11th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2024)
21-22 March 2024
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ASET, Amity University, Sec-125, Noida, Delhi-NCR, India

SPIN-2024 Proceedings Published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library

Paper Submission Guidelines IEEE Ethics Reporting

Instruction to Authors

Full paper in IEEE format should be submitted through on-line paper submission process Microsoft's Conference Management Toolkit (CMT)

Manuscripts for SPIN 2024 will ONLY be accepted in electronic format through CMT online submission system. Please do not send hard copy of your paper. If you are unable to submit your contribution electronically, please contact us.

All accepted, registered and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements

(Click the links below to download)

  1. Submit your manuscript as per IEEE guidelines and format in PDF at: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/SPIN2024/Submission/Index
  2. Authors should only submit originally written, unpublished work to SPIN 2024.
  3. Submissions should strictly follow the recommended IEEE conference template.
  4. All references must follow the IEEE format of referencing
  5. To facilitate the paper’s double-blind peer review process, authors should not mention name and affiliation at the top as per template and make efforts to ensure that information about the authors identities/name/affiliation do not appear anywhere in the text-body of the paper. (for the Initial submission)
  6. Authors will be considered as mentioned in easychair.
  7. Please limit your paper within 6 pages, and the size of your PDF file less than 2MB, files larger than 2MB will not be accepted for upload.
  8. Authors wishing to submit an over-length manuscript may do so. There will be an over-length page fee of Rs. 2,000/page for Indian participant and $125 per page for foreign participant and limited to an additional 2 pages (maximum page submission is eight (8) pages). This payment is required at the time of registration.
  9. All fonts must be embedded in the file.
  10. Authors can't be added or removed at later stage.
  11. Fonts that require non-English language support are not allowed.
  12. The document should not have any password protection.
  13. Do not put your own page numbers on the manuscript.
    The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text.
    This and other submission policies can be found in the IEEE Author Center Conference Author Submission Policies page at https://conferences.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/author-ethics/guidelines-and-policies/submission-policies/

Instruction to Authors of Accepted Papers

  • Presentation: Paper presentation is allowed only by the authors of the registered paper.
  • CAMERA READY paper must be submitted before deadline. 
  • Copyright: Corresponding Author will receive an email from IEEE having a link to fill the Copyright Form online and it will be mandatory to fill this Online Copyright form to include the paper in conference proceedings and for possible publication in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 
  • REGISTRATION must be completed as per date mentioned in notification email to avail early registration fee.
    Registration Link: https://www.amity.edu/NSPG/SPIN2024/
    STEP 1:  
  • Download the Camera Ready Format for SPIN 2024.
    Templates Download: Template in Microsoft Word Format  Click Here 
  • The paper length should not exceed six (6) pages, IEEE two (2) column format. You need to modify your paper exactly as per the format requirements specified in the Camera-Ready Format. 
  • However, the authors can extend maximum 2 page with over length page charge, of Rs. 2,000/page for Indian participant and US $ 125/page for international participant. (Maximum page submission is eight (8) pages). 

STEP 2: 

Use the IEEE PDF eXpress link as given below to check the Camera-Ready paper is IEEE compliant. 


1. Login to https://ieee-pdf-express.org/account/signup
2. Conference id is 60856X.
3. Enter your email id and password.
4. Click on "Create New Title".
5. Enter your Paper Title.
6. Click on "Submit File for Checking and Converting".
7. Upload your paper (Ensure that your paper is in IEEE format before uploading).
8. You will receive IEEE Xplore PDF compatible version on your mentioned email-id with a PID no. 

Please submit the PDF of the Camera Ready Copy generated by PDF express only. 

STEP 3: Please Rename your PDF as XXX_camerar.PDF where XXX is your CMT paper ID. 

STEP 4: Submit the following documents at the Document Submission Link:


1. IEEE PDF Compliant Camera Ready Paper (XXX_camerar.pdf)
2. Source File (XXX_camerar.DOC or XXX_camerar.DOCX)
3. Scanned Copy of IEEE Membership Card (If Applicable) (XXX_IEEE.pdf)
4. Scanned Copy of Student Identity Card (Full Time, If Applicable) (XXX_student.pdf)
5. A doc/pdf file which will include "Response to Reviewer Comments" and how the comments are addressed in the revised paper. 

Document Submission Link: https://forms.gle/qVaKwbjK3tF3PWGt5 

In case of any query, please write at spin@amity.edu with Subject “Query Camera Ready Paper Id XXX”