Granted Patents
1. A nanomaterial based culture medium for microbial growth enhancement
2. Sensor for detecting nitrogen dioxide gas
3. An improved process for the production of mucuna pruriens seeds extract
4. Plant biomass nanomaterial composite based electrode for the removal of industrial dyes from wastewater
5. Process for the synthesis of z 3- halo -2-styryl/vinyl chromones as therapeutic agents
6. Process for the synthesis of e 3- halo -2- styryl/vinyl chromones as therapeutic agents
7. Regiospecific oxiation of carbon-metal bonds of organometallic compounds using chiral iron (iii)-salen complexes as catalyst
8. A low cost, disposable, ambient temperature colorimetric sensor array for detection and identification of eight toxic gases
9. Process for preparation of iron (iii) porphyrin catalyst immobilized on dowex resin and its application thereof in biomimetic oxidation
10. Cement-nano composite coated pebbels based water purification system for microbial de-contamination
11. Standardized method for extraction and purification of forskolin from the roots of coleus for skohlii
12. Polyphenol enriched antioxidant nutraceutical product as adjuvant therapy for cancer chemo -prevention and process for the preparation thereof
13. A sensor for detecting air leakage in packed items and storage plants
14. A method for preparation of andrographolide from andrographis peniculata
15. A process for the preparation of 3-substituted-2-9phenyl ethyl chromones
16. A process for the synthesis of semiconducting metal oxide nanoparticles of controleed size distribution
17. Process for imparting or enhancing electrical conductivity of polymer matrix with semiconductor nanoparticles.
18. Method for preparation of catalyst its activity and method for treatment of textile wastewater
19. An improved method for isolation and purification of lysergol from ipomoea hederacea seed
20. Cancer chemoprevention nutraceuticals and process for the preparation thereof
21. Nano material, their method of production and application thereof
22. A process and method for standardized extract of withania somnifera and pharmaceutical uses thereof
23. Suspending agent from cassia species
24. An improved method for commercial manufacturing of extract of 20% ß -escin from horse chestnut
25. A process for isolation and purification of curcuminoids from curcuma longa
26. A herbal hair oil - a novel hair nourishing anti dandruff herbal oil
27. A process to extract the bioactive component of curry leaf (murray koenigii
28. A composition and method for preparation of water soluble extract of defined content of kutkin form picrorrhiza kaurva rhizomes
29. Bilimbi wine-a novel hypocholesterolemic nutraceutical
30. Development of novel nanocomposites as chemical sensors using functionalized graphite nanoparticles and grafted polymers through chemical ligation
31. Novel composition of biopolymers and a process for the preparation thereof
32. An improved method for extraction of glycosides from pineapple peel
33. Novel formulation for nash (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis)
34. Shampoo for greasy and dry hair
35. A novel herbal formulation for wet and dry cough
36. A process for surface modification of fly ash for use as reflective agent
37. Process for immobilization of alkaline phosphatase extracted from azadirachta indica onto chlorinated-polyethylenimine (pei) woven bombyx mori silk fabrics
38. A novel fly ash based zeolitic extender pigment for use as anti-corrosive additive in paints
39. A solvent tolerant bacterial lipase and its application thereof in food industry
40. Kit for demonstrating dna-protein interaction in plants
41. In situ genesis of silver nano in porous concrete pebbles using green technology for water purification
42. A formulation for the treatment of arsenic toxicity
43. A highly functional semiconductor integrated circuit device
44. A synergistic herbal composition for lowering blood glucose and blood cholesterol levels
45. Novel effect of spices on demelanization of pathogenic fungus
46. Porphyrin functionalized carbon nanotube thin films as sensor for detection of nitrogen dioxide
47. Process for the synthesis of aa-dutp-cy3/cy5- a novel fluorescent labeling agent
48. Synthesis of a novel analogue of sorafenib for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
49. Development of cinnamon-cumin dual drug loaded poly (d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) coated polymeric nanoparticles for sustained release of anti-diabetic drugs
50. A fermented immuno-modulator beverage and process for the preparation thereof
51. An improved method for manufacturing extract with atleast 40% stevioside from stevia
52. Development of reusable transducer matrix based on nanostructured polyaniline and application to biosensors
53. A method for preparing the quercetin loaded nanoparticle
54. Multiwalled carbon nanotube/cement composites based sensors for smoke detection
55. Design of horizontal bioreactor for solid state fermentation
56. Detection of btx vapors based on metal-tetraphenylporphyrin functionalized carbon nanotube composite sensors
57. Graphene based chemical sensor for the detection of toxic heavy metal complexes in drinking water
58. A modified medium for co-cultivation of sebacinales fungi with plants of lamiaceae family
59. Tacrine-quercetin conjugates form for treatment of alzheimer s diseasee
60. Prolonged release mosquito repellent formulations
61. P indica obviates extreme temperature stresses
62. Microwave mediated synthesis of an oxidizing agent for dy degradation
63. A novel pressure filtration unit and method of preparation thereof
64. Low cost and eco-friendly production of an electro-active polyaniline and binary metal dichalcogenide composite
65. Development of low cost, convenient and electroactive polyaniline-ceramic chalcogenide composites
66. A method for preparation of novel and new nutrient for cultivation of piriformospora indica
67. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using centratherum anthelminticum plant tissue extract
68. A thermostable peroxidase from bael [aegle marmelos(linn ) correa], and method of isolation thereof
69. Photochemical method for degradation of persistence pesticide
70. Composite polymer film based resistive humidity sensor
71. A formulation from emulsifying agent from native and derivatized grandis gum
72. Biological stabilization and mineralization of organic kitchen waste by microbial consortium
73. Development of a plant biomass based metal sorption column with modified silica gel and the application thereof
74. Development of improved diposable biostrips of activated woven silk fabric for testing pasteurized milk
75. Herbal colour for cosmetic and food industry
76. Polyphenol enriched antimutagenic product from fruit pericarp of trapa bispinosa
77. Metalloporphyrin - functionalized cnt composite as chemiresistive sensor for detection of nitrobenzene and chlorobenzene vapors
78. A diet supplement for the enrichment of rotifer with iodine
79. Hydrogen peroxide vapour sensor using metal-phthalocyanine functionalized carbon nanotubes
80. Homogenization of nanoparticles in poly (3,4-ethylenedioxy thiophene)/ poly (4-styrene sulphonate) (pedot:pss)/nanographite nanocomposites using swift heavy ions and thereby enhancing the sensing properties
81. Microwave mediated impregnation of silver nanoparticles on fabrics for hygienic clothing
82. Improved cling packaging films for food industry
83. Method for production of biosurfactant by bacillus thuringiensis grown on mustard seed meal
84. Apparatus to measure degradation of xenobiotics through volatilization and mineralization
85. Study of the effect of high altitude medicinal plant extracts against oxidative stress in patients undergoing chemotherapy
86. Formulation of ph sensitive mucoadhesive microsphers of omerphrazole
87. A method for the synthesis of 3-amninoalkyl-2-styrl chromone derivatives for anticancer and antioxidant activity
88. Process for immobilization of alkaline phosphatase extracted from azadirachta indica in bovine serum albumin microspheres
89. Method for component resolved diagnosis of aspergillus fumigatus hypersensitivity in allergic patients
90. An efficient method of fungal elicitation of callus cultures of lepidium sativum for enhanced production of lepidine
91. A novel composition for herbal hand-wash and process for the preparation of the same
92. Modification of nanocomposite of poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/poly (4-styrene sulphonate) (pedot: pss) / nano graphite through ion implantation technique
93. A novel reusable cholesterol biosensor based on gold nanoparticles decorated graphene-nanostructured polyaniline nanocomposite
94. A method for the preparation of disinfectant, air purifier and hand sanitizer using combination of plant extracts
95. Herbal skin nourishing fairness cream-a novel skin nourishing cream for retarding ageing and wrinkles
96. Herbal nail polish
97. Unique solvent stable mn2+ activated metalloprotease from bacillus sp
98. A biodegradable bioplastic formulation and a method of for preparing the same
99. A novel composition and method of preparation of the composition to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacterium, vibrio cholerae
100. A novel therapeutic dicyclopenthyl compound and its method of preparation thereof
101. Polymer based gelatin free capsules
102. Carbohydrate based biodegradable abd hydro-biodegradable plastics
103. Herbal formulation for effective acne vulgaris
104. Synthesis of natural saponin through co-cultivation of microorganisms
105. A novel process for the preparation of antioxidant product with strong antimutagenic and free radical scavenging activities derived from agri-horticultural waste
106. Novel self defense spray formulation
107. Development of natural pesticides from plants with acetyl cholinesterase inhibitory activity
108. A simple lab /field reusable lysimeter
109. A system and method for controlling the temperature of air conditioner
110. Novel colorimetric sensor for toxic gases/ volatile organic compounds using solar cell
111. E-glass-epoxy material yoke harness
112. Very sensitive humidity sensor based on conducting polymer nano-composite
113. A novel transducer matrice for amperometric cholesterol biosensor
114. Quercetin isolated from datura metel has anti - helicobacter pyloric activity
115. Closed loop least mean-square adaptive noise canceller
116. Enhancement of shikonin production by azotobacter in hairy root cultures of arnebia hispidissima (lehm ) dc
117. A modified process of purification of phaseolus vulgaris (french beans) alkaline phosphatase by aqueous two phase extraction
118. A technique and device for multiphase encryption
119. A novel formulation for the preparation of herbal insect repellent and the process thereof
120. A focal absorber for a solar energy absorber system
121. Process for bandgap restructuring of titania using combination of surfactants and metal ions
122. A bioactive datura extract to inhibit the growth of helicobacter pylori
123. Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by cinnamomum tamala twigs
124. Voltage dependent light filter and method of synthesis thereof
125. Enhanced photocatalytic applications of novel green composites of semiconductor bismuth oxyhalides (bioxs)
126. A novel graphite oxide based on enzymatic cholesterol sensor
127. Synthesis of novel complex stannane derived from benzene-1,3-diol
128. Improved design of rake transreceiver for the 3g cdma wireless communication system
129. A novel exhaust system for reducing the gases and particulate matter emitted from vehicles
130. Antibiotic compositions comprising an extract from datura plant and method for preparation thereof
131. Silver doped cooper nano-gel for rapid wound healing in diabetic patients
132. Novel growth medium comprising expired caffeinated or decaffeinated carbonated beverages for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoetes
133. Parasite picking gear
134. Phytocontrol of root knot nematode (meloidogyne spp )
135. A novel method to reduce exhaust emission of Diesel engine using carbon black, 3-way catalytic converter and an alkali solution
136. A bio-control agent for controlling fungal phytopathogens and method of preparing thereof
137. A novel broad spectrumbiocide for controlling diseases of crops
138. Novel synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles using cinnamon leaf extract
139. Formulation of resveratrol and humic acid from shilajit for cardio protection
140. A novel composition for the preparation of herbal mosquito repellent and the process thereof
141. A novel synergistic formulation for inhibition of tumor growth and method of preparation thereof
142. Antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extract of solanum xanthocarpum to inhibit the growth of the pathogen, vibrio cholerae
143. Modular implementation of fault tolerant circuitry in solar photovoltaic array networks
144. Method for preparation of highly fluorescent biocompatible sulphur doped graphene quantum dots from affordable agro-industrial bio-waste cane molasses using hydrothermal synthesis for bioimaging application
145. A novel method to detect z-dna form
146. Novel composites prepared using coagulum (diterpene carboxymethyl ester) with jute fiber
147. Novel paint composition
148. A method for producing methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of microalgae chlorella pyrenoidosa
149. Benzalkonium chloride coated copper nanoparticles aided condom lubricant
150. Isoxazoyl styrylchromones as selective estrogen receptor modulators
151. An improved system for engagement and disengagement of clutch using actuator
152. Nanocellulose and silver nano embedded pebbles based composite for complete removal of dyes, heavy metals and microbial load from water
153. Novel heterocyclic ii receptor antagonist compounds and method of preparation thereof
154. Process for the development of amperometric biosensor for bile acid estimation
155. Probiotic enhanced lactoserum based functional food product for use as adjuvant therapy in anaemia
156. Leaf protein concentrate based novel functional food to combat malnutrition and anaemia and process for the preparation thereof
157. A noninvasive device for mea
158. An improved antitheft system and method for vehicles
159. F a f t - rizwan s and amity s foot pump technology
160. A rapid detection and photocatalytic degradation of amoxicillin using titania thin film
161. Novel formulation of standardized extract of psoralea corylifolia for the treatment of liver cirrhosis
162. Dietary supplement for treating malathion induced toxicity in testis
163. An improved wireless transceiver device with reduced control packet overhead in mobile ad hoc networks
164. Injection mouldable bio-plastic
165. Time dependent adaptation of channa punctatus chromatophore against metal toxicity
166. Waterway transportation system with improved docking facilities
167. A method for enhancing seed germination percentage in asparagus racemosus plant
168. Power generation by speed breaker with the help of spring and fly wheel mechanism
