• Kashish Dhanjani MBA 4th Sem was awarded the 3rd position for Presenting Research Paper at International Conference at Vivekananda Gobal University. Title: “Fintech Startups Creating Iconic impact on Indian Economy”.
  • Khushi Gupta BBA 6th sem student awarded the Team coordinator award by Yuva Kabbadi series 2024 in Jaipur
  • Aditi Priya BBA 5th sem awarded Second Position in the event titled as ‘Big Idea Competition’ held at International School of Informatics and Management, Jaipur.
  • Jaya Chauhan MBA 3rd Sem recieved best research presenter Award at a tourism research conference held at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar on 13th october 2023.
  • Poorva Soni BBA 5th sem received 1st prize at IGNUS 2023 organised by IIT Jodhpur in duet dance category.
  • Mr. Yash Bhat: BBA- First Prize (Rs. 3500/-) at 9th Indian youth science congress at NIT, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh
  • Saurabh Mody and Mr. Dilip Singh-MBA 2 Sem , 2nd prize in MOSAIC at IIIM, Jaipur
  • Sozhia Vellalar Kamesh & Vikas Khandelwal Best Paper Award- International Conference
  • Sozhia Vellalar Kamesh First Prize for Presentation in Seminar
  • Dhananjay Rawat, Second Prize, Quiz Competition, JECRC
  • Prithvi Raj Singh, Runner Up Kabaddi, Sanghtan
  • Utsav Saini BBA(2020-23) won bronze medal in 70 kg bodybuilding category & silver medal in men's physique at Mr. Rajasthan context organized by Rajasthan State Bodybuilding Association, held at Rajiv Gandhi Stadium Ajmer.