Aims and Scope

The publication protocol for Journal of Data Science and Cyber Security ISSN: 2584-0010 (Online) is to publish new innovative documents that have been extensively reviewed by experienced academic experts. The journal welcomes submissions from the research community where the priority will be on the innovativeness and the practical significance of the reported findings.

Topics include:

Topics of relevance include all aspects of the trends, scientific foundations, techniques, and applica­tions of data science and cyber security, with a primary focus on:

  • Machine learning and intelligent management
  • Data mining and business analytics
  • Data statistics and decision making
  • Intelligent computing and algorithms
  • Data-driven management decisions
  • Data-based policy evaluation
  • Business intelligence;
  • Business analytics, intelligence and mathematics
  • Computer science, hacking skills
  • Informatics and information systems and technology
  • Machine learning, web-based decision making
  • Management science, social sciences and statistics
  • Mathematical optimisation and mathematics of decision sciences
  • Multiple source data processing and integration
  • Network and social-graph analysis
  • Optimisation, performance measurement
  • Security and privacy
  • Cyber attacks
  • Software and Hardware Security
  • Security issues in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
  • Machine learning mechanisms for cyber security
  • Key generation and key distribution schemes
  • Modern tools for improving cyber security
  • Emerging trends in cyber security
  • Authenticated Key Agreement Protocols
  • Cyber security in Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Cyber security in Cloud
  • Quantum-safe encryption algorithms
  • Quantum-safe digital signature schemes
  • Quantum-safe key management mechanisms