Faculty Development Program on Multifaceted Approach to Language Pedagogy 1 – 5 July 2024

Director’s Message

Dear Members of the Amity Community,

Amity Institute of English Studies and Research (AIESR) was established in 2005 under the able guidance of the Founder President, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan. From a humble beginning of only four students, to nurturing 700 students each year, including 40+ doctoral scholars, we have grown to become a large and vibrant community. We provide a student-friendly environment for the well-rounded development of our students, equipping them to face the challenges of the modern world.

We at AIESR have made much progress in recent years but there is much work still to do. We have with us today many interesting, contemporary courses and exciting new programmes, and a strong and diverse faculty and students in our institute.

We offer the four-year Multidisciplinary BA (Honours/Research) programme in English that is interdisciplinary in character, focusing on contemporary issues and 21st century skills in consonance with NEP 2020. Our MA English and PhD programmes are a research-oriented one, training the students for higher education as well as the industry-oriented skills in language, linguistics and literature, culture and communication. Even though the emphasis is on English literature, our courses also focus on contemporary issues in allied disciplines such as speech and language comprehension and production, perception and cognition, computational linguistics and psycholinguistics.

Our academic programmes are a unique combination of rigorous academic research combined with passionate teaching. We are committed to these principles on which AIESR was founded, and which is why we want you to join us as we launch new programmes committed to studying the social brain at the masters and doctoral levels. We have launched an exciting new MA in Applied Linguistics, with a focus on AI, curriculum design and language acquisition as priority areas.

My colleagues and I welcome you on this exciting journey forward. May we tackle new challenges and commit ourselves to excellence.

With warmest regards,
Shantanu Ghosh