Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines for FLUTE 2025
General Requirements:
- Authors are no longer required to use a specific template for submissions. However, a template is available for convenience and can be downloaded here.
- Ensure all necessary permissions are obtained for any material within the manuscript that is not the author's original work or previously published work.
Manuscript Structure: Each submission must include the following sections:
- Title
- Author affiliations, including email addresses and physical addresses
- Abstract (maximum 200 words)
- Keywords (4–6 relevant terms)
- References (formatted as per APA style)
Figures and illustrations:
- Images: Minimum resolution of 300 dpi in TIFF or EPS format.
- Line Art: Minimum resolution of 600 dpi in TIFF or EPS format.
- Figures should be clearly labelled and numbered sequentially.
Formatting and Style:
- The manuscript should not include page numbers, headers, or footers.
- Authors must follow APA style for in-text citations and reference formatting.
- References listed must be cited in the body of the text, and all citations must correspond to the references list.
- Citation examples:
- Single citation: [9]
- Multiple citations: [4–6, 9] (numerical order must be maintained)
- Sequential citation: A lower-numbered reference cannot follow a higher-numbered reference (e.g., [7] cannot precede [5]).
Plagiarism and Similarity Check:
- All submissions will undergo a similarity test using Turnitin or Drillbit software.
- Papers with a similarity score above 10% will be subject to further examination. Submissions deemed unacceptable will be rejected or withdrawn without formal review.
Submission Portal:
- Manuscripts must be submitted through the official conference submission portal. A submission link will be provided on the FLUTE 2025 website.
Additional Notes: