International Conference on Energy, Materials and Information Technology (ICEMIT 2024)

19–20 December, 2024


Registration Fees

Journals in which selected papers will be published
(in discussion)

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


ELSEVIER Materials Today: Proceedings

Registration Fees

Registration fees (non-refundable) should be paid in full by presenting/ corresponding author, only after the confirmation of acceptance. Each co-author (irrespective of the Author Type), apart from the registered author, needs to pay Rs. 700 + 18% GST (Total Rs. 826) for getting an individual certificate.

Author Type

Early Bird (INR/USD)

General (INR/USD)

Undergraduate Student

Rs. 2500 +18% GST

(Total: Rs 2950)

3000 +18% GST

(Total: Rs. 3540)

Postgraduate Student

Rs. 3000 +18% GST

(Total: Rs. 3540)

3500 +18% GST

(Total: Rs. 4130)

PhD/ Research Scholar

4500 +18% GST

(Total: Rs. 5310)

5000 +18% GST

(Total: Rs. 5900)


6000 +18% GST

(Total: Rs. 7080)

6500 +18 % GST

(Total Fees: Rs. 7670)

Industry Personnel

7500 +18% GST

(Total: Rs. 8850)

8000 +18 % GST

(Total: Rs. 9440)

International Author

120 USD + 18% GST

(Total: 141.6 USD)

150 USD + 18% GST

(Total: 177.0 USD)