169. Bioelectricity, waste remediation and increased nitrogenase activity in plants by expression of niff, nifj gene in geobacter metallireducens
170. A portable harvesting tool for thorny species
171. An improved membrane free photocatalytic reactor for treatment of industrial effluent and sludge for zld compliance
172. Carotenoids enriched functional foods derived from agri-horticultural waste
173. Automatic viscometer
174. A method for separation of the dyes used in the printing of flex by using bio-adsorbent
175. A process for preparation of extract of euphorbia thymifolia with therapeutic ingredients
176. Dye decolourization method using algal species chlorella pyrenoidosa
177. Detection of tnt using fluorescent conjugate polymer
178. A method for the preparation of novel polysaccharide ethers
179. Improved gel casting apparatus for electrophoresis
180. Antiovulatory lepidin based novel formulation and a method for the preparation thereof
181. Synthesis of silver nanoparticles from the bark of ashoka tree
182. Low power hight-speed cmos circuts
183. An insecticidal extracts/composition derived from rauvolfia tetraphylla and its method of preparation thereof
184. Targeted delivery through novel brain receptors for combating type 3 diabetes
185. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using ethanolic extract of zanthoxylum alatum leaves
186. N-doped carbon nano sheet based hydrogel composite for wound healing
187. Process of synthesis of a novel transducer matrix and its application thereof in biosensors
188. Filomicelles of combination drugs for the treatment of brain diabetes
189. Herbal nano silver using black pepper for acne treatment
190. Sensitive and specific immunosensor for the vibrio cholera detection
191. A novel hand held micro-electrode sensor for detecting fuel adulteration based on micro-fluidic platform
192. Immobilization of pseudomonas mendocina lipase with potential synthetic activities
193. Profound effect of curcumin along with vitamin-c on malathion induced toxicity reduction
194. Microscopic slide for fixation and staining of microscopic parasite /specimen
195. Concrete cracks restoration using novel bacterial strain
196. An improved system and method for steering controlled headlights
197. A system and method for treatment of problems by herbal solutions
198. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (phas) production from boiled rice wash
199. Novel carbohydrate for water soluble paints
200. Automatic stalgmometer with a sensor
201. A system and method for enhancing performance of immunosensor by ion beam processing of zinc oxide nanostructure
202. Targeted drug delivery system using ferrite nanoparticles
203. An improved method of mutagensis for enhancing bacterial acc-deaminase activity and process thereof
204. An improved design of interleaver for turbo codes
205. Amla (phyllanthus emblica) piercing machine for making amla murabba
206. Novel method for biosynthesis of green algae mediated titanium oxide (tio2) nanoparticles with high yield
207. Improved real time analysis of packets for securing web server
208. Exhaust reduction device
209. A novel phyto-pharmaceutical functional supplement for pancreatic health and process for the preparation thereof
210. A novel composition for the preparation of herbal incense stick (herbal agarbatti) and the process thereof
211. Vitamin b7 detection through impedimetric sensing device
212. System and method to reduce theft problem of vehicle by automatic hand brake locking
213. Low cost vitamin a rich food supplement
214. A micro incasulation of citronella oil for slow release insect repellant formulation
215. Degradation of ethidium bromide using bacterial strain
216. Rapid detection of morphine by dipstick kit using gold nanoparticles- single chain fragment variable (aunps/scfv) antibody as immunoprobe
217. Development of cinnamon-cumin dual drug loaded poly (d, l-lactide-co-glycolide) coated polymeric nanoparticles for sustained release of anti-diabetic drugs
218. Sun screen lotion/gel formulation for skin flushing and inflammation
219. Brick work joint raking device
220. Power generation based on optically excited plasmons suspended in water using re-chargeable paper battery
221. Synthesis of 5 ,5 -dibutyl-3 ,3 dimethylspiro [benzo[c][1,2] oxathiole-3,2 -4,6-dioxa-5-stanna-1,3(1,4)-dibenzenacyclohexaphane] 1,1-dioxide for therapeutic applications
222. Paper strip for quick bacterial detection in water
223. Sustainable, low-cost and efficient adsorbent for water purification and a process thereof
224. Preparation and characterization of nano-statins from mushroom
225. Nutritional composition and sensory evaluation of noodles developed from ipomoea batatas, oryza sativa and cicer arietinum flour
226. A method for the synthesis of bioconjugate drug for targeted treatment of cancer and cancer stem cells
227. Cost-effective and reusable smart sponges for efficient removal of oil, organic pollutant and pathogens from industrial wastewater
