.00332
  168. S Kumari, A Vaishnav, S Jain, A Varma, DK Choudhary (2016). Induced drought tolerance through wild and mutant bacterial strain Pseudomonas simiae in mung bean (Vigna radiata) World J Microbiol. Biotechnol. 32(1):4. Jan. 2016. doi: 10.1007/s11274-015-1974-3
  169. M Arora, P Saxena, DK Choudhary, MZ Abdin and A Varma (2016). Dual symbiosis between Piriformospora indica and Azotobacter chroococcum enhances the artemisinin content in Artemisia annua L. World J Microbiol. Biotechnol. 32(2):19. Feb. 2016 doi: 10.1007/s11274-015-1972-5
  170. I Rizvi, NR Choudhury, and N Tuteja (2016) Arabidopsis thaliana MCM3 single subunit of MCM2-7 complex functions as 3' to 5' DNA helicase. Protoplasma, 253(2): 467-475, March 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s00709-015-0825-2.
  171. DK Trivedi, A Srivastava, PK Verma, N Tuteja, and SS Gill (2016) Piriformospora indica: a Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed. Research & Reviews: Journal of Botanical Sciences, 5(1), 16-19
  172. M Nath, S Yadav, RK Sahoo, N Passricha, R Tuteja and N Tuteja (2016) PDH45 transgenic rice maintain cell viability through lower accumulation of Na+, ROS and calcium homeostasis in roots under salinity stress. J Plant Physiol. 191:1-11, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2015.11.008.
  173. S Khatodia, K Bhatotia, N Passricha, SMP Khurana, and N Tuteja (2016) CRISPR/Cas genome-editing tool: application in improvement of crops. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7: 506. April 2016.
  174. DK Choudhary, A Kasotia, A Vaishnav, S Jain, S Kumari, KP Sharma, A Varma (2016). Bacterial-mediated tolerance and resistance to plants under abiotic and biotic stresses. J of Plant Growth Regulation. 35(1): 276–300. March 2016. Springer. doi:
  175. VK Srivastava, S Raikwar, R Tuteja, and N Tuteja (2016) Ectopic expression of phloem motor protein pea forisome PsSEO-F1 enhances salinity stress tolerance in tobacco. Plant Cell Reports. 35(5), 1021-1041. May 2016. Springer. ISSN: 0721-7714. DOi:
  176. V Pandey, MW Ansari, S Tula, RK Sahoo, N Shukla, G Bains, S Badal, S Chandra, AK Gaur, A Kumar, A Shukla, J Kumar, and N Tuteja (2016) Dose-dependent response of Trichoderma harzianum in improving drought tolerance in rice genotypes, Planta. 243(5):1251-64. May 2016. Springer. doi: ISSN: 0032-0935
  177. MJ Barbetti, CX Li, MP You, D Singh, A Agnihotri, SK Banga, PS Sandhu, R Singh, and SS Banga (2016), Valuable New Leaf or Inflorescence Resistances Ensure Improved Management of White Rust (Albugo candida) in Mustard (Brassica juncea) Crops. Journal of Phytopathology, 164: 404–411. June 2016. doi: 10.1111/jph.12425
  178. Anukool Vaishnav, Sarita Kumari, Shekhar Jain, Ajit Varma, Narendra Tuteja and Devendra Kumar Choudhary (2016) PGPR-mediated expression of salt tolerance gene in soybean through volatiles under sodium nitroprusside. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 56: 1-15. June 2016. Publisher: Wiley, Doi: 10.1002/jobm.201600188
  179. Divya Kilam, Abha Agnihotri, Ajit Varma (2016) Endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica - Secondary metabolites and yield enhancement in medicinal plants. International Journal of Chemtech Research. 9(8): 202- 210. Aug 2016
  180. S Jain, A Vaishnav, S Kumari, A Varma,N Tuteja, DK Choudhary(2016) Chitinolytic Bacillus-mediated induction of jasmonic acid and defense-related proteins in soybean (Glycine max Merrill) plant against Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum. J. Plant Growth Regulation. 36: 200-214 Oct 2016
  181. A Macovei, RK Sahoo, M Faè, A Balestrazzi, D Carbonera, and N Tuteja (2016) Overexpression of PDH45 or SUV3 helicases in rice leads to delayed leaf senescence-associated events. Protoplasma. Sept: 1-11. Sept. 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00709-016-1017-4
  182. M Nath, D Bhatt, R Prasad, SS Gill, NA Anjum, and N Tuteja (2016) Reactive oxygen species generation-scavenging and signaling during plant-arbuscular mycorrhizal and Piriformospora indica interaction under stress condition. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7:1574. Oct. 2016. doi:
  183. Prasun Bandyopadhyay, Soubhagya Bhuyan, Pramod Kumar Yadava and Ajit Varma (2016) Soluble factors from Azotobacter chroococcum modulate growth of Piriformospora indica in co-cultures. Endocytobiosis and Cell Research 27(4): 9-13. May, 2016 Doi:
  184. NA Anjum, P Sharma, SS Gill, M Hasanuzzaman, AA Mohamed, P Thangavel, GD Devi, P Vasudhevan, A Sofo, AN Misra, HP Singh, E Pereira, N Tuteja (2016) Catalase and ascorbate peroxidase - representative H2O2-detoxifying haeme enzymes in plants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-28. Publisher: Springer. August 2016. DOI:
  185. Kartikeya Rajpal, Nafe Aziz, Ram Prasad, RG Varma and Ajit Varma (2016) Extremophiles as biofactories of novel antimicrobials and cytotoxics – An assessment of bioactive properties of six fungal species inhabiting Rann of Kutch, India. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 9(24) June 2016. Doi:
  186. N Passricha, S Saifi, S Khatodia, and N Tuteja (2016) Assessing zygosity in progeny of transgenic plants: current methods and perspectives. Review Article. Journal of Biological Methods. 2016; 3(3):e46. doi:
  187. Kartikeya Rajpal, Nafe Aziz, Ram Prasad, Ramendra G Varma and Ajit Varma (2016) Evaluating bionanoparticle infused fungal metabolites as a novel antimicrobial agent. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research. Publisher Wolters Kluwer-Medknow. 7(3): 110-114, Sept 2016. Doi:
  188. Rishabh Sharma, Uma, Sonal Singh, Ajit Verma, Manika Khanuja (2016) Visible light induced bactericidal and photocatalytic activity of hydrothermally synthesized BiVO4 nano-octahedrals. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology B: Biology. 162(2016): 266-272. June 2016. Publisher: Elsevier. Doi:
  189. N Passricha, S Saifi, MW Ansari, and N Tuteja (2016) Prediction and validation of cis-regulatory elements in 5' upstream regulatory regions of lectin receptor-like kinase gene family in rice. Protoplasma. 254(2):669-684. May 2016 (Online). Springer. ISSN: 0033-183X Doi:
  190. Dinesh K Yadava, Neelam Yadav, Sarika Yadav, Shafiul Haque, Narendra Tuteja (2016) An insight into fusion technology aiding efficient recombinant protein production for functional proteomics. Review Article Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 612:57-77. Dec. 2016. Doi: Publisher: Elsevier. ISSN: 0003-9861.
  191. Priyanka Sharma, Amit Kharkwal, M.Z. Abdin and Ajit Varma (2016) Piriformospora indica-mediated salinity tolerance in Aloe vera plantlets. Symbiosis. 72:103–115. Sept 2016 (Online) DOI: 10.1007/s13199-016-0449-0
  192. Tahseen Raza Hashmi, Debjani Dey and Ram Prasad (2016) Diversity of Associated Endosymbionts of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) on Solanaceous Host Plants in India. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. October 2016. Vol 9 (40): 1-7
  193. A Kasotia, A Varma,N Tuteja., DK Choudhary (2016). Amelioration of soybean plant from saline induced condition by exopolysaccharide producing Pseudomonas-mediated expression of high affinity K+-transporter (HKT1) gene. Current Science. 111(12):1961-1967. December 2016
  194. Kausik Basu, TG Vimala Kumari, Amit C Kharkwal, MZ Abdin, Vivek Kumar and Ajit Varma (2016) Bioremediation potential of soil microbes for nutrient management in calcareous soil. International Journal of Chemtech Research, CODEN (USA). 9(09):447-455, 2016
  195. Manoj Kumar, Vivek Kumar, Narendra Tuteja and Ajit Varma (2016) Plant microbiome in agro-ecosystem: A sustainable approach. International Journal of Agricultural Invention. 1(2):232-240. Dec 2016.
  196. TR Hashmi, D Dey, SR Devi A Varma and R Prasad (2016). Records on Associated Endosymbionts and Genetic Group of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) Feeding on Okra. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia 13(4), 2337-2342. Dec. 2016
  197. Preeti Jain, Vandana Singh and Rajni Singh. 2016 Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Zn (II) Tetraaza Macrocyclic Complexes. Global Journal for Research Analysis. 5(9): 298-300.
  198. Rajni Singh, Smitha S. 2016. Novel Bacillus Consortium for Degradation of 2,4- Dinitrotoluene: A Xenobiotic Compound. British Microbiology Research Journal 15(4): 1-16
  199. Stuti Sah and Rajni Singh Phylogenetical coherence of Pseudomonas in unexplored soils of Himalayan region. 3 Biotech 6: 170. DOI 10.1007/s13205-016 0493-8
  200. Shalini Porwal and Rajni Singh. 2016 Cloning of merA gene from Methylotenera mobilis for mercury biotransformation. Indian Journal of 56 (4), 504-507 DOI: 10.1007/s12088-016 0613-5
  201. Himani Uppal,Nijhuma Kayal,Sneha Chawla, Sushree Swarupa Tripathy, Sonali Gupta, Rajni Singh Bharti Sharma and Nahar Singh Surface modified alumina compact: a potential material for decontamination of trivalent and hexavalent chromium and growth inhibitor of microbes from water. Advanced Materials letters. DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2016.6475
  202. Robin Gorge, Nupur Bahadur, Nahar singh, Rajni Singh, Abhishek Verma and Anoop Shulka Environmentally Benign TiO2 nanomaterials for removal of Heavy Metal Ions withinterfering ions present in Tap Water. Materials Today Proceedings 3(2):162-166.
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  392. Saumya Singh, Sakshi, Vivek Yadav, Annapurna Kannepalli, Aparna Maitra Pati, Swati Tripathi, Neeraj Shrivastava Ajit Varma (2022) Mechanism of the synergistic impact of Piriformospora indica and Azotobacter chroococcum on Zn and Fe biofortification. Current Research in Biotechnology. 4(2022): 420-427
  393. Ayushi Singh, Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad, Shalini Porwal (2022) Bioprospecting uncultivable microbial diversity in tannery effluent contaminated soil using shotgun sequencing and bio-reduction of chromium by indigenous chromate. Environmental Research 215(2): December 2022
  394. Bhupenchandra I, Menaka Devi Salam, SK Chongtham, EL Devi, R R, AK Choudhary, MR Sahoo, TL Bhutia, SH Devi, AS Thounaojam, C Behera et al. Role of biostimulants in mitigating the effects of climate change on crop performance. Frontiers in Plant Science, October 21, 2022, 13:967665. (IF 6.627)
  395. Jaagriti Tyagi, Arti Mishra, Shilpi Kumari, Sakshi Singh, Himani Agarwal, Ramesh N Pudake, Ajit Varma, Naveen Chandra Joshi (2022) Deploying a microbial consortium of Serendipita indica, Rhizophagus intraradices, and Azotobacter chroococcum to boost drought tolerance in maize, Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2022: 105142. Doi: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2022.105142
  396. J Kar, DP Ramrao, R Zomuansangi, C Lalbiaktluangi, SM Singh, NC Joshi, A Kumar, Kaushalendra, S Mehta, MK Yadav and PK Singh (2022) Revisiting the role of cyanobacteria-derived metabolites as antimicrobial agent: A 21st century perspective. Front. Microbiol. 13:1034471. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1034471. Nov. 2022
  397. R Bhati, SM Sreedharan, A Rizvi, Saghir Khan and Rajni Singh (2022) An Insight into Efflux-Mediated Arsenic Resistance and Biotransformation Potential of Enterobacter Cloacae RSC3 from Arsenic Polluted Area. Indian J Microbiol. 62: 456–467
  398. Rajni Singh, Chhavi Sharma, Svetlana Timorshina, Alexander Osmolovskiy, Jyoti Misri. 2022. Chicken feather waste valorization into nutritive protein hydrolysate: Role of novel thermostable keratinase from Bacillus pacificus RSA27. Frontiers in Microbiology 2022; 13: 882902. 10.3389/fmicb.2022.882902 Impact Factor-6.2
  399. S Das, S Verma, P Choudhary, Rajni Singh and Anil K Saxena (2022) Deciphering the genetic and functional diversity of cultivable bacteria from chasmophytic pigweed (Chenopodium album) from Tsomoriri, Ladakh, India. 3 Biotech 12, 242 (2022). Doi: 10.1007/s13205-022-03278-0
  400. Tabishi Priya, Chhavi Sharma and Rajni Singh (2022) Comparative In-silico Analysis of Structural and Functional Attributes of Microbial Lipases ECS Trans. 107 18719. DOI 10.1149/10701.18719ecst
  401. S. Rajyaguru, A. Varma, A.C. Kharkwal and J. Singh (2022) Enhancement of Xanthan Biosynthesis Using Medicinal Herbs - A Novel Approach. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology. 21(4): 1575-1585. Dec2022
  402. Rudrangshu Chatterjee, Sapna Gupta, B. N. Panda, Swati Tripathi and M.L. Aggarwal (2023) Synergistic effect of Murraya koenigii leaf extract and probiotic against human enteric pathogens. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection. 43(1): 3-12.
