
DST-Amity Technology Enabling Centre is organizing the first of its series, a Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights titled From Concept to Patent and Grant’ on March 17 and 18, 2020.

IPR awareness is still sought after subject by SMEs, student and industry people.

In the changing global scenario, the issues of IPR have gained special importance for the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector. IPR protection plays a key role in gaining competitive advantage in terms of technological gains for achieving higher economic growth in a market driven economy. It is felt that IPR requires greater understanding and attention by the industry, particularly the MSME sector in India.

If you plan to do business in India, or if you are already trading, it is essential to know how to use, guard and enforce the rights you have over the intellectual property (IP) that you or your business owe.

The objective of the seminar is to enhance awareness of MSME about Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) to take measures for the protecting their ideas and business strategies. Effective utilization of IPR tools by MSMEs would also assist them in technology upgradation and enhancing competitiveness.

Theme of the Workshop

The workshop titled “From concept to Patent Filing and Grant”, is well structured and covers various aspects on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) that are concerned with the protection of tangible and intangible property. It provides rewards and recognition to inventor/contributor for their research, designs, discoveries, inventions, etc. IPR protection plays a key role in gaining modest advantage in terms of technological gains for achieving higher economic growth in a market driven economy.

The main aim of workshop is to impart greater awareness about the issues if IPRs, which gained a special importance for all the domains of socio-economic development.

Outcome of the Workshop

To create an ecosystem of IPR and To bridge the Gap between Innovation and Entrepreneurship
To enhance the culture of Innovation and development
To create awareness from taking forward research in lab to Commercialization

Target Audience

Students, Faculty Members, intellectual property owners, industry associations, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations


Sachin Singh – 9457062532