
Prof. (Dr.) Hariram Prasad Yadav
Head of Department, Professor
Civil Engineering
Amity School of Engineering and Technology (ASET)


Ph.D. ENGINEERING , ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING from Jamia Millia Islamia University ,New Delhi
M Tech in Energy and Environmental Engineering from IIT Delhi
B .E .in Chemical Engg. from B.I.T Sindri, Dhanbad ( reputed State Govt . Engg. Institute

35 Years

Environmental Engineering -II , Air pollution and Control (APC) ,EVE 4212 ,M Tech, Sem-II
Water Treatment Plant Design and Operation (WTPDO) ,EVE 4211, MTech ,Sem-I
Optimization of Water Resources Systems (OWRS) , EVE 4205 ,M Tech ,Sem -II
Environmental Engineering -I , CIV 2601 ,B Tech ,Sem -V I
Air and Water pollution Control (AWPC) , CIV2511 ,B Tech ,Sem V
Air pollution and its Control due to Vehicular Emissions , Reduction of Green house gases and mitigation of global warming and climate change ,Green Technologies for upgrading the quality of vehicular fuels , Alternative vehicular fuels ; hydrogen -CNG , gasoline- ethanol ,diesel-biodiesel ,CNG.
Subjects of Environmental Engineering e.g air and water pollution and its control
1.Fellow of the largest professional body in India i.e the Institution of Engineers( India)
2.Chartered Engineer of the Institution of Engineers (India)
3. President of the B.I.T Sindri Alumni Association Delhi NCR Chapter for the Session 2020-2022
4. Active Member of IIT Delhi Alumni Association (IITAA)
5. Active Member of Jamia Millia Islamia Alumni Association (JMIAA)
External Expert for conduct of Viva voce Exams of Ph.D Thesis and M Tech Dissertation of the Environmental Engg. Students of Jamia ,Millia Islamia University , New Delhi , Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies(MRIIRS) ,IIT Delhi ,Gurukul Khangri University Haridwar ,Uttarakhand .

Invited and Keynote Speakers on the plateforms of professional bodies, academic institutions like IITD ,Jamia Millia Islamia ,AUH
Project proposal on ‘’ Hydrogen Generation Technologies with AI supported Photovoltaic Power System for Green Energy ‘’ submittedfor fund at SECI . The proposal has been shortlisted and presentation has been made on 16 March 2023 . Final decision is under process.

Other two project proposals are under process in MNRE,GOI .
Amity School of Engineering and Technology (ASET)