  403. Chitra Pandey, Deepti Prabha, Yogesh Kumar Negi, D. K. Maheshwari, Monika Gupta (2023) Macrolactin a mediated biocontrol of Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani infestation on Amaranthus hypochondriacus by Bacillus subtilis BS-58. Frontiers in Microbiology. Sec. Microbe and Virus Interactions with Plants. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1105849. Jan 2023
  404. Himani Agarwal, Sneh Bajpai, Arti Mishra, Isha Kohli, Ajit Varma, Mireille Fouillaud, Laurent Dufossé, and Naveen Chandra Joshi (2023) Bacterial Pigments and Their Multifaceted Roles in Contemporary Biotechnology and Pharmacological Applications. Microorganisms 11(3): 614. Feb 2023. DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms11030614
  405. DK Choudhary, A Vaishnav, S Jain, MK Mandal, R Prasad (2023) Editorial: Climate impact on plant holobiont: Mitigation strategies and sustainability. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13:1040876. March 2023 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1040876
  406. Smitha MS, N Rishi and R Singh (2023) Microbial Lipopeptides: Properties, Mechanics and Engineering for Novel Lipopeptides. Microbiological Research. 271:127363. doi: 10.1016/j.micres.2023.127363
  407. S Das, S Kundu, K Meena, RK Jha, A Varma, RN Bahuguna, S Tripathi (2023) Seed biopriming with potential bioagents influence physiological processes and plant defense enzymes to ameliorate sheath blight-induced yield loss in rice (Oryza sativa). World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 39, 136 (March 2023).
  408. VH Kashyap, A Mishra, S Bordoloi, A Varma and NC Joshi (2023) Exploring the intersection of Aspergillus fumigatus biofilms, infections, immune response and antifungal resistance. Mycoses. 2023 May 22. doi: 10.1111/myc.13619. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37212186.
  409. Gaurav Yadav, Neha Sharma, Surbhi Dabral, Anukool Vaishnav, Ajit Varma, S.L. Kothari, D.K. Choudhary (2023) Functional insight of siderophore in reducing cadmium stress and inducing growth promotion in Solanum melongena, South African Journal of Botany. 158: 479-494
  410. Shailja Dhiman, Ajit Varma, Mahesh Rao, Ram Prasad, Arti Goel (2023) Deciphering the fertilizing and disease suppression potential of phytofabricated zinc oxide nanoparticles on Brassica juncea. Environmental Research. May 2023: 116276
  411. N Sharma, S Dabral, J Tyagi, G Yadav, H Aggarwal, NC Joshi, A Varma, M Koul, DK Choudhary and A Mishra (2023) Interaction studies of Serendipita indica and Zhihengliuella sp. ISTPL4 and their synergistic role in growth promotion in rice. Frontiers in Plant Sciences. 14:1155715. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1155715
  412. Shikha Solanki, G. B. V. S. Lakshmi, Tarun Dhiman, Samta Gupta, Pratima R. Solanki, Rupam Kapoor and Ajit Varma (2023) Co-Application of Silver Nanoparticles and Symbiotic Fungus Piriformospora indica Improves Secondary Metabolite Production in Black Rice. Journal of Fungi. 9: 260. Feb 2023
  413. Shikha Solanki, Samta Gupta, Rupam Kapoor, and Ajit Varma (2023) Chemically Synthesized AgNPs and Piriformospora indica Synergistically Augment Nutritional Quality in Black Rice. Journal of Fungi. 9: 611. May 2023
  414. Dushyant Singh, Rusdrangshu Chatterjee, M. L. Aggarwal, Ajit Varma and A.C. Kharkwal (2023) γ-Irradiation treatment of Edible Bamboo Shoot (Dendrocalamus hamiltonii): Effect on Post- Harvest Retention of Storage Quality and Prevent Microbial Proliferation. European Chemical Bulletin. 12(4): 1-18. April 2023

(II) Book Chapters

  1. R Prasad, GH Pham, R Kumari, A Singh, V Yadav, M Sachdev, T Peskan, S Hehl, R Oelmüller and A Varma (2005) Sebacinaceae: Culturable Mycorrhiza–like Endosymbiotic Fungi and their Interaction with Non-transformed and Transformed Roots. In: Root Organ Culture of Mycorrhizal Fungi. (ed S Declerck) Soil Biology Series, Springer-Verlag, Germany, pp. 291-312
  2. R Kumari, R Prasad, GH Pham, AP Garg and A Varma (2005) Biotechnology- An Overview. In: Biotechnological Applications of Microbes. Microbiology Series (eds. A Varma A and G Podila) IK International- India, New York Vol. 2, pp. 1-41
  3. R Kumari, A Varma and R Oelmüller (2005) Piriformospora indica: A Novel Cultivable Symbiotic Fungus with Multiple Plant Protection Applications. In: Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Emerging Trends in Plant-Microbe interactions (eds. SS Gnanamanickam, R Balasubramanian, N Anand), Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras, Chennai, India pp 102-103
  4. B Giri, PH Giang, Kumari R, Prasad R and Varma A (2005) Microbial Diversity in Soils. In: Micro-organisms in Soils: Roles in Genesis and Functions; (eds F Buscot and A Varma), Soil Biology Series, Springer-Verlag, Germany, pp. 19-58
  5. B Giri, PH Giang, R Kumari, R Prasad, M Sachdev, AP Garg, R Oelmuller and A Varma (2005) Mycorrhizosphere: Strategies and Functions. In: Micro-organisms in Soils: Roles in Genesis and Functions (eds F Buscot and A Varma), Soil biology Series, Springer-Verlag, Germany, pp. 213-252
  6. R Kumari, GH Pham, R Prasad, M Sachdev, A Srivastava, V Yadav, PK Verma, S Sharma, R Malla, A Singh., AK Maurya, S Prakash, A Pareek., K-H Rexer, G Kost, A P Garg, R Oelmueller, MC Sharma and A Varma (2005) Piriformospora indica: Fungus of the Millennium. In: Basic Research and Applications: Mycorrhizae (eds G Podila and A Varma), Microbiology Series, IK International- India, New York, pp. 259-295
  7. R Kumari, AP Garg and A Varma (2005) Biological Hardening of Micropropagated Plants of Horticultural Importance. In: Basic Research and Applications: Mycorrhizae (eds G Podila and A Varma), Microbiology Series, IK International- India, New York, pp. 339-361
  8. R Kumari, A Singh and A Varma (2005) Cultivation of Symbiotic Fungi. In: Basic Research and Applications: Mycorrhizae (eds G Podila and A Varma), Microbiology Series, IK International- India, New York, pp. 409-423
  9. GH Pham, A Srivastava, AK Saxena, A Pareek and A Varma (2005) Protocol to Understand the Interaction Between Rhizobacteria and Symbiotic Fungus: Piriformospora indica. In: Basic Research and Applications: Mycorrhizae (eds G Podila G and A Varma), Microbiology Series, IK International- India, New York, Vol. 1, pp. 425-450
  10. R Prasad, AP Garg and A Varma (2005) Interaction of Medicinal Plants with Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and Symbiotic Fungi. In: Basic Research and Applications: Mycorrhizae (eds G Podila and A Varma), Microbiology Series, IK International- India, New York Vol. 1, pp. 363-407
  11. A Singh, R Kumari and A Varma (2005) Endomycorrhizal Diversity. In: Basic Research and Applications: Mycorrhizae (eds G Podila and A Varma), Microbiology Series, IK International- India, New York Vol. 1, pp. 1-23
  12. V Yadav, S Sharma, PK Verma and A Varma (2005) Phosphorus Metabolism and Regulation in Symbiotic Fungi. In: Basic Research and Applications: Mycorrhizae (eds G Podila and A Varma) IK International- India, New York and Kluwer academic Press, Holland, Vol. 1, pp. 111-139
  13. R Malla and A Varma (2005) Phosphatase from microorganisms. In: Biotechnological applications of microbes. (eds A Varma and G Podila). IK International Pvt Ltd, pp 125-150
  14. Tripathy and R Prasad (2005) Biodynamics of below ground animal resources and interaction. In: Basic Research and Applications of Mycorrhizae (eds A Varma and G Podila). IK International Pvt Ltd, pp 297-325
  15. R Kumari, M Sachdev, R Prasad, AP Garg, S Sharma, PH Giang and A Varma (2006) Microbiology of Termite Hill and Soil. In: Intestinal Microorganisms of Termites and Other Invertebrates. (eds. H Koenig and A Varma) Soil Biology Series, Springer-Verlag, Germany 6: 351-372
  16. R Hampp, T Hurek, AC Kharkwal, H Kharkwal and A Varma (2006) Fungus Protoplast: Impediments on Biotechnology. In: Microbes: Health and Environment. Microbiology Series (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma) IK International- India, New York, Vol. 3, pp. 241-288
  17. AK Chauhan, A Das, H Kharkwal, AC Kharkwal and A Varma (2006) Impact of Microorganisms on Environment and Health. In: Microbes: Health and Environment. Microbiology Series (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma) IK International- India, New York, Vol. 3, pp. 1-12
  18. A Das, R Prasad, K Bhatnagar, GS Lavekar and A Varma (2006) Synergism between Medicinal Plants and Microbes. In: Microbes: Health and Environment. Microbiology Series (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma) IK International- India, New York, Vol. 3, pp. 13- 64
  19. Harsha Kharkwal, Amit Kharkwal, VS Bisaria and A Varma (2006) ASSOCHAM Global Knowledge Millenium Summit-IV (Nanotechnology and Biotechnology) pp 117-128
  20. Sarika Shende, Kanchan Bhagwat, Prasad Wadegaonkar, Mahendra Rai and A Varma (2006) Piriformospora indica as potential biofertilizer. Prospects and Limitations. In: Handbook of Microbial Biofertilizer (ed. Rai MK), The Harworth Press, Inc. New York, pp. 477-496
  21. A Das, R Prasad, A Srivastava, PH Giang and A Varma (2007) Fungal Siderophores: Structure, Functions and Regulations. In: Microbial Siderophores (eds S Chincholkar and A Varma), Springer-Verlag, Germany 12: 1-42
  22. R Malla, U Pokharel, R Prasad, R Oelmüller and A Varma (2007) Immuno-Technology for the Localization of Acid Phosphatase using Native Gel Bands in Piriformospora indica and other Soil Microorganism. In: Advanced Techniques in Soil Microbiology (eds. R Oelmüller and A Varma) Springer-Verlag, Germany 11: 211-234
  23. AC Kharkwal, R Prasad, H Kharkwal, A Das, K Bhatnagar, I Sherameti, R Oelmüller and A Varma (2007) Co-Cultivation with Sebacinales. In: Advanced Techniques in Soil Microbiology (eds. R Oelmüller and A Varma) Springer-Verlag, Germany 11: 245-269
  24. B Shahollari, K Bhatnagar, I Sherameti, A Varma and R Oelmüller (2007) Molecular Symbiotic Analysis Between Arabiopsis thaliana and Piriformospora indica. In: Advanced Techniques in Soil Microbiology (eds. R Oelmüller and A Varma) Springer-Verlag, Germany 11: 307-318
  25. I Sherameti, R Oelmüller and A Varma (2007) Molecular Analysis of P. indica-Mediated Heavy Metal Resistance in Arabidopsis using Proteomics. In: Advanced Techniques in Soil Microbiology (eds. R Oelmüller and A Varma) Springer-Verlag, Germany 11: 355-362
  26. I Ortas and A Varma (2007) Field Trials of Bioinoculants. In: Advanced Techniques in Soil Microbiology (eds. R Oelmüller and A Varma) Springer-Verlag, Germany 11: 397-414
  27. A Gaur and A Varma (2007) Research Methods in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. In: Advanced Techniques in Soil Microbiology (eds. R Oelmüller and A Varma) Springer-Verlag, Germany 11: 377-396
  28. R Malla, U Pokharel, R Prasad and A Varma (2007) Proteomics and Genomics Approach to Study Plant- Microbe Cross Communication. In: Microbes for Human Life (eds. AK Chauhan, K Harsha and A Varma) IK International- India, 4: 609-636
  29. R Prasad, R Malla, K Bhatnagar, A Das, H Kharkwal, N Verma, AP Garg and A Varma (2007) Beneficial microorganisms: Herbal and Medicinal Plants. In: Microbes for Human Life (eds. AK Chauhan, H Kharkwal and A Varma) IK International- India, 4: 49-72
  30. A Das and A Varma (2007) Intervention of Microbes in Promotion of Nutritional Attributes of Yogurt. In: Microbes for Human Life (eds. AK Chauhan, H Kharkwal and A Varma) IK International- India, Vol. 4: 89-112
