Event Title: Five days Faculty Development Program on “Mission Life A Roadmap to Sustainability with Practice and Partnership in Action” held on 05th to 09th June 2023.

Event Description:

The Faculty Development Program (FDP), shaped by the pressing realities of human-induced climate change, resource depletion, and unsustainable economic structures, unfolded as a response to the critical challenges of sustainability confronting present and future generations on a global scale. This FDP, rooted in the "Mission Life" blueprint introduced by Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, mirrors an India-led global mass movement. To mobilize individual and community action to safeguard the environment. The primary objective of the FDP was to implement Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2023 through a multifaceted approach encompassing learning, practice, roadmaps, capacity building, and partnership in action. The ambitious aim was to address the core and related issues of sustainable development across diverse stakeholders and perspectives. The FDP unfolded with a commitment to nudging individuals worldwide to adopt simple yet impactful environmentally friendly actions in their daily lives. Propagating the P3 model—Pro Planet People—the FDP centered on lifestyles for the planet, by the planet, and of the planet. Emphasizing a circular economy, the model underscored the significance of reducing, reusing, and recycling in achieving a harmonious balance between development, economic growth, and sustainability. An integral part of the FDP was the initiation of a roadmap and a process for the functional integration of sustainability into the strategies and operations of various stakeholders. It directed attention towards managing natural resources, reducing environmental pollution, addressing environmental issues, and tackling the consequences of anthropogenic climate change. The program encompassed the study of bioethical, socioeconomic, and legal facets of environmental sustainability. It delved into the roles of environmental professionals and ecotechnologies in preserving the environment. Critical evaluation and understanding of India's status regarding SDGs, along with best practices and the value created across five stages of sustainability integration, were integral components. The outcomes sought the eradication of extreme poverty, reduction of all poverty by half, implementation of social protection systems, ensuring equal rights, and building resilience to environmental, economic, and social disasters. Capacity-building for a sustainable future was a thematic focus, spanning water, energy, climate, oceans, urbanization, transport, science, and technology. The FDP aimed to articulate a focused, radical outcome document, presenting clear and practical measures for implementing sustainable development. Achieving basic levels of goods and services for all, better redistribution of wealth and resources, ensuring equitable access to opportunities, information, and the rule of law were among the lofty goals. Exploring how research findings could address environmental challenges such as climate change, food and water crises, natural disasters, and pollution was a key facet. The program also sought to instill a sense of belongingness in academia and students, providing guidance for companies on integrating sustainability-related goals and strategies across the organization. In retrospect, the FDP emerged as a comprehensive initiative, bridging theoretical understanding and practical implementation to foster sustainability across various dimensions. It sought to create a ripple effect, influencing individuals, communities, and organizations to collectively work towards a more sustainable and resilient future. The multifaceted approach, encompassing education, practice, and collaboration, reflected a commitment to tackling the intricate challenges of sustainability head-on.

Event Title : Symposium    on “Sustainability for the Next Generation: Advancing Environmental Solutions in Policy and Practice” held on 15th September 2023.

Event Description:

The Symposium on "Sustainability for the Next Generation: Advancing Environmental Solutions in Policy and Practice," part of the 5th International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Leadership (ICEIL 2023), stands out as a significant moment in the ongoing discourse on environmental sustainability. This pivotal event brought together a diverse cohort of experts, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners with a shared objective: to deliberate on strategies for advancing sustainability in the 21st century. Conceived with the overarching goal of identifying innovative solutions to pressing environmental challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and resource depletion, the symposium provided a unique platform for participants to engage in vibrant discussions, exchange ideas, and forge collaborations. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, a broad spectrum of sustainability-related topics was covered, including the role of policy in sustainability promotion, the use of technology and innovation to address environmental challenges, and the significance of community engagement in sustainable development. A noteworthy theme emerged, emphasizing the imperative of an integrated approach to sustainability. Participants underscored the interconnectedness of social, economic, and environmental systems, advocating for a holistic perspective that recognizes the vital role of social justice, equity, and inclusion in environmental decision-making. Furthermore, the symposium brought to the forefront the pivotal role of technology and innovation in promoting sustainability. Participants explored the transformative potential of technologies like renewable energy, smart cities, and circular economies in reshaping lifestyles and reducing environmental footprints. In summary, the Symposium on "Sustainability for the Next Generation: Advancing Environmental Solutions in Policy and Practice" proved to be a resounding success. Beyond generating valuable insights, it served as a platform for collaborative partnerships and the exchange of new and innovative ideas. By bringing together experts from diverse fields, the symposium laid the foundation for a more sustainable future. The symposium's objectives were clear and focused. It aimed to convene a diverse range of experts, policymakers, and practitioners to discuss and explore strategies for advancing environmental sustainability in the 21st century. These objectives included delving into pressing environmental challenges, sharing innovative solutions, investigating the role of policy, fostering collaborations, emphasizing social justice and equity, and inspiring the next generation of leaders in the field of sustainability. Collectively, these objectives steered discussions and actions toward a more sustainable future by identifying and sharing innovative solutions and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration.