Prospective authors are invited to submit original manuscripts (unpublished / not communicated / not under review of any other conference or journal) of research and recent development in the topics of thrust areas of the conference. It is mandatory to follow the standard Springer camera-ready format for manuscript submission.
- Submit full length paper on the topic of your interest.
- The length of the paper should be 4 pages (minimum) to 8 pages(maximum).
- All the papers must adhere to the submission guidelines of Springer.
- Visit the link to access guidelines and template- Author guidelines and Template
- Upon receiving the reviewer’s feedback, a camera ready paper in word (.doc file) or Latex file has to be submitted by due date along with Copyright form
- At least one author must register for the conference. No paper will be published without paper presentation.
- The paper will be submitted through Microsoft CMT
- If you do not have a CMT user account, you will have to register on the CMT website.
- While submitting your paper on CMT, Kindly chose one of the following Tracks (mentioned below) before submission.
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Thrust Areas of the Conference:
- Aerospace Propulsion and combustion systems.
- Space Research, Rocketry, Avionics, and Instrumentation.
- Electric Mobility in Aerospace engineering.
- Aerodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Wind Tunnel, and Computational fluid dynamics.
- Structural Analysis and Finite Element Method.
- Aerospace Materials, composite materials, and Manufacturing systems
- Aircraft Maintenance, Overhauling, NDT, and other technical tests.
- Autonomous Airborne Systems.
- Airborne Defence Systems.
- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning applications in Aerospace Engineering.
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
- Flight Mechanics.
- Air Safety, Airworthiness, and Environmental issues.
- Aircraft Control System and Stability.
- Renewable Energy Application in Aerospace