Director's Message

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving media landscape, driven by rapid technological advancements, data proliferation, and the rise of digital platforms, the media industry is undergoing transformative changes. As media professionals, it is essential to stay ahead of these changes, embrace new tools and technologies, and respond to the shifting needs of audiences. Today’s media landscape calls for individuals who possess not only strong communication skills but also a keen understanding of digital trends, content creation, strategic thinking, data analysis, and ethical decision-making along with storytelling. 

An ideal media education goes beyond imparting theoretical knowledge; it is about nurturing creativity, fostering critical thinking, and developing practical skills that are directly applicable to industry. It should prepare students to think independently, innovate, and tackle real-world challenges with confidence. A holistic media education instills a deep understanding of media ethics, storytelling, and the latest industry trends, equipping students with the adaptability to thrive in a constantly changing environment. 

 At Amity School of Communication (ASCO), we are committed to providing the best media education that aligns with the demands of the industry. Our comprehensive curriculum is designed to produce all-round and multi-talented media professionals who are ready to make a mark in the media world. We blend classroom learning with hands-on experience, ensuring our students gain a thorough understanding of both traditional and digital media. 

ASCO boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure, making it one of the best-equipped media schools in India. The cutting-edge curriculum is regularly updated to keep pace with industry changes and includes opportunities for industry interface, on-field projects, and exposure to real-world scenarios. We also emphasize the importance of ethics, instilling in our students the values necessary to become not just successful professionals but also responsible human beings.

At ASCO, we strive to nurture the next generation of media leaders who are adaptable, innovative, and prepared to meet the challenges of the future.

Prof. (Dr.) Gagan Prakash
Professor & Director
Amity School of Communication
Additional Charge-Amity School of Film & Drama