  31. A Das, K Bhatnagar, R Prasad, A Paul, T Kumar, MS Kumar, H Kharkwal, N Verma and A Varma (2007) Fermented Health Foods: Boon to Mankind. In: Microbes for Human Life (eds. AK Chauhan, H Kharkwal and A Varma) IK International- India, Vol. 4: 113-148
  32. AC Kharkwal, H Kharkwal, K Bhatnagar and A Varma (2007) History of Medical Microbiology. In: Microbes for Human Life (eds. AK Chauhan, H Kharkwal and A Varma) IK International- India, 4: 1-18
  33. H Kharkwal, AC Kharkwal, R Prasad and A Varma (2007) Medicinal Plants for Human Life. In: Microbes for Human Life (eds. AK Chauhan, H Kharkwal and A Varma) IK International- India, 4:19-32
  34. Shwet Kamal and A Varma (2007) Peatland Microbiology. In: Microbiology of extreme soils (eds. P Dion and CS Nautiyal), Springer-Verlag, Germany Vol. 13: 177-204
  35. N Verma and A Varma (2007) Diagnostics and Management of Orchid Viruses (eds. GP Rao, C Bernard and B Lebas), Stadium Press, USA 4, pp 269-285
  36. S Tripathi, S Kamal, I Sherameti, R Oelmuller and A Varma (2008) Mycorrhizal Fungi and Other Root Endophytes as Biocontrol Agents against Root Pathogens. In: Mycorrhizae 3rd Edition (ed. A Varma) Springer- Verlag, Germany 281-306
  37. D Singh, N Verma and A Varma (2008) The fungal transmitted viruses. In: Mycorrhizae 3rd Edition (ed. Varma A) Springer- Verlag, Germany 485-506
  38. AC Kharkwal, H Kharkwal, I Sherameti, R Oelmueller and A Varma (2008) Novel symbiotrophic endophytes. In: Mycorrhizae 3rd Edition (ed. A Varma) Springer- Verlag, Germany 753-766
  39. R Prasad, M Sharma, S Chatterjee, G Chauhan, S Tripathi, A Das, S Kamal, AKS Rawat, KK Bhutani, MK Rai, P Pushpangdan and A Varma (2008) Interactions of Piriformospora indica with Medicinal Plants In: Mycorrhizae 3rd Edition (ed. A Varma) Springer- Verlag, Germany pp 655-678
  40. R Prasad, R Narayanan, R Malla, PK Sharma, US Bagde and A Varma (2009) The RNA world. In: A Textbook of Molecular Biotechnology (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma), IK International-India pp 273-286
  41. Manisha Sharma, Swati Tripathi, Geetanjali Chauhan, Harsha Kharkwal and Ajit Varma (2009) Microbial Biodiversity and It’s Molecular Aspects. In: A Textbook of Molecular Biotechnology (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma), IK International-India pp 11-28
  42. Jyoti Pandey, Vipin Mohan Dan and Ajit Varma (2009) Microscopy: Key to Understand Molecular Biotechnology, In: A Textbook of Molecular Biotechnology (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma), IK International-India pp 29-46
  43. Meghna Pohani and Ajit Varma (2009) The Cell. In: A Textbook of Molecular Biotechnology (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma), IK International-India pp 47-60
  44. Vipin Mohan Dan, Swati Tripathi, Shwet Kamal and Ajit Varma (2009) Soil Metagenomics: Discovering the Unknown World. In: A Textbook of Molecular Biotechnology (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma), IK International-India pp 369-384
  45. Neeraj Shrivastava, Shwet Kamal and Ajit Varma (2009) Cancer and It’s Biology. In: A Textbook on Molecular Biotechnology (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma), IK International-India pp 401-436
  46. Shwet Kamal, Jyoti Pandey, Stefano Ghignone and Ajit Varma (2009) Mushroom Biology and Biotechnology: An Overview. In: A Textbook on Molecular Biotechnology (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma), IK International-India pp 573-628
  47. A Agnihotri, Deepak Prem, Kadambari Gupta and Gautam Sarkar (2009) Integration of biotechnological approaches for value addition in Indian mustard. In: Souvenir ‘National Symposium on Vegetable Oils Scenario: Approaches to meet the growing demands’ (eds. Harvir Singh et al), Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Directorate of Oilseeds Research, ICAR, Hyderabad, pp 50-53
  48. Meenakshi Pathania and Ajit Varma (2009) Biotechnological Applications of Hairy Roots. In: A Textbook on Molecular Biotechnology (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma), IK International-India pp 705-734
  49. M Sharma, G Chauhan, H Kharkwal and A Varma (2009) Medically Important Members of Family Enterobacteriaceae: Identification Techniques. In: A Textbook of Molecular Biotechnology (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma), IK International-India 1169-1180
  50. G Chauhan, M Sharma, H Kharkwal and A Varma (2009) SSCP-A Novel Approach. In: A Textbook of Molecular Biotechnology (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma), IK International-India pp 1197-1208
  51. S Tripathi, VM Dan, S Kamal and A Varma (2009) Molecular Markers for Mutant Germplasm Characterization. In: A Textbook of Molecular Biotechnology (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma), IK International-India pp 1245-1254
  52. M Pathania, Dipika Singh, Neeraj Verma and Ajit Varma (2009) The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology. In: A Textbook of Molecular Biotechnology (eds. AK Chauhan and A Varma), IK International-India pp 1293-1321
  53. Das A and Varma A (2009) Symbiosis: Art of living. In: Symbiotic Fungi: Principles and Practice (eds. Ajit Varma and Amit C Kharkwal) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 1-28
  54. D Krüger, M Sharma and A Varma (2009) Assessing the Mycorrhizal Diversity of Soils and Identification of Fungus Fruiting Bodies and Axenic Cultures. In: Symbiotic Fungi: Principles and Practice (eds. Ajit Varma and Amit C Kharkwal) Springer-Verlag, Germany 159-188
  55. E Mohammadi Goltapeh, YR Danesh, Shwet Kamal and A Varma (2009) Biology and Molecular Approaches in Genetic Improvement of Cultivated Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus). In: Symbiotic Fungi: Principles and Practice (eds. Ajit Varma and Amit C Kharkwal) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 403-422
  56. Helwig Hohl and Ajit Varma (2009) Soil-The Living Matrix. In: Soil Heavy Metals (eds. Irena Sherameti and Ajit Varma) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 1 - 18
  57. Shwet Kamal, Ram Prasad and Ajit Varma (2009) Soil Microbial Diversity in Relation to Heavy Metals. In: Soil Heavy Metals (eds. Irena Sherameti and Ajit Varma) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 31-64
  58. Avinash Ingle, Ajit Varma and Mahendra Rai (2010) Trochothecenes as Bioweapons: Prevention and Control. In: Mycotoxins in Food, Feed and Bioweapons (eds. Mahendra Rai and Ajit Varma) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 291-306
  59. RK Pandey, R Prasad, VG Mangunath and BK Goswami (2010) Biotechnology of biocontrol based biopesticides: Core component of biological deterrents. In: Fungal Biochemistry and Biotechnology (eds. VK Gupta, M Tuohy and RK Gaur) LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG, Germany pp 214-244
  60. Ralf Oelmüller, Neeraj Shrivastava, Meghna Pohani, Kailash C Upadhayaya, Irena Sherameti, Paul Murugan, Shashibala Singh and Ajit Varma (2010) Microbe–Microbe, Microbe-Plant Biocommunication In: Biocommunication in Soil Microorganisms (ed. Guenther Witzani) Springer Verlag, Germany, 23: 439- 464
  61. Madhunita Bakshi and Ajit Varma (2010) Soil Enzymology. In: Soil Enzyme: The State-of-Art. (eds. Girish Shukla and Ajit Varma), Springer- Verlag, Germany, 22: 1-24
  62. Shonkor Kumar Das and Ajit Varma (2010) Role of Enzymes in Maintaining Soil Health. In: Soil Enzymology. (eds. Girish Shukla and Ajit Varma), Springer-Verlag, Germany, 22: 25-42
  63. Rajani Malla, Utprekshya Pokharel, Ram Prasad and Ajit Varma (2010) Molecular Techniques to Study Polymorphism between Closely Related Microorganisms in Relation to Specific Protein Phosphatase. In: Soil Enzymology. (eds. Girish Shukla and Ajit Varma), Springer- Verlag, Germany, 22: 339-362
  64. Mukesh K Meghvansi, Lokendra Singh, Ravi B Srivastava and Ajit Varma (2010) Assessing the Role of Earthworms in Biocontrol of Soil-borne Plant Fungal Diseases. In: Biology of Earthworms. (eds. Ayten Karaca and Ajit Varma), Springer Verlag, Germany 24: 173-190
  65. J Tajbakhsh, E Mohammadi Goltapeh and Ajit Varma (2010) Vermicompost as a Biological Soil Amendment. In: Biology of Earthworms (eds. Ayten Karaca and Ajit Varma), Springer Verlag, Germany 24:215-228
  66. AC Kharkwal, D Singh, O Prakash, D Pande-Katare., A Varma, A Bhattacharaya, PS Ahuja (2010) Traditional and Biotechnological Strategies for Conservation of Indian Podophyllum hexandrum Royle - A Case Study. In: Medicinal Plant Biotechnology (ed. Rajesh Arora) CABI UK pp 48-70
  67. Jyoti Agrawal, Irena Sherameti and Ajit Varma (2011) Detoxification of Heavy Metals: State of Art. In: Detoxification of Heavy Metals. (ed. Irena Sherameti and Ajit Varma) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 1- 34
  68. A Das, I Sherameti and A Varma (2011) Contaminated Soil: Physical, Chemical and Biological Components. In: Bio-Geo Interactions in Metal Contaminated Soils (eds. E Kothe and A Varma). Springer Verlag, Vol 31 pp1-16
  69. M Kumar, R Sharma, A Jogawat, P Singh, M Dua, SS Gill, DK Trivedi, N Tuteja, AK Varma, R Oelmueller, AK Johri (2012). Piriformospora indica, a root endophytic fungus, enhances abiotic stress tolerance of the host plant. In: Improving Crop Resistance to Abiotic Stress (eds. N Tuteja, SS Gill, AF Tiburcio and R Tuteja), Wiley- Blackwell, pp. 543- 548
  70. Dnyaneshwar Rathod, Mudasir Dar, Aniket Gade, Mahendra Rai and Ajit Varma (2012) Microbial Endophytes: Progress and Challenges. In: Biotechnology for medicinal plants (eds. Suman Chandra, Hemant Lata and Ajit Varma). Springer-Verlag, Germany, pp. 101-122
  71. US Bagde, R Prasad and A Varma (2012) Legal Provisions for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in India. In: Protecting Intellectual Property in Life Sciences (eds. Dominic Keating, Abha Agnihotri and Ajit Varma) Amity University Press, pp. 44-52
  72. RB Srivastava, RP Bhatt and Ajit Varma (2012) Traditional Knowledge, Biodiversity and IPR Issues: DRDO Perspective. In: Protecting Intellectual Property in Life Sciences (eds. Dominic Keating, Abha Agnihotri and Ajit Varma). Amity University Press, pp 175-180
  73. Chauhan, V, Neogi, S, Varma A, Guha SK (2012) Optical emission spectroscopy study and 3-D surface characterization of silicone rubber exposed to different argon RF plasma powers. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 26(10-11): 1313-1323
  74. R Prasad, A Kumar, CP Upadhyaya, S Prasad, P Twumasi, US Bagde and A Varma (2012) Biotechnology: A global scenario. In: Environment and Biotechnology (R Prasad and A Kumar) LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany pp 1-22
  75. AN Anoop and Abha Agnihotri (2012) IP issues in Agricultural Biotechnology: Indian Perspective. In: Protecting Intellectual Property in Life Sciences (eds. Keating Dominic, Agnihotri Abha and Varma Ajit) Amity University Press, pp 175-180
  76. Ajit Varma, Pooja Chordia, Madhunita Bakshi and Ralf Olmüller (2012) Introduction to Sebacinales. In: Piriformospora indica Sebacinales and their Biotechnological Applications. (eds. Ajit Varma, Gerhard Kost and Ralf Oelmüller). Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 3-24
  77. Rajani Malla, Utprekshya Pokharel and Ajit Varma (2013) Similarity between Piriformospora indica and Sebacina vermifera sensu members of the order – Sebacinales based on Immunological techniques In: Piriformospora indica Sebacinales and their Biotechnological Applications. (eds. Ajit Varma, Gerhard Kost and Ralf Oelmüller) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 37-52
  78. Satwant Kaur Gosal, Anu Kalia and Ajit Varma (2013) Piriformospora indica: Perspectives and retrospectives. In: Piriformospora indica Sebacinales and their Biotechnological Applications. (eds. Ajit Varma, Gerhard Kost and Ralf Oelmüller) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 53-80
  79. Aparajita Das, Ram Prasad, RB Srivastava, Shivaji Deshmukh, MK Rai and Ajit Varma (2013) Co- Cultivation of Piriformospora indica with Medicinal Plants-Case Studies. In: Piriformospora indica Sebacinales and their Biotechnological Applications (eds. Ajit Varma, Gerhard Kost and Ralf Oelmüller) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 149-172
  80. Reshma Tuladhar, Jeny Shrestha, Anjana Singh and Ajit Varma (2013) Enhanced productivity associated with tripartite symbiosis between Phaseolus, rhizobia and Piriformospora indica in the presence of vermicompost. In: Piriformospora indica Sebacinales and their Biotechnological Applications (eds. Ajit Varma, Gerhard Kost and Ralf Oelmüller). Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 191-200
  81. Ajit Varma, Agnes Fekete, Abhishek Srivastava, Anil K Saxena, Moritz Frommberger, Dan Li, Silvia Gschwendter, Ralf Oelmüller, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Swati Tripathi and Anton Hartmann (2013) Inhibitory Interactions of Rhizobacteria with the Symbiotic Fungus Piriformospora indica. In: Piriformospora indica Sebacinales and their Biotechnological Applications. (eds. Ajit Varma, Gerhard Kost and Ralf Oelmüller) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 201-222
  82. Mohammad Javad Zarea, Pooja Chordia and Ajit Varma (2013) Piriformospora indica versus Salt Stress. In: Piriformospora indica Sebacinales and their Biotechnological Applications (eds. Ajit Varma, Gerhard Kost and Ralf Oelmüller). Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 263-284
  83. Cristina Cruz, Zahra Fegghi, Amelia Martins Loucao Maria and Ajit Varma (2013) Plant Nitrogen use Efficient may be improved through the Symbiosis with Piriformospora indica. In: Piriformospora indica Sebacinales and their Biotechnological Applications (eds. Ajit Varma, Gerhard Kost and Ralf Oelmüller) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 285-294
  84. Anjana Singh, Kartikeya Rajpal, Mahip Singh, Amit C Kharkwal, Monika Arora and Ajit Varma (2013) Mass Cultivation of Piriformospora indica and Sebacina species. In: Piriformospora indica Sebacinales and their Biotechnological Applications. (eds. Ajit Varma, Gerhard Kost and Ralf Oelmüller). Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 377-392
  85. Babak Pakdaman Sardrood, Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh and Ajit Varma (2013) An Introduction to Bioremediation. In: Fungi as Bioremediators (eds.Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh, Younes Rezaee Danesh and Ajit Varma). Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 3-28
  86. Younes Rezaee Danesh, Mehdi Tajbakhsh, Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh, Ajit Varma (2013) Mycoremediation of Heavy Metals. In: Fungi as Bioremediators (eds. Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh, Younes Rezaee Danesh and Ajit Varma) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 245-268
  87. Mohammad Javad Zarea, Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh, Karimi Nasrin, and Ajit Varma (2013) Sustainable agriculture in saline arid and semi-arid by use potential of AM fungi on mitigates NaCl effects. In: Fungi as Bioremediators (eds. Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh, Younes Rezaee Danesh and Ajit Varma). Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 347-370
  88. Morad Jafari, Younes Rezaee Danesh, Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh and Ajit Varma (2013) Bioremediation and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). In: Fungi as Bioremediators (eds. Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh, Younes Rezaee Danesh and Ajit Varma). Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 433-452
  89. Sangita Talukdar and Soniya Bhardwaj (2013) Bioremediation of Heavy Metals using Metal Hyperaccumulator plants. In: Fungi as Bioremediators. (eds. Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh, Younes Rezaee Danesh and Ajit Varma). Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 467-480
  90. Ram Prasad and Ajit Varma (2014) Biology of Underground Root Engineering. In: Current trends in Life Sciences. Ed U.S. Bagde, Bhaskar L Jadhav and Ujwala A Jadhav. Lambert Academic Publishing Gmbh & Co. KG. Germany. pp: 5 – 8
  91. Smriti Shrivastava, Ram Prasad and Ajit Varma (2014) Anatomy of Root from Eyes of a Microbiologists. In: Root Engineering (eds Asun Morte and Ajit Varma). Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 3 – 22
  92. Sowjanya Sree, Manjita Mishra, Aditya Saran, S. K. Singh, R. K. Sharma, KVSS Ramand Ajit Varma (2014) Functions of Root Fungal Endophytes. In Root Engineering (eds Asun Morte and Ajit Varma). Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 193 - 202
  93. Aparajita Das, Vipin M Dan, George Varughese, and Ajit Varma (2014) Root of Medicinal Importance. In Root Engineering (Eds Asun Morte and Ajit Varma). Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 443 – 468
  94. Binggan Lou, Bing Peng, Nianhang Rong, Yunqin Li, Hanmin Chen, Qikang Gao and Ajit Varma (2014) Root and Root Endophytes from the Eyes of Electron Microscopist. In: Root Engineering (Eds Asun Morte and Ajit Varma). Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 469 – 486
  95. GP Kukreja, A Chauhan, and P. Goyal (2014) Microbes: The Real Feeders of the World. In: Plants & Microbes…an innovative approach. SBW Publishers, New Delhi, ISBN 9788185708300, pp. 1-17.
  96. Kumar, A., Chauhan, A. and Goyal, P., 2014. Biosorption of Heavy Metals: An Overview and Path Ahead. In: Plants & Microbes…an innovative approach. SBW Publishers, New Delhi, ISBN 9788185708300, pp. 112-133.
  97. Smriti Shrivastava, Dilfuza Egamberdieva, and Ajit Varma (2015) Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and Medicinal Plants: The State of the Art. In: Plant-Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and Medicinal Plants. (D. Egamberdieva et al. eds.) Soil Biology 42. pp 1 – 16
  98. Tanveer Bilal Pirzadah, Bisma Malik, Manoj Kumar, Reiaz Ul Rehman (2014) Lignocellulosic biomass: As future alternative for bioethanol produc In: “Biomass and Bioenergy: Processing, Properties and Applications”. Dr. Khalid Rehman Hakeem, Dr. Mohammad Jawiad, Dr. Umer Rashid (Eds.) Springer Science+Business Media, USA. pp 145-163
  99. Shivesh Sharma, Vasudha Singh, Vivek Kumar, Shikha Devi, Keshav Prasad Shukla, Ashish Tiwari, Jyoti Singh and Sandeep Bisht (2015) Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR): Emergence and Future Facets in Medicinal Plants. In: Plant-Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and Medicinal Plants. (D. Egamberdieva et al. eds.) Soil Biology 42. pp 109 – 134
  100. Ram Prasad, Manoj Kumar, and Ajit Varma (2015) Role of PGPR in Soil Fertility and Plant Health. In: Plant-Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and Medicinal Plants. (D. Egamberdieva et al. eds.) Soil Biology 42. pp 247 – 262
  101. Tanveer Bilal Pirzadah, Bisma Malik, Inayatullah Tahir, Manoj Kumar, Reiaz Ul Rehman (2015). Phytoremediation: An eco-friendly green technology for pollution prevention, control and remedia Soil remediation and plants Publisher: Hakeem & Sabir & Ozturk & Mermut (Eds.); Elsevier. pp 107-129
  102. Ruchi Agrawal, Alok Satlewal and Ajit Varma (2015) Characterization of Plant-Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR): A Perspective of Conventional Versus Recent. In: Heavy Metal Contamination of Soils. (Irena Sherameti and Ajit Varma Eds) pp 471-486
  103. Sowjanya Sree and Ajit Varma (2015) An Introduction to Entomopathogenic Microorganisms. In: K. Sowjanya Sree and Ajit Varma (Eds.) Biocontrol of lepidopteran pests: Use of soil microbes and their metabolites, Springer-verlag, Germany,pp 1- 10
  104. Sowjanya Sree and Hemesh Joshi (2015) Comparative Account of Generalist and Specialist Species of the Entomopathogenic Fungus, Metarhizium. In: K. Sowjanya Sree and Ajit Varma (Eds.) Biocontrol of lepidopteran pests: Use of soil microbes and their metabolites, Springer-verlag, Germany, pp 161-168
  105. Sowjanya Sree and Ajit Varma (2015) An Overview of Some Culture Collections of Entomopathogenic Microorganisms in the World. In: K. Sowjanya Sree and Ajit Varma (Eds.) Biocontrol of lepidopteran pests: Use of soil microbes and their metabolites, Springer-verlag, Germany, pp 329-334
  106. A Das, S Tripathi, P Bandyopadhyay and A Varma (2015) Significance of beneficial soil borne symbiotic fungal interactions for roots of higher plants. In: Vistas in Biotechnology – Possibilities & Potential (Eds: Machiavelli Singh and SM Paul Khurana) Stadium Press, LLC, USA. pp 100-120
  107. Abha Agnihotri (2015) Seed quality modifications in oilseed Brassicas In: Brassica Oilseeds Breeding and Management (Eds.) Arvind Kumar, S.S. Banga, P.D. Meena and P.R. Kumar, CABI International ISBN-13: 978 1 78064 483 7; pp 68 to 90
  108. Abha Agnihotri, Jasroop K Aneja and Divya Kilam, (2015) Agrobiotechnology - Biofertilizers & Biopesticides. In: Biotechnology - Progress and Prospects Eds: SM Paul Khurana and Machiavelli Singh (2015), Studium Press LLC, Texas, US" ISBN: 1-62699-059-X and ISBN: 978-162699-059-3 pp 587 to 611
  109. Gill, S. S., Anjum, N. A., Gill, R. and Tuteja, N. Abiotic stress signaling in plants: an overview, In: Abiotic Sress Response in Plants; Tuteja N, Gill SS (Eds), Wiley Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. Weinheim, Germany ISBN: 978-3-527-33918-1, pp. 3-12, 2016.
  110. Trivedi, D. K., Gill, S. S. and Tuteja N. Molecular Chaperone: Structure, Function and Role in Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance. In: Abiotic Sress Response in Plants; Tuteja N, Gill SS (Eds), Wiley Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. Weinheim, Germany ISBN: 978-3-527-33918-1, pp.131-150, 2016.
  111. Vaid, N., Pandey, P. K., and Tuteja, N. Lectin Receptor-Like Kinases and their Emerging Role in Abiotic Stress Tolerance. In: Abiotic Sress Response in Plants; Tuteja N, Gill SS (Eds), Wiley Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. Weinheim, Germany ISBN: 978-3-527-33918-1, pp. 203-216, 2016.
  112. Shukla, D., Trivedi, P. K., Nath, P, and Tuteja. Metallothioneins and Phytochelatins: role and perspectives in heavy metal(loid)s stress tolerance in crop plants. In: Abiotic Sress Response in Plants; Tuteja N, Gill SS (Eds), Wiley Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. Weinheim, Germany ISBN: 978-3-527-33918-1, pp. 233-260, 2016.
  113. Trivedi, D. K., Gill, S. S. and Tuteja N. Abscisic acid (ABA): Biosynthesis, regulation and role in abiotic stress tolerance. In: Abiotic Sress Response in Plants; Tuteja N, Gill SS (Eds), Wiley Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. Weinheim, Germany ISBN: 978-3-527-33918-1, pp. 311-322.
  114. A Agnihotri, M Kumar, D Kilam, JK Aneja (2017) Genomic and transcriptomic approaches for quality improvement in oilseed brassicas. In: Plant OMICS and Crop Breeding (Ed. S M Zargar &V Rai), Chapter 2, pp 31-48, Apple Academic Press, USA
  115. Pankaj Goyal, Diksha Bhola and Ajit Varma (2017) Introduction to modern tools and techniques to understand microbes. In: Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes. Ajit Varma and Arun Kumar Sharma (Eds.) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 1-23. April 2017
  116. Diksha Bhola and Ajit Varma (2017) Strategies of mass cultivation of microbes: Sebacinales. In: Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes. Ajit Varma and Arun Kumar Sharma (Eds.) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 45-63. April 2017
  117. Devendra Kumar Choudhary and Ajit Varma (2017) Function based metagenomics to reveal rhizosphere microbiome: A glimpse. In: Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes. Ajit Varma and Arun Kumar Sharma (Eds.) Springer-Verlag, Germany. pp 115-122. April 2017
  118. Pankaj Goyal, Nim J Singh, Rupesh Kumar Basniwal, Manoj Kumar, Vivek Kumar, Narendra Tuteja and Ajit Varma (2017) Approaches for determining antimicrobial drug-resistant bacteria: The way ahead. In: Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes. Ajit Varma and Arun Kumar Sharma (Eds.) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 209-228
  119. Smriti Shrivastava, Pratyush Shukla, Kunal Mukhopadhyay and Ajit Varma (2017) Continuous elution electrophoresis as a unique tool for microbial protein analysis. In: Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes. Ajit Varma and Arun Kumar Sharma (Eds.) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 229-235. April 2017
  120. Vivek Kumar, Priyanku Teotia, Narendra Tuteja, Ram Prasad, Pankaj Goyal, Ajit Varma, Sandeep Bisht, Joginder Singh and Manoj Kumar (2017) Metabolomic mediated characterization of endophytic spp. in recalcitrant tree species. In: Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes. Ajit Varma and Arun Kumar Sharma (Eds.) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp pp 251-257. April 2017
  121. Priyanka Sharma, Hemesh Joshi, M.Z. Abdin, A.C. Kharkwal and Ajit Varma (2017) Analytical techniques to assess medicinal plants value addition after microbial association. In: Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes. Ajit Varma and Arun Kumar Sharma (Eds.) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp pp 259-271. April 2017
  122. Manoj Kumar, Neeraj Shrivastava, Priyanku Teotia, Pankaj Goyal, Ajit Varma, Shivesh Sharma, Narendra Tuteja and Vivek Kumar (2017) Omics: Tools for assessing environmental microbial diversity and composition. In: Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes. Ajit Varma and Arun Kumar Sharma (Eds.) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 273-283. April 2017
  123. Uma, Manika Khanuja and Ajit Varma (2017) Engineered nanostructured materials for antimicrobial and photocatalytic applications. In: Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes. Ajit Varma and Arun Kumar Sharma (Eds.) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 297-320. April 2017
  124. Ruchika Bajaj, Shenyu Chen, Weiming Hu, Yinyin Huang, Ram Prasad, Vivek Kumar, Narendra Tuteja, Ajit Varma and Kathryn E Bushley (2017) Protocol for biocontrol of soybean cyst nematode with root endophytic fungi. In: Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes. Ajit Varma and Arun Kumar Sharma (Eds.) Springer-Verlag, Germany pp 401-412. April 2017
  125. Ram Prasad, Diksha Bhola, Khalid Akdi, Cristina Cruz, Sairam KVSS, Narendra Tuteja, and Ajit Varma (2017) Introduction to Mycorrhiza: Historical Development. In: Mycorrhiza - Function, Diversity, State of the Art. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and N Tuteja (eds). Springer-Verlag. Germany. pp 1-8. June 2017
  126. Priyanku Teotia, Manoj Kumar, Ram Prasad, Vivek Kumar, Narendra Tuteja, and Ajit Varma (2017) Mobilization of Micronutrients by Mycorrhizal Fungi In: Mycorrhiza - Function, Diversity, State of the Art. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and N Tuteja (eds). Springer-Verlag. Germany. pp. 9-26. June 2017
  127. Cristina Cruz, Alessandro Ramos, Olubukola Oluranti Babalola, Hessini Kamel, Teresa Dias, and Ajit Varma (2017) Soil: Do Not Disturb, Mycorrhiza in Action . In: Mycorrhiza - Function, Diversity, State of the Art. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and N Tuteja (eds). Springer-Verlag. Germany. pp. 27-38. June 2017
  128. Devendra K. Choudhary, Ajit Varma, and Narendra Tuteja (2017) Mycorrhizal Helper Bacteria: Sustainable Approach. In: Mycorrhiza - Function, Diversity, State of the Art. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and N Tuteja (eds). Springer-Verlag. Germany. pp. 61-74. June 2017
  129. Vivek Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Ram Prasad, Narendra Tuteja, and Ajit Varma (2017) Mycorrhizas in Forest Tree Health. In: Mycorrhiza - Function, Diversity, State of the Art. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and N Tuteja (eds). Springer-Verlag. Germany. pp 177-186. June 2017
  130. Uma Singhal, Ram Prasad, and Ajit Varma (2017) Piriformospora indica (Serendipita indica): The Novel Symbiont. In: Mycorrhiza - Function, Diversity, State of the Art. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and N Tuteja (eds). Springer-Verlag. Germany. pp. 349-364. June 2017
  131. Uma Singhal, Manpreet Kaur Attri, and Ajit Varma (2017) Mass Cultivation of Mycorrhiza-Like Fungus Piriformospora indica (Serendipita indica) by Batch in Bioreactor In: Mycorrhiza - Function, Diversity, State of the Art. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and N Tuteja (eds). Springer-Verlag. Germany. pp. 365-384. June 2017
  132. M Kumar, P Teotia,R Prasad, A Varma and V Kumar (2017) The Lychee Fruit: Post Harvest Handling Techniques. The Lychee Biotechnology. Springer, International Publishing Switzerland pp 193-213. June 2017
  133. V Kumar, P Teotia,R Prasad, A Varma, NB Sarin, N Tuteja and M Kumar (2017) Regeneration from nodal explants of field-grown litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) fruit trees. In: The Lychee Biotechnology. Springer, International Publishing Switzerland pp 313-332. June 2017
  134. Aparajita Das, Ajit Varma, Ruchira Pandey, and Rekha Chaudhury (2017) Ex Situ Conservation Strategies in Litchi Germplasm. In: The Lychee Biotechnology. M Kumar, V Kumar, R Prasad and A Varma (Eds.). Springer, International Publishing Switzerland. pp 381-394. June 2017
  135. Naser A. Anjum, Sarvajeet Singh Gill, and Narendra Tuteja (2017) Non-biological Approaches for Enhancing the Cleanup of Environmental Pollutants: An Introduction. In: Enhancing Cleanup of Environmental Pollutants. Volume 2: Non-Biological Approaches. N Anjum, S Gill, N Tuteja (Eds.). Springer International Publishing. Switzerland. pp 1-4. June 2017
  136. Neeraj Shrivastava, Vivek Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Binggan Lou, Ajit Varma, and Shwet Kamal (2017) Polyphasic Approaches to Characterize Mushroom Species In: Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany , Ed. Ajit Varma, Arun Kumar Sharma, pp 103-114
  137. Cruz Cristina, Catarina Gouveia, Teresa Dias, Ajit Varma, and Olubukola O. Babalola (2017) How to Disentangle Changes in Microbial Function from Changes in Microbial Community In: Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany Ed. Ajit Varma, Arun Kumar Sharma, pp 149-158
  138. Devemdra K. Choudhary and Ajit Varma (2017) Nitrogenase (a Key Enzyme): Structure and Function In: Rhizobium Biology and Biotechnology, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Ed. Alexander P. Hansen Devendra K. Choudhary Pawan Kumar Agarwal Ajit Varma, pp 293-307
  139. Saumya Singh and Ajit Varma (2017) Structure, Function, and Estimation of Leghemoglobin In: Rhizobium Biology and Biotechnology, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Ed. Alexander P. Hansen Devendra K. Choudhary Pawan Kumar Agarwal Ajit Varma, pp 309-330
  140. Vivek Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Shivesh Sharma, Ajit Varma, and Neera Bhalla-Sarin (2017) Procedural Insights on In Vitro Propagation of Litchi Chinensis (Sonn.) In: Lychee Disease Management, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Ed. Manoj Kumar, Vivek Kumar Neera Bhalla-Sarin, Ajit Varma, pp 217-335
  141. Ruchika Bajaj, Ram Prasad, Ajit Varma, and Kathryn E. Bushley (2017)The Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and the Mycorrhizal-Like Fungus in Biocontrol of Plant Parasitic Nematodes In: Mycorrhiza Eco-Physiology, Secondary Metabolites, Nanomaterials, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad, Narendra Tuteja, pp 43-56
  142. Manoj Kumar, Ram Prasad, Vivek Kumar, Narendra Tuteja, and Ajit Varma (2017) Mycorrhizal Fungi Under Biotic and Abiotic Stress In: Mycorrhiza Eco-Physiology, Secondary Metabolites, Nanomaterials, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad, Narendra Tuteja, pp 57-69
  143. Prasun Bandyopadhyay and Ajit Varma (2017) Co-cultivation of Piriformospora indica with Azotobacter In: Mycorrhiza Eco-Physiology, Secondary Metabolites, Nanomaterials, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad, Narendra Tuteja, pp 135-148
  144. ShailyJaveria, Vivek Kumar, Pratibha Sharma, Lakshman Prasad, Manoj Kumar, and Ajit Varma (2017) Mycorrhizal Symbiosis: Ways Underlying Plant-Fungus Interactions In: Mycorrhiza Eco-Physiology, Secondary Metabolites, Nanomaterials, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad, Narendra Tuteja, pp 183-207
  145. Reshma Tuladhar, Kenneth Shahi, Sujen Man Shrestha, Anjana Singh, and Ajit Varma (2017) Stimulated growth of Lycopersicumesculentum CLA 1131 in Presence of Piriformospora indica and Vermicompost In: Mycorrhiza Eco-Physiology, Secondary Metabolites, Nanomaterials, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad, Narendra Tuteja, pp 233-245
  146. Priyanka Sharma, Hemesh Joshi, Amit C. Kharkwal, Narendra Tuteja, and Ajit Varma (2017) Promotion and Value Addition to Some Important Medicinal Plants Under Saline Condition by Intervention of a Novel Mycorrhizal Formulation In: Mycorrhiza Eco-Physiology, Secondary Metabolites, Nanomaterials, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad, Narendra Tuteja, pp 247-272
  147. Prasun Bandyopadhyay, Monika Arora, M.Z. Abdin, and Ajit Varma (2017) Co-cultivation of Piriformospora indica and Azotobacterchroococcum for production of Artenisinin In: Mycorrhiza Eco-Physiology, Secondary Metabolites, Nanomaterials, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad, Narendra Tuteja, pp 273-281
  148. DivyaKilam, Priyanka Sharma, Abha Agnihotri, Amit Kharkwal, and Ajit Varma (2017) Microbial Symbiosis and Bioactive Ingredients of Medicinal Plants In: Mycorrhiza Eco-Physiology, Secondary Metabolites, Nanomaterials, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad, Narendra Tuteja, pp 283-302
  149. Uma and Ajit Varma (2017) Cultivation of Piriformospora indica with Nanomaterial in Bioreactor In: Mycorrhiza Eco-Physiology, Secondary Metabolites, Nanomaterials, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad, Narendra Tuteja, pp 303-310
  150. Avinash Ingle, Dnyaneshwar Rathod, Ajit Varma, and Mahendra Rai (2017) Understanding the Mycorrhiza-Nanoparticles Interaction In: Mycorrhiza Eco-Physiology, Secondary Metabolites, Nanomaterials, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad, Narendra Tuteja, pp 311-324
  151. Ram Prasad, Nomita Gupta, Urvashi Satti, Shanquan Wang, Ahmed IS Ahmed and Ajit Varma (2017) Management of Fungal Pathogens by Mycorrhiza. . Springer, Switzerland. Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and Narendra Tuteja. pp 179-194
  152. Suvigya Sharma, Anil Kumar Sharma, Ram Prasad and Ajit Varma (2017) Arbuscular Mycorrhiza: A Tool for Enhancing Crop Production. Springer, Switzerland. Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and Narendra Tuteja. pp 235-250
  153. Manika Khanuja, Uma and Ajit Varma (2017) Synthesis and Chaterterization of Pure and Doped ZnO Nanostructures for Antimicrobial Applications: Effect of Dopant Concentration with Theior Mechanism of Action. In: Nanosciences and Plant-Soil Systems, Springer-Verlag, Germany, Eds. Mansour Ghorbanpour, Manika Khanuja and Ajit Varma, pp 201-218
  154. Ajit Varma, Uma and Manika Khanuja (2017) Role of Nanoparticles on Plant Growth with Special Emphasis on Piriformospora indica: A Review. In: Nanosciences and Plant-Soil Systems, Springer-Verlag, Germany, Eds. Mansour Ghorbanpour, Manika Khanuja and Ajit Varma, pp 387-404
  155. Teresa Dias, Critsina Cruz, Ajit Varma, Juliana Melo, Patricia Correia and Luis Carvalho (2018) Microbial Socialization Highlights the AMF Effect. In: Mycorrhiza – Nutrient Uptake, Biocontrol, Ecoforestation. Fourth Edication. Springer, Switzerland. Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and Narendra Tuteja. pp 99-114
  156. Mohammad Haneef Khan, M.K. Meghvansi, Kamal Prasad, Sazada Siddiqui and Ajit Varma (2018) Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis and Nutrient Resouce Limitation: Predicting the Linkages and Effectiveness of Partnership. In: Mycorrhiza – Nutrient Uptake, Biocontrol, Ecoforestation. Fourth Edication. Springer, Switzerland. Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and Narendra Tuteja. pp 115-130
  157. Swati Tripathi, Siddhartha Kumar Mishra and Ajit Varma (2018) Mycorrhizal Fungi as Control Agents Against Plant Pathogens. In: Mycorrhiza – Nutrient Uptake, Biocontrol, Ecoforestation. Fourth Edication. Springer, Switzerland. Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and Narendra Tuteja. pp 161-178
  158. Disha Bhola, Ruchika Bajaj, Swati Tripathi and Ajit Varma (2018) Piriformospora indica (Serendipita indica) Enhances Growth and Secondaruy Metabolites in Cucurma longa. In: Mycorrhiza – Nutrient Uptake, Biocontrol, Ecoforestation. Fourth Edication. Springer, Switzerland. Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and Narendra Tuteja. pp 313-326
  159. Sarita Manandhar, Reshma Tuladhar, Kamil Prajapaty, Anjana Singh and Ajit Varma (2018) Effect of Azotobacter chroococcum and Piriformospora indica on Oryza sativa in Presence of Vermicompost. In: Mycorrhiza – Nutrient Uptake, Biocontrol, Ecoforestation. Fourth Edication. Springer, Switzerland. Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and Narendra Tuteja. pp 327-340
  160. Surbhi Dabral, Diksha Bhola, Manpreet Kaur Attri, Manoj Nath, Ram Prasad, Saumya Singh and Ajit Varma (2018) Principles and Application of Confocal Microscopy to understand Symbiotic Fungi. In: Mycorrhiza – Nutrient Uptake, Biocontrol, Ecoforestation. Fourth Edication. Springer, Switzerland. Ed. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and Narendra Tuteja. pp 115-130
  161. M Nath, D Bhatt, MD Bhatt, R Prasad and N tuteja (2018) Microbe-Mediated Enhancement of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Content for Crop Improvement. In: New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Crop Improvement through Microbial Biotechnology. Eds. R Prasad, SS Gill and N Tuteja pp 293-304
  162. Ajar N. Yadav, Vinod Kumar, Harcharan S. Dhaliwal, Ram Prasad and Anil K. Saxena (2018) Microbiome in Crops: Diversity, Distribution, and Potential Role in Crop Improvement. In: New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Crop Improvement through Microbial Biotechnology. Eds. R Prasad, SS Gill and N Tuteja pp 305-332
  163. N Aziz, R Prasad, AIM Ibrahim and AIS Ahmed (2018) Promising applications for the production of biofuels through algae. In: Microbial Biotechnology. Eds. JK Patra, CN Vishnuprasad and G Das. pp 81-103
  164. Menaka Salam, Ajit Varma A (2019) Toxic pollutants survey in soils of electronic waste contaminated sites in Delhi NCR. In: Waste Management and Resource Efficiency. Ed. S. Ghosh pp. 841-851
  165. Rajni Singh and Mahendra Singh Rajawat. 2019. Potash Solubilizing bacteria in Microbial Intervention in agriculture and environment, volume 3: Soil and crop health management published by springer. November 2019
  166. Rajni Singh and Neha Sharma. 2019. Application of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in soil management in Microbial Intervention in agriculture and environment, volume 3: Soil and crop health management published by springer. November 2019
  167. Rajni Singh, Prerna Gautam, Mahek Fatima, Sonali Dua and Jyoti Misri. 2019. Microbes in foods and feed sector in Microbial Intervention in agriculture and environment, volume 1: research trends priorities and aspects published by springer. November 2019
  168. Supriya Sharma, Reshma Tuladhar, Yukti Basnet, Sarita Manandhar, Shanti Bhattarai, Anjana Singh and Ajit Varma (2019) Effect of Substrates on Azotobacter chroococcum-Enriched Vermicompost for Growth of Phaseolus. In: Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Sustainable Stress Management. Springer, Singapore. Ed. R. Z. Sayyed. pp 37-45. Oct 2019
  169. N Kumar, A Balamurugan, P Balakrishnan, K Vishwakarma, K Shanmugam (2020) Biogenic Nano Materials: Synthesis and Its Applications for Sustainable Development. In: Biogenic Nano-Particles and their Use in Agro-ecosystems. Springer Nature. pp 99-132. March 2020
  170. N Kumar, A Balamurugan, M Shafreen, A Rahim, S Vats, K Vishwakarma (2020) Nanoparticles: Emerging Trends and Future Prospects for Economical Agricultural System. In: Biogenic Nano-Particles and their Use in Agro-ecosystems. Springer Nature. pp 281-305. March 2020
  171. N Kumar, P Srivastava, K Vishwakarma, R Kumar, H Kuppala, SK Maheshwari, S Vats (2020) The Rhizobium-plant symbiosis: State of Art. 2020. In: Plant and microbes: bio resource for suitable development and biocontrol. Springer Nature. pp 1-20. March 2020
  172. Kanchan Vishwakarma, Nitin Kumar, Chitrakshi Shandilya and Ajit Varma (2020) Unravelling the Role of Endophytes in Micronutrient Uptake and Enhanced Crop Productivity. In: Symbiotic Soil Microorganisms. Eds. Neeraj Shrivastava, Shubhangi Mahajan and Ajit Varma. Springer. pp 63-86. October 2020
  173. Neha Sharma and Ajit Varma (2020) Role of Endophytic Fungus Piriformospora indica in Nutrient Acquisition and Plant Health. In: Symbiotic Soil Microorganisms. Eds. Neeraj Shrivastava, Shubhangi Mahajan and Ajit Varma. Springer. pp 161-170. October 2020
  174. Saumya Singh and Ajit Varma (2020) The Role of Symbiotic Fungi in Nutri-Farms. In: Symbiotic Soil Microorganisms. Eds. Neeraj Shrivastava, Shubhangi Mahajan and Ajit Varma. Springer. pp 171-186. October 2020
  175. Srinivas Patil, Gargi Safar and Amit C Kharkwal (2020) Oanorama of Metarhizium: Host Interaction and Its Uses in Biocontrol and Plant Growth Promotion. In: Symbiotic Soil Microorganisms. Eds. Neeraj Shrivastava, Shubhangi Mahajan and Ajit Varma. Springer. pp 289-318. October 2020
  176. Arpit Gupta, Arpita Balakrishnan and Amit C Kharkwal (2020) Eradication of Malaria by the Mutulistic Interaction Between Wickerhamomyces anomalus and Anopheles In: Symbiotic Soil Microorganisms. Eds. Neeraj Shrivastava, Shubhangi Mahajan and Ajit Varma. Springer. pp 339-362. October 2020
  177. Alka Tripathi, Ajit Varma and Swati Tripathi (2020) Root Endophytic Microbes and Their Potential Applications in Crop Disease Management. In: Symbiotic Soil Microorganisms. Eds. Neeraj Shrivastava, Shubhangi Mahajan and Ajit Varma. Springer. pp 379-390. October 2020
  178. Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji and Ajit Varma (2020) Biotechnological Application of Trichoderma: A Powerful Fungal Isolate with Diverse Potentials for the Attainment of Food Safety, Management of Pest and Diseases, Healthy Planet, and Sustainable Agriculture. In: Trichoderma: Agricultural Applications and Beyond. Eds. C Manoharachary, HB Singh and A Varma. Springer. pp 257-286
  179. Gupta A, Balakrishnan A, Kharkwal AC (2020) Eradication of Malaria by the mutualistic interaction between Wickerhamomyces anomalus and Anopheles sp. Symbiotic Soil Microorganisms - Biology and Applications. In: Symbiotic Soil Microorganisms - Biology and Applications.: Shrivastava, Neeraj, Mahajan, Shubhangi, Varma, Ajit (Eds.) Springer pp 339-362.
  180. Patil S, Sarraf G, Kharkwal AC (2020) Panorama of Metarhizium - Host interaction and its uses in Bio-control and Plant growth promotion. In: Symbiotic Soil Microorganisms - Biology and Applications.: Shrivastava, Neeraj, Mahajan, Shubhangi, Varma, Ajit (Eds.) Springer pp 289-318
  181. Neha Maheshwari, Arti Mishra, IS Thakur and Shaili Srivastava (2021) Algal Biofuel: A Sustainable Approach for Fuel of Future Generation. In: Singh A., Srivastava S., Rathore D., Pant D. (eds) Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology. Springer, Singapore. pp: 3-29. Jan 2021
  182. Salam MD and Nilza N (2021). Hazardous Components of Landfill Leachates and Its Bioremediation in Marcelo L. Larramendy and Sonia Soloneski Eds. Soil Contamination - Threats and Sustainable Solutions, IntechOpen, DOI:10.5772/intechopen.94890. Feb 2021
  183. Shailja Dhiman, Swati Gaba, Ajit Varma and Arti Goel (2022) Bio-nanosensors: Synthesis and Their Substantial Role in Agriculture. In: Singh P., Singh R., Verma P., Bhadouria R., Kumar A., Kaushik M. (eds) Plant-Microbes-Engineered Nano-particles (PM-ENPs) Nexus in Agro-Ecosystems. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development). Springer, Cham. pp.165. 2021. March 2021
  184. Shekhar Jain, Devendra Kumar Choudhary and Ajit Varma (2021) Ecological Perspectives of Halophilic Fungi and their Role in Bioremediation. In: Soil Bioremediation: An Approach Towards Sustainable Technology. Eds. Javid A. Parray, Abeer Hashem Abd Elkhalek Mahmoud and Riyaz Sayyed. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. pp. 175-192. March 2021
  185. Shailja Dhiman, Swati Gaba, Ajit Varma, and Arti Goel (2021) Bio-nanosensors: Synthesis and Their Substantial Role in Agriculture. In: Plant-Microbes-Engineered Nano-particles (PM-ENPs) Nexus in Agro-Ecosystems. Eds. Pardeep Singh, Rishikesh Singh, Pramit Verma, Rahul Bhadouria, Ajay Kumar and Mahima Kaushik. Springer. pp 165-172. May 2021
  186. Smriti Shukla, Kartikeya Shukla, Arti Mishra, Tanu Jindal, Shikha Sharma, Divya Upadhyay and Vartika Singh (2021) Ecological Perspectives on Soil Microbial Community Involved in Nitrogen Cycling. In: Cruz C., Vishwakarma K., Choudhary D.K., Varma A. (eds) Soil Nitrogen Ecology. Soil Biology, vol 62. Springer, Cham. pp: 51-91. May 2021
  187. R Parashar, S Shukla, K Shukla, A Varma and A. Mishra A (2021) Unravelling Microbial Nitrogen Pathway in Rhizosphere. In: Cruz C., Vishwakarma K., Choudhary D.K., Varma A. (eds) Soil Nitrogen Ecology. Soil Biology, vol 62. Springer, Cham. pp 163-177. May 2021
