Peer Review Process

Initial checks

Before proceed to the peer-review cycle, all submitted manuscripts received by the Editorial Office will be initial-checked by a subject area specialist Managing Editor to decide whether they are (1) correctly formatted/prepared, (2) follow the ethical policies of the journal, (3) fit the scope of the journal and (4) scientifically sound. Manuscripts that do not meet the journal's requirements and standards will be rejected before peer-review. After the initial check, the managing editor will send the qualified manuscripts to journals' Editor(s). Editor(s) will make initial decisions on whether the manuscripts will be sent for peer-review. No judgment on the significance or potential impact of the work will be made at the initial check stage. Manuscripts that are inadequately prepared will be returned to the author(s) for revision and resubmission. Rejection decisions at this stage will be verified by the Editor(s).


All original articles, reviews, and other types of papers including invited papers published in TSP journals go through a vigorous and thorough peer-review procedure. After an initial check, the manuscript is assigned to a handling editor, who then manage the peer-review and otherwise oversees the whole process. Minimum of two independent reviews will be count. The peer-review is single-blind in nature, meaning that the reviewers know the identities of the authors whose work they are assessing but that the authors do not know the identities of the reviewers. Minor or major revisions may be requested to author(s). The final decision regarding acceptance is usually made by the journal’s Editor(s).


The confidentiality should be respected during the peer review process. Any details of a manuscript or its review shall not be revealed before publication. Academic contents during peer-review should not be breached and used by any roles who involved in the peer-review process.