

11 Aug 2024|Noida | IIT Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Amity University secures “AAA Rating” for its performance in NPTEL Online Certification Courses, by SWAYAM-NPTEL

SWAYAM-NPTEL recognized Amity University Noida as a valuable Local Chapter for its performance in NPTEL Online Certification Courses, from Jan-June 2024. To mark the occasion, Prof. (Dr.) K.M. Soni, SPOC – NPTEL Local Chapter, Amity University, Noida, was felicitated by NPTEL Office IIT Kanpur during the SPOC Felicitation Ceremony, held at IIT Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.


The accolades received by Amity University include “AAA Rating”, “Best Rating Point Improvement" and “Best Certified Count Improvement” among the top 200 rated local chapter based on performance in NPTEL Online Certification Course, Jan – April 2024. In addition, “Local Chapter Star Award” was also presented to Amity University Noida.

Further, 5 out of total 17 discipline-wise performance ratings were secured by Amity University Noida including the number 1 position in Architecture and Planning, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Management and Aerospace Engineering.


Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor Amity University Uttar Pradesh, said, “We are thrilled and honored to be recognized with these prestigious awards.  The awards presented across a range of categories, reflect Amity University's dedication to delivering exceptional hard work. This remarkable accomplishment underscores the organization’s unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation. These accolades are a testament to the hard work of our brilliant students and faculty members. Each award represents a significant milestone and reinforces our commitment to delivering excellence for the growth of the university.”


NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning), is a joint venture of the IITs and IISc, funded by the Ministry of Education (MoE) Government of India, and was launched in 2003. Initially started as a project to take quality education to all corners of the country, NPTEL now offers close to 600+ courses for certification every semester in about 22 disciplines. NPTEL began offering open online courses in March 2014. During Jan – June 2024, NPTEL Offered 689 courses in almost all disciplines. A total number of enrolled students and faculty members was 33436 in 232 courses from AUUP, Noida campus.