  188. Arti Mishra, Suryansh Rajput, Preeti Sen Gupta, Vanshika Goyal, Sanskriti Singh, Shikha Sharma, Smriti Shukla, Anamika Singh, Kartikeya Shukla and Ajit Varma (2021) Role of Cyanobacteria in Rhizospheric Nitrogen Fixation. In: Cruz C., Vishwakarma K., Choudhary D.K., Varma A. (eds) Soil Nitrogen Ecology. Soil Biology, vol 62. Springer, Cham. pp 497-519. May 2021
  189. Divya Upadhyay, Kartikeya Shukla, Arti Mishra, Tanu Jindal, Shikha Sharma and Smriti Shukla (2021) Molecular Aspects and Oxygen Relations of Nitrogen Fixation in Cyanobacteria. In: Cruz C., Vishwakarma K., Choudhary D.K., Varma A. (eds) Soil Nitrogen Ecology. Soil Biology, vol 62. Springer, Cham. pp 521-568. May 2021
  190. Chitrakshi Shandilya, Nitin Kumar, Neeraj Shrivastava, Ajit Varma, Kanchan Vishwakarma (2021) Tools for Characterization of Nitrogen Fixing Microbes. In: Soil Nitrogen Ecology (Eds. Cruz C., Vishwakarma K., Choudhary D.K., Varma A) Springer, Cham. 62 pp 215-234. May 2021
  191. Mohiraa Shafreen, Kanchan Vishwakarma, Neeraj Shrivastava, Nitin Kumar, (2021) Physiology and Distribution of Nitrogen in Soils, In: Soil Nitrogen Ecology (Eds. Cruz C., Vishwakarma K., Choudhary D.K., Varma A. eds) Springer, Cham. 62 pp 3-31. May 2021
  192. R Sinha, A Saxena and Smitha M Sreedharan (2021) Transfer Learning in Biological and Health Care. In: Saxena A., Chandra S. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare. Springer, Singapore. pp 89-98. May 2021
  193. Smitha M.S (2021) Introduction to Machine Learning. In: Saxena Ankur, B Nicolas, R Shazia (eds) Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Applications. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, U.S.A. June 2021
  194. Agrahari R., Sarraf G., Joshi N.C., Mohapatra S., Varma A. (2021) Insight of Biopolymers and Applications of Polyhydroxyalkanoates. In: Vaishnav A., Choudhary D.K. (eds) Microbial Polymers. Springer, Singapore. pp 177–191 May 2021
  195. Vikrant Hari Kashyap, Isha Kohli, Abhinav Singh, Aishi Bhattacharya, Ajit Varma, Naveen Chandra Joshi (2021) Physiological, Biochemical and Morphological Approaches to Mitigate the Effects of Abiotic Stress in Plants. In: Stress Tolerance in Horticultural Crops. (Eds. Avinash Chandra Rai et al). pp 193-212. June 2021
  196. Ayushi Singh, Shalini Porwal and Ajit Varma (2021) Hexavalent Chromium: Toxic and Genotoxic Effects and its Bioremediation Strategies. Biomedical. DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2021.35.005695. April 2021
  197. Niharika Rishi, Rachna Yadav, Shweena. Krishnani and Rajni Singh (2021) Enzymatic Behavior of Cold Adapted Microbes. In: Survival strategies in cold adapted microbes. (Eds. Reeta Goel, Ravindra Soni, Deep Chandra Suyal, Mahejibin Khan). Springer. pp 113–131 December 2021
  198. Shikha Sharma, Arti Mishra, Kartikeya Shukla, Pratiksha Kumari, Tanu Jindal, Smriti Shukla (2021) The Potential Impact of Climate Change on Soil Health, Soil Biota, and Soil Properties: A Review. In: Choudhary D.K., Mishra A., Varma A. (eds) Climate Change and the Microbiome. Soil Biology, vol 63. Springer, Cham. pp 31-48. Oct 2021
  199. Archi Chaurasia, Chitrakshi Shandilya, Isabell Robert Rupa, Nitin Kumar, Ajit Varma and Kanchan Vishwakarma (2021) Impact of Climate Change on the Importance of Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes in the Rhizosphere. In: Choudhary D.K., Mishra A., Varma A. (eds) Climate Change and the Microbiome. Soil Biology, vol 63. Springer, Cham. pp 335-335. Oct 2021
  200. Amrita Kasotia, Ajit Varma, and D. K. Choudhary (2021) Deployment of Benign Bacterial Strains to Improve Soil Productivity Under Drought Stress In: Choudhary D.K., Mishra A., Varma A. (eds) Climate Change and the Microbiome. Soil Biology, vol 63. Springer, Cham. pp 477-490. Oct 2021
  201. Amrita Kasotia, Ajit Varma, and D. K. Choudhary (2021) Use of Bacterial Strains to Improve Soil Productivity Under Salt Stress. In: Choudhary D.K., Mishra A., Varma A. (eds) Climate Change and the Microbiome. Soil Biology, vol 63. Springer, Cham. pp 571-596. Oct 2021
  202. Swati, Indu Shekhar Thakur, Arti Mishra (2021) Rising Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere: The Microbes Can Be a Solution—A Review. In: Choudhary D.K., Mishra A., Varma A. (eds) Climate Change and the Microbiome. Soil Biology, vol 63. Springer, Cham. pp 623-636. Oct 2021
  203. Kartikeya Shukla, Smriti Shukla, Divya Upadhyay, Vartika Singh, Arti Mishra, and Tanu Jindal (2021) Socio-Economic Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. In: Choudhary D.K., Mishra A., Varma A. (eds) Climate Change and the Microbiome. Soil Biology, vol 63. Springer, Cham. pp 661-694. Oct 2021
  204. Ajit Varma and Aditi Jain. (2022). Taxonomy, Morphology, and Life Cycle of Quinoa. In: Biology and Biotechnology of Quinoa Super Grain for Food Security. Springer, Singapore. Ed. Ajit Varma. Pp 17-33. Jan 2022
  205. Ajit Varma, Saumya Singh, and Aditi Jain. (2022). Root Analysis of Quinoa Plant. In: Biology and Biotechnology of Quinoa Super Grain for Food Security. Springer, Singapore. Ed. Ajit Varma. Pp 153-165. Jan 2022
  206. Ajit Varma and Aditi Jain. (2022). Protocol for Seed Surface Sterilization and In Vitro Cultivation. In: Biology and Biotechnology of Quinoa Super Grain for Food Security. Springer, Singapore. Ed. Ajit Varma. pp 265-282. Jan 2022
  207. Ajit Varma, Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji, Olugbenga Samuel Michale, Julius Kola Oloke, Oseni Kadiri, Muhammad Akram, Ruth Ebunoluwa Bodunrinde, Areeba Imtiaz, Juliana Bunmi Adetunji, Khuram Shahzad, Aditi Jain, Benjamin Ewa Ubi, Noshiza Majeed, Phebean Ozolua, and Frances N. Olisaka. (2022). Recent Advances in the Application of Biotechnology for Improving the Production of Secondary Metabolites from Quinoa. In: Biology and Biotechnology of Quinoa Super Grain for Food Security. Springer, Singapore. Ed. Ajit Varma. Pp 373-396. Jan 2022
  208. Ajit Varma, Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji, Olugbenga Samuel Michale, Wilson Nwankwo, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Osikemekha Anthony Anani, Julius Kola Oloke, Oseni Kadiri, Aditi Jain, and Juliana Bunmi Adetunji. (2022). Quinoa, The Next Biotech Plant: Food Security and Environmental and Health Hot Spots. In: Biology and Biotechnology of Quinoa Super Grain for Food Security. Springer, Singapore. Ed. Ajit Varma. pp 419-438. Jan 2022
  209. Ajit Varma, Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji, Olugbenga Samuel Michale, Oseni Kadiri, Muhammad Akram, Julius Kola Oloke, Hamda Shafique, Juliana Bunmi Adetunji, Aditi Jain, Ruth Ebunoluwa Bodunrinde, Phebean Ozolua, and Benjamin Ewa Ubi. (2022). Quinoa: From Farm to Traditional Healing, Food Application, and Phytopharmacology. In: Biology and Biotechnology of Quinoa Super Grain for Food Security. Springer, Singapore. Ed. Ajit Varma. pp 439-466. Jan 2022
  210. MA Shoarnaghavi, A Mishra, A Amirifar, SS Mahapatra, K Nobaharan, A Hemati (2022) Asgari Lajayer, B. and Astatkie, T., 2022. Soil algae enzymes and their biotechnological applications. Systems Microbiology and Biomanufacturing, pp1-18.
  211. Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji, Olugbemi T. Olaniyan, Osarenkhoe Omorefosa Osemwegie, Rashmi Dash, and Ajit Varma (2022) Biotechnology of Rumen Microorganisms: Recent Advances. In: Animal Manure. Agricultural and Biotechnological Applications. Eds. Shubhangi Mahajan and Ajit Varma. Springer. pp 1-12. May 2022
  212. Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji, Olugbemi T. Olaniyan, Rashmi Dash, and Ajit Varma (2022) The Process of Methanogenesis by Rumen Microorganisms: State of Art. In: Animal Manure. Agricultural and Biotechnological Applications. Eds. Shubhangi Mahajan and Ajit Varma. Springer.pp 13-20. May 2022
  213. Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji, Olugbemi T. Olaniyan, and Ajit Varma (2022) Novel Microorganisms Involved in the Production of Sustainable Biogas Production. In: Animal Manure. Agricultural and Biotechnological Applications. Shubhangi Mahajan and Ajit Varma. Springer. pp 123-130. May 2022
  214. Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji, Olugbemi T. Olaniyan, and Ajit Varma (2022) Enzymes Involved with Digestion of Animal Nutrition: Role and Their Biotechnological Application. . In: Animal Manure. Agricultural and Biotechnological Applications. Eds.: Shubhangi Mahajan and Ajit Varma. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp 217-224
  215. Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji, Olugbemi T. Olaniyan, Rashmi Dash, and Ajit Varma (2022) Roles of Beneficial Microorganisms for the Effective Production of Commercial Animal Feed. In: Animal Manure. Agricultural and Biotechnological Applications. Shubhangi Mahajan and Ajit Varma. Springer. pp 285-296. May 2022
  216. Khushboo Iqbal, Anchal Chaudhary, Sandhya Sharma, Ajit Varma, Indu Shekhar Thakur, Arti Mishra (2022) Algae-based biomaterials for biomedicines. In: Algae-Based Biomaterials for Sustainable Development. Eds. Huu Ngo,et al. Elsevier. pp 251-275.
  217. Suryansh Rajput, Preeti Sengupta, Isha Kohli, Ajit Varma, Prashant Kumar Singh, Naveen Chandra Joshi (2022) Role of Piriformospora indica in inducing soil microbial communities and drought stress tolerance in plants, In: New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Eds.Harikesh Singh, Anukool Vaishnav. Elsevier. pp 93-110.
  218. Vanshika Goyal, Isha Kohli, Vivek Ambastha, Priyanka Das, Prashant Kumar Singh, Ajit Varma, Rachna Pandey, Naveen Chandra Joshi (2022) Synthetic biology tools: Engineering microbes for biotechnological applications, In: New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Eds.Harikesh Singh, Anukool Vaishnav. Elsevier. pp 369-398
  219. Isha Kohli, Swati Mohapatra, P. Kumar, A. Goel, A. Varma, NC Joshi (2022). Role of Bacterial Endophytes in the Promotion of Plant Growth. In: Bacterial Endophytes for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Management. Eds. Singh, A.K. et. al. Springer, Singapore. pp. 235–253. March 2022
  220. Kausik Basu, Amit C Kharkwal and Ajit Varma (2022) Pseudomonas as Biocontrol Agent for Fungal Disease Management in Rice Crop. In: Antifungal Metabolites of Rhizobacteria for Sustainable Agriculture. Eds. Sayyed, R., Singh, A., Ilyas, N. Fungal Biology. Springer, Cham. pp 253–267. August 2022
  221. Neha Sharma, Smriti Shukla, Kartikeya Shukla, Ajit Varma, Vineet Kumar, Menaka Devi Salam, Arti Mishra (2022) Recent Advancements in Microbial Degradation of Xenobiotics by Using Proteomics Approaches. In: Omics for Environmental Engineering and Microbiology Systems, CRC Press, Eds. Vineet Kumar, Vinod Kumar Garg, Sunil Kumar, Jayanta Kumar Biswas, Taylor & Francis Group, U.S.A., Chapter 9, pp 181 -202, Nov 7, 2022,
  222. Menaka Devi Salam, Shalini Porwal, Arti Mishra, Ajit Varma (2022) Functional Metagenomics in Environmental Bioremediation Recent Advances, Challenges and Future Outlook. In: Omics for Environmental Engineering and Microbiology Systems, CRC Press, Eds. Vineet Kumar, Vinod Kumar Garg, Sunil Kumar, Jayanta Kumar Biswas, Taylor & Francis Group, U.S.A., Chapter 12, pg 257-268, Nov 7, 2022,
  223. Dhiman, SC Rath, V Kumar. A Varma and A Goel (2022) “Green Synthesized Nano-nutrients for Sustainable Crop Growth.” In: Environmental Applications of Microbial Nanotechnology, Emerging trends in Environmental Remediation. pp-275-288.
