Academic Partners

Academic Partners

Conference Partner Spotlight: Grenoble Ecole De Management

We are delighted to announce Grenoble Ecole De Management (GEM) as a valued partner for the upcoming "GLOBAL CONFLUENCE OF MANAGEMENT HORIZONS (GCMH 2024)." As a distinguished business school based in Grenoble, France, GEM brings a wealth of academic expertise and industry insights to our conference, enriching the experience for participants.

About GEM:

Grenoble Ecole De Management is renowned for its commitment to excellence in business education. With a global reputation for innovation and a focus on preparing students for the challenges of the modern business landscape, GEM stands at the forefront of management education.

GEM's Contribution:

As a conference partner, GEM plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall experience. Expect insightful speakers, thought-provoking sessions, and a valuable exchange of ideas that bridge academic rigor with real-world applications. GEM's collaboration underscores the commitment to fostering a holistic understanding of the intricate relationship between management, engineering, and new age technology.

Connect with GEM:

Visit Grenoble Ecole De Management’s website to explore more about their programs, research, and the impactful contributions they make to the field of business education. We are excited to have Grenoble Ecole De Management on board, and we look forward to an intellectually stimulating and collaborative conference experience at GCMH 2024. Stay tuned for updates and registration details as we converge towards a future shaped by the intersections of management, engineering, and new age technology!

Publication Partners

Publisher Profile: Science Publishing Group (SciencePG) is an open access publisher that focuses on the development of journals, books, and conferences, each with distinctive features.

International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation

International Journal of Business and Globalisation

World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development (WREMSD)

International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM)