Call for Paper
Prospective authors are invited to submit original manuscripts unpublished reserach work realted to the conference theme. It is required that the manuscript follows the standard IEEE camera-ready format.
All papers that conform to submission guidelines will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical strength, scientific contribution, relevance to conference theme, and readability. Acceptance notification of papers will be communicated to authors by email. The authors of the accepted papers will be allowed to make corrections in accordance with the suggestions and comments of the reviewers and submit final camera-ready papers within the final submission deadline.
Authors are requested to note the following points.
Manuscripts for RDCAPE-2017 will ONLY be accepted in electronic format through Easy Chair online submission (Click Here for Submission)system.
Do not send hardcopy of your paper. If you are unable to submit your contribution electronically, please contact us.
Submit your manuscript either in PDF or in Microsoft Word format.
Authors should only submit originally written, unpublished work to RDCAPE-2017.
Submissions should strictly follow the recommended IEEE conference template.
To facilitate the paper’s double-blind peer review process, authors should make efforts to ensure that information about the authors identities
do not appear anywhere in the text-body of the paper.
Please limit your paper within 6 pages, and the size of your PDF file less than 2MB, files larger than 2MB will not be accepted for upload.
Authors wishing to submit an over-length manuscript may do so. There will be an over-length page fee of $125 per page and limited to an
additional 2 pages (maximum page submission is eight (8) pages).
The document should not have any password protection. Do not put your own page numbers on the manuscript.
The decision regarding the acceptance of the papers is at the discretion of the Technical Program Committee.
Note that short manuscripts / abstract are not considered
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Track 1: Power System technology

Ultra-High Voltage (UHV) technologies
HVDC and flexible AC transmission system
Over-voltage, lightning protection and grounding
Electromagnetic transient in high voltage power systems
Insulation condition monitoring in power systems
Advance distribution and SCADA technologies
Electromagnetic analysis in power systems
Mechanisms for Grid markets
Modeling of Grid environments
Resource allocation in Grid scenarios
Simulation of Grid environments and markets
Computational Economics for Grid Engineering of Grid markets
Power system management technologies
Power system planning and operation
Power system monitoring and mitigation technologies
Power system analysis and optimization
Online monitoring and fault diagnosis system
Load modelling, estimation and forecast
Control strategies for modern power system stability
Modeling and simulation of large power systems
System development and operation
System reliability, security and adequacy
Power quality
Static and dynamic component modelling
Small and large system dynamics
On-line control, FACTS, integration of HVDC, wide-area monitoring
Electrical Energy Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Nuclear Power Generation
Power Flow Analysis
Deregulation of Power System
Energy Pricing Forecasting
Power Market
Power System Automation- SCADA/EMS & SynchroPhasor
Distribution Management Systems
Track 4: Aerospace and Mechatronics

Avionics and Sensors
Data Fusion
State Estimation
System Identification
Path Planning and Guidance
Modelling and Simulation
Autopilot Design
Control of Structures and Mechanisms
Post-mission Analysis
Track 2: Control Systems and Application

Linear and nonlinear systems
Modeling of complex systems
Control application Guidance and control theory
Motion control Optimal
Control Studies
Robust control and Hinfty
Variable structure Systems
Robust, Stochastic and Multivariable Control Estimation
Stochastic control
Estimation and identification
Observation and Observer
Multivariable control
Industrial control
Intelligent and Al based control
Networks optimization
Optimization Process control and instrumentation
Adaptive Control
Track 5: Soft Computing & Core Computing

Advance Neural Network
Fuzzy Logic
Artificial Intelligence
Information Theory
Machine Learning
Algorithm and Data Structure
Program Semantic & Verification
Natural Language Processing
Computational Comlexity
Probabilistic Computaional
Track 3: Power Electronics Drives and
Elect-Mech. Energy Conversion

Power Converters
Power Electronics converters for drives
Power Electronics in Transportation
Power quality issues, harmonic problems and solutions
Semiconductor Devices and Packaging
Industrial Process Control and Automation
In-vehicle energy conversion
Power Electronics in consumer electronics
Multiphase drives
FACT devices and controllers
Multilevel converters
Matrix converters
Track 6: Next Generation Computing

Embedded System
VLSI Design
Signal & Image Processing
Clioud Computing
Green Architecture
Cognitive Informatics
Cyber Security
Information Retrieval
High Performance Computing
Intelligent Control & Automation
Intelligent Information Management
Cognitive Computing
Grid Computing
Green Computing
Robotics & Control Application
Track 7: Miscellaneous

Boimedical Instrumentation
Biomedical Imaging
Smart Power System
Digital Multimedia Forensic
Big Data Analytic
Information Theory
Operational Research
Mobile Computing