  • Submitted manuscripts should be original and must not be under review or communicated to any other conference or journal. 
  • If the organizing committee observes any kind of unfair means or unethical plagiarism in the submitted manuscript, it will be instantly rejected.
  • All the submitted papers will undergo a plagiarism check through the licensed software ‘Turnitin’.
  • Papers having Plagiarism below 20% will be accepted for review.
  • If Plagiarism is above 20%, the authors must edit their paper and submit it again.
  • All the References should be properly used in the preparation of the manuscript.
  • If any figure, diagram, data, table, or statement is quoted from any other source it should be properly highlighted in the manuscript and a proper source should be acknowledged in the reference.
  • References should be listed as per their appearance in the manuscript.
  • Manuscript should be prepared as per the guidelines of Springer.
  • Camera-ready paper has to be submitted in a Word file or Latex file.
  • Figures, Graphs, and Diagrams should be of good quality and must be properly visible.
  • Proper use of the English Language and grammar while preparing the manuscript should be maintained.
  • At least one author from each paper must register for the Conference.
  • We strictly follow the ‘No Podium, No Publication’ policy. No paper will be sent for publication in Conference proceedings or Journals if it has not been presented at the conference.
  • ‘Best Research papers’ will be award under various categories based on the feedback of the Review Committee and the Session Chairman.
  • After acceptance notification, authors must send their camera-ready paper along with the copyright form.
  • Authors must register by the due date given on the website or as mentioned through confirmation e-mail.
  • Final publication of papers in Springer proceedings and other journals will depend on the feedback of the publisher.
  • Author guidelines and Template can be downloaded from Here