  224. Smitha MS, Parinita Sharma, Ankur Saxena and Anveshita De (2022) Artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare: an ethical perspective. In: Artificial Intelligence and Computational Dynamics for Biomedical Research. Ankur Saxena and Nicolas Brault (Eds.) De Gruyter (Germany) pp 213-228. November 2022
  225. Taniya Banerjee, Ammu P Nair and Smitha MS (2022) Hazardous waste management lessons from developed countries. In: Waste Management and Resource Recycling in the Developing World. Pardeep Singh, Pramit Verma, Rishikesh Singh, Arif Ahamad, André Batalhão (Eds.) Elsevier. December 2022
  226. P Chaudhary, A Chaudhary, P Khati, G Kumar, J Tyagi, M Behera (2023) Nanotechnology and Omics Approach in Agrobiotechnology. In: Fernandez-Luqueno, F., Patra, J.K. (eds) Agricultural and Environmental Nanotechnology. Interdisciplinary Biotechnological Advances. Springer, Singapore. pp 341–352
  227. Khushboo Iqbal, Sanskriti Singh, Behnam Asgari Lajayer, Smriti Shukla, Kartikeya Shukla, Ajit Varma, and Arti Mishra (2023) Algae as a Biomarker Using the Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) System. In: Climate Change and Sustainable Development. M. H. Fulekar and Rama Shanker Dubey (Eds). CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. London, New York. 181-198
  228. Rishabh Agrahari, Khushboo Iqbal, Jaagriti Tyagi, Naveen Chandra Joshi, Smriti Shukla, Kartikeya Shukla, Ajit Varma & Arti Mishra (2023) Diatoms in Biomedicines and Nanomedicines. In: Insights into the World of Diatoms: From Essentials to Applications. Plant Life and Environment Dynamics. Srivastava, P., Khan, A.S., Verma, J., Dhyani, S. (eds). Springer, Singapore. pp 195–210
  229. Esha Garg, Ajit Varma, M. S. Smitha (2023) Biofilms in Porous Media. In: Modern Approaches in Waste Bioremediation. Maulin P. Shah (Eds.) Springer. Pages 365-375. April 2023

(III) Books

  1. Ajit Varma and Gopi K Podila (2005) Basic Research and Biotechnological Applications: Microbes. Microbiology Series, IK International, India, New York.
  2. Helmut König and Ajit Varma (2005) Intestinal Microorganisms of Termite and Other Invertebrates. Springer-Verlag, Germany
  3. Ajit Varma and Gopi K Podila (2005) Biotechnological Applications of Microbes. Microbiology Series, IK International, India, New York.
  4. Ashok K Chauhan and Ajit Varma (2006) Microbes: Health and Environment, Microbiology Series, IK International, India, New York
  5. Ashok K Chauhan, Harsha Kharkwal and Ajit Varma (2007) Microbes for Human Life, IK International, India, New York
  6. Chincholkar S and Varma A (2007) Microbial Siderophores, Springer-Verlag, Germany
  7. Ajit Varma and Ralf Oelmüller (2007) Advanced Techniques in Soil Microbiology, Springer-Verlag, Germany
  8. A Varma, L Abbott, D Werner and R Hampp (2008) Plant Surface Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, Germany (Revised)
  9. Ajit Varma (2008) Mycorrhiza. Third Edition, Springer-Verlag, Germany
  10. AK Chauhan and A Varma (2009) A Textbook of Molecular Biotechnology, IK International, India, New York
  11. MK Rai and A Varma (2009) Mycotoxins in Food, Feed and Bioweapons, Springer-Verlag, Germany
  12. I Sheramati and A Varma (2009) Soil Heavy Metals: Biology and Chemistry, Springer-Verlag, Germany
  13. H König, H Claus and A Varma (2009) Prokaryotic Cell Wall Compounds: Structure and Biiochemistry, Springer-Verlag, Germany
  14. Ajit Varma and Amit C Kharkwal (2009) Symbiotic Fungi: Principles and Practice. Springer-Verlag, Germany
  15. Girish C Shukla and Ajit Varma (2010) Soil Enzymology. Springer-Verlag, Germany
  16. Mahendra Rai and Ajit Varma (2010) Diversity and Biotechnology of Ectomycorrhizae. Springer-Verlag, Germany
  17. Karaca A and Varma A (2010) Biology of Earthworms Springer-Verlag, Germany
  18. Erika Kothe and Ajit Varma (2011) Bio-Geo Interactions in Contaminated Soils. Springer-Verlag, Germany
  19. Irena Sherameti and Ajit Varma (2011) Detoxification of Heavy Metals. Springer-Verlag, Germany
  20. Dominic Keating, Abha Agnihotri and Ajit Varma (2012) Protecting Intellectual Property in Life Sciences. Amity University Press
  21. R Prasad and A Kumar (2012) "Environment and Biotechnology". LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany (ISBN 978-3-659-15457-7)
  22. Suman Chandra, Hemant Lata and Ajit Varma (2012) Biotechnology for Medicinal Plants. Springer-Verlag, Germany
  23. Ajit Varma, Gerhard Kost and Ralf Oelmüller (2013) Piriformospora indica Sebacinales and their Biotechnological Applications. Springer-Verlag, Germany
  24. Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh, Younes Razae Danesh and Ajit Varma (2013) Fungi as Bioremediators. Springer-Verlag, Germany
  25. Asun Morte and Ajit Varma (2014) Root Engineering. Springer-Verlag, Germany
  26. D Egamberdieva, Smriti Shrivastava and Ajit Varma (2015) Plant-Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and Medicinal Plants. Springer-Verlag, Switzerland
  27. K Sowjanya Sree. and Ajit Varma (2015) Biocontrol of Lepidopteran Pests. Springer-Verlag, Germany. Springer-Verlag, Germany
  28. Irena Sherameti and Ajit Varma (2015) Heavy Metal Contamination of Soils: Monitoring and Remediation. Springer-Verlag, Germany. Springer-Verlag, Germany
  29. Zakaria M Solaiman, Lynette K Abbott and Ajit Varma (2015) Mycorrhizal fungi: Use in Sustainable Agriculture and Land Restoration. Springer-Verlag, Germany. Springer-Verlag, Germany
  30. N Tuteja and SS Gill (2016) Abiotic Stress Response in Plants. Wiley, Wiley VCH Verlag GmbH and Co., Germany
  31. Mukesh K Meghvanshi and Ajit Varma (2016) Organic Amendments and Soil Suppressiveness in Plant Disease Management. Springer-Verlag, Switzerland
  32. D.K. Choudhary, A. Varma and N. Tuteja (2016) Plant-microbe interaction: an approach to sustainable agriculture. Springer-Verlag, Singapur
  33. D.K. Choudhary and Ajit Varma (2016) Microbial-mediated Induced Systemic Resistance in Plants. Springer-Verlag, Singapur
  34. Mansour Ghorbanpour, Manika Khanuja, Ajit Varma (2017) Nanoscience and Plant Soil Systems, eds. Springer, Verlag Germany
  35. Muhammad Zaffar Hashmi, Vivek Kumar, Ajit Varma (2017) Xenobiotics in the Soil Environment Monitoring, Toxicity and Management (2017). Springer-Verlag, Germany. Feb. 2017
  36. Ajit Varma and Arun Kumar Sharma (2017) Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes, Springer, Verlag Germany. April 2017
  37. Varma A, Prasad R and Tuteja N (2017) Mycorrhiza: Function, Diversity and State-of-Art. Springer Verlag
  38. Manoj Kumar, Vivek Kumar, Ram Prasad and Ajit Varma (2017) The Lychee Biotechnology. Springer, Switzerland
  39. B.K. Bahera and Ajit Varma (2017) Microbial Resources for Sustainable Energy. Springer, Switzerland
  40. Basanta Kumar Behera and Ajit Varma (2017). Microbial Biomass Process Technologies and Management. Springer, Switzerland
  41. Naser A. Anjum, Sarvajeet S. Gill, Narendra Tuteja (2017) Enhancing Cleanup of Environmental Pollutants: Biological Approaches. Volume 2: Non-Biological Approaches. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland
  42. Varma A, Prasad R and Tuteja N (2017) Mycorrhiza: Eco-Physiology, Secondary Metabolites, Nanomaterials. Springer Verlag
  43. Alexander P Hansen, DK Choudhary, PK Agrawal and Ajit Varma (2017) Rhizobium Biology and Biotechnology. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany
  44. Manoj Kumar, Vivek Kumar, Neera Bhalla Sarin, Ajit Varma (2017) Lychee Disease Management, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany 
  45. Ajit Varma, Ram Prasad and Narendra Tuteja (2018) Mycorrhiza: Nutrient Uptake, Biocontrol, Ecorestoration. Springer, Switzerland
  46. Muhammad Zaffar Hashmi and Ajit Varma (2018) Environmental Pollution of Paddy Soils. Springer, Switzerland
  47. Sushil K Sharma and Ajit Varma (2018) Microbial Resource Conservation. Springer, Switzerland
  48. Basanta Kumar Bahera and Ajit Varma (2019) Bioenergy for Sustainablility and Security. Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-96538-3)
  49. Bhoopander Giri and Ajit Varma (2019) Microorganisms in Saline Environments: Strategies and Functions. Springer (ISBN 9783030189747)
  50. Bhoopander Giri, Ram Prasad, Qiang-Sheng Wu and Ajit Varma (2019) Biofertilizers for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment. Springer (ISBN 9783030189327)
  51. Alexander P. Hansen, Annette Doll, Ajit Varma (2019) Management Careers Made in Germany: Studying at Private German Universities Pays Off. Springer Singapore (ISBN 9789811371349)
  52. Muhammad Zaffar Hashmi and Ajit Varma (2019) Electonric Waste Pollution. Environmental Occurrence and Treatment Technologies. Springer (ISBN: 9783030266158)
  53. Ajit Varma and Devendra Choudhary (2019) Mycorrhizosphere and Pedogenesis. Springer (ISBN: 9789811364792)
  54. Sunil Kumar, Niharika Chandra, Leena Singh, Mohammad Zaffar Hashmi and Ajit Varma (2019) Biofilms in Human Diseases: Treatment and Control. Springer (ISBN: 9783030307578)
  55. Ajit Varma, Swati Tripathi and Ram Prasad (2020) Plant Biotic Interactions. Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-26656-1)
  56. Ajit Varma, Swati Tripathi and Ram Prasad (2020) Plant Microbe Symbiosis. Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-36247-8)
  57. Ajit Varma, Swati Tripathi and Ram Prasad (2020) Plant Microbiome Paradigm. Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-50395-6)
  58. Ajit Varma, Swati Tripathi and Ram Prasad (2020) Plant Microbe Interface. Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-19830-5)
  59. Mansour Ghorbanpour, Prachi Bhargava, Ajit Varma and Devendra K. Choudhary (2020) Biogenic Nano-Particles and their Use in Agro-ecosystems. Springer (ISBN 978-981-15-2984-9)
  60. Boopander Giri and Ajit Varma (2020) Soil Health. Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-44363-4)
  61. Bhoopander Giri, Ram Prasad, Qiang-Sheng Wu and Ajit Varma (2020) Biofertilizers for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment. Springer (ISBN 987-981-15-2984-9)
  62. Chakravarthula Manoharachary, H. B. Singh, Ajit Varma (2021) Trichoderma: Agricultural Applications and Beyond. Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-54758-5)
  63. Cristina Cruz, Kanchan Vishwakarma, Devendra Kumar Choudhary, Ajit Varma (2021) Soil Nitrogen Ecology. Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-71205-1)
  64. Miukesh K Meghvansi and Ajit Varma (2021) Biology of Composts. Springer
  65. Manoj Nath, Deepesh Bhat, Prachi Bhargava, DK Choudhary (2021) Microbial Metatranscriptomics Belowground, Springer Nature. ISBN No. 978-981-15-9758-9
  66. Anukool Vaishnav and DK Choudhary, Microbial Polymers: Applications and Ecological Perspectives, Springer Nature (2021). ISBN No. 978-981-16-0044-9
  67. Neeraj Shrivastava, Shubhangi Mahajan and Ajit Varma (2021) Symbiotic Soil Microorganisms - Biology and Applications, Springer Verlag, Germany. ISBN No: 978-3-030-51916-2
  68. DK Choudhary, A Mishra, A Varma (2021) Climate Change and the Microbiome: Sustenance of the Ecosphere. Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-030-76862-1
  69. Ajit Varma (2022) Biology and Biotechnology of Quinoa Super Grain for Food Security. Springer, Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-16-3832-9
  70. Shubhangi Mahajan, Ajit Varma (2022) Animal Manure. Agricultural and Biotechnological Applications. Springer. Singapore. ISBN: 978-3-030-97290-5.
  71. Bhoopander Giri, Rupam Kapoor, Qiang-Sheng Wu and Ajit Varma (2022) Structure and Functions of Pedosphere. Springer, Singapore