International Conference on Energy, Materials and Information Technology (ICEMIT 2024)
Sponsored by Anusandhan National Research Foundation, Govt. of India

19–20 December, 2024


Registration Fees

Scopus and Web of Science indexed journals in which selected papers will be published

International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment

Journal of Thermal Engineering

AIP Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceedings as Book chapters (under process)

Conference Proceedings as Book chapters (under process)


Registration Fees

Registration fees (non-refundable) should be paid in full by presenting/ corresponding author, only after the confirmation of acceptance. Each co-author (irrespective of the Author Type), apart from the registered author, needs to pay Rs. 700 + 18% GST (Total Rs. 826) for getting an individual certificate.

Author Type

Early Bird (INR/USD)

General (INR/USD)

Undergraduate Student

Rs. 2500 +18% GST

(Total: Rs 2950)

3000 +18% GST

(Total: Rs. 3540)

Postgraduate Student

Rs. 3000 +18% GST

(Total: Rs. 3540)

3500 +18% GST

(Total: Rs. 4130)

PhD/ Research Scholar

4500 +18% GST

(Total: Rs. 5310)

5000 +18% GST

(Total: Rs. 5900)


6000 +18% GST

(Total: Rs. 7080)

6500 +18 % GST

(Total Fees: Rs. 7670)

Industry Personnel

7500 +18% GST

(Total: Rs. 8850)

8000 +18 % GST

(Total: Rs. 9440)

International Author

120 USD + 18% GST

(Total: 141.6 USD)

150 USD + 18% GST

(Total: 177.0 USD)

Note: Only presenting author will get the conference certificate. If you need an additional conference e-certificate for your co-authors, you can get it by paying ₹150 per certificate.