
Emeritus Director, Lero - the Irish Software Research Centre Professor of Software Engineering, University of Limerick, Ireland President, International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Chair, IEEE UK & Ireland Honorary Fellow, Computer Society of India

Vice Chancellor, University of Northampton UK

Governor of Chukotka, Russia

Group Vice Chancellor, Amity Universities

Founder & President of WSG University, Poland

Charge d' Affaires, Embassy of the I.R. of Afghanistan

High Commissioner, Embassy of Malaysia

Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, Hon Vice President of CIWEM, Liverpool John Moores University

President & Vice Chancellor, Flinders University

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students, Partnerships and International), University of Canberra

11.Research, Innovation and Commercialization, The University of Melbourne

Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Melbourne

Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Melbourne


Deputy Director of Urban Underground Space Engineering Department, Shandong University ,Chair, ACUUS YG Asia

President YES, network

NGRI, India , Secretary General , YES NETWORK

Sustainability, PVR Cinemas

President, Tata Power

CEO- Sustainplus

Managing Director, International Institute of Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility

Director, IIM Rohtak

Director, IIT, Guwahati

Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Principal, Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi

25.Wanjari, Vice Chancellor, Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women’s University