228. Iv fluids level monitoring and nurse notification system through piezoelectric ultra-sonic sensing
229. Single point diamond turning (spdt) tool wear analysis using dynamic image processing algorithms
230. Wheelchair having armrest cum transfer board with anti-skid mechanism
231. A system and method for dosimetric application of microwaves to small insects
232. A self shoulder mobilization unit
233. Methylene blue doped silver core and palladium shell nanohybrids on transparent glass substracte for impedimetric sensing of alprax
234. A portable system for chromium detection in aqueous media for on-filed applications
235. Helmet comprising air purification system providing pollutant free air to users
236. An herbal anti-mite formulationf or treatment of rabbit ear canker and associated infections
237. Anit theft device implanted on exhaust system of automobiles to reduce vehicle theft
238. Soy protein grafted in-vinyl caprolactam thermoresponsive hydrogels for drug delivery applications
239. A system and method for smearless detection of dna with various morphologies of zinc nanomaterials in agarose gel electrophoresis
240. One pot bio-directed synthesis of stable zno nanospheres using lemon and honey
241. Micropipette ejector attachment system
242. Efficient organic photovoltic devices using photoactive graphene oxide, organic linkers and semiconductor nanoparticles
243. Nanodiamonds loaded in situ gels for susained inner ear drug delivery
244. Lotus shaped multi-band antenna
245. An improved ternary composite for orthotic applications
246. A system and method for smearless detection of dna with various morphologies of zinc nanomaterials in agarose gel electrophoresis
247. A novel system and mechanism for locking steering wheel of an automobile
248. Diagnostic kit for kidney disorder using multiwalled carbon nanotubes
249. Multiband antenna for global positioning applications
250. Synthetic peptide activators of glucokinase: implications in type 2 diabetes therapy
251. Multi-utility machine tool
252. A molecularly imprinted polymer (mip) based gaba detection platform for behaviour, cognition, and the body s response to stress
253. Novel composites composition prepared from coagulum extracted from plant source scoparia dulcis
254. Formulation development and evaluation of berberine chloride dihydrate loaded ethosomal gel for dermatological disorders
255. System and method for watermarking of digital media with encrypted biometric images
256. Chroma-heptic system
257. Flexible device for planter fasciitis
258. A novel method and system to improve performance of spark ignition engine
259. Integrated energy harvesing device
260. Advance brake failure alarm system
261. Artificial soil composition for degrading industrial effluents to achieve clean environment and high crop yield
262. A method of preparing phytosomal nanoemulsion for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus
263. Method and system of real-time iot based control to meet power demand balance by responsive demand
264. A method for synthesis of green bismuth molybdate and its composites
265. An improved measuring cylinder with sensor
266. Method and apparatus of automated ink and cleaning fluid supply system for direct printing pcb prototyping machine
267 Process to secure database using PKI
268 A compact MIMO antenna for UWB Applications
269 Solar powered automatic hydraulic jack system
270 A combination therapy for the treatment of type III diabetes
271 A novel system for leakage detection of brake oil fluid in automobiles
272 Ultrasensitive, Robust, Flexible, Ammonia Gas Sensor for Refrigeration Plants
273 Efficient protein folding process to improve the functional yield of recombinant zDHFR protein
274 Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Halide Perovskite Thin Film based Ammonia Sensor
275 Ecofriendly and facile synthesis of carbon and nitrogen co-doped zinc oxide nano foams (CNZnO nanofoams)
276 Synthesis of nanoparticles of cobalt and nickel ferrite showing antifungal effect against phytopathogenic fungi
277 Three-Dimensional Printer with Installed Condensation System
278 Synthesis of quercetin mediated BiOX
279 Aqua splitting hydrogen for internal combustion engine
280 Brick Work Equi Thickness Layering Device
281 A device for water recovery from wastewater of RO systems
282 Modified fluid storage tank
283 Development of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) based Microfludic device for Serotonin detection
284 A method for growth of super-hydrophobic silica nanostructures on metallic surfaces
285 Machine tool assembly with two independent tools spindle running on two drives
286 A Method for Development of Porphyran/ Chitoson biofilm
287 Ultrasensitive novel electrode for rapid detection of pesticides in vegetable extract collected from field
288 Animal Cage with Post Operative Intensive Care System
289 Biosynthesis of Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods using Citrullus lanatus fruit extract
290 Novel extraction procedure for dark herbal colours
291 Two Phase Rotary Internal Combustion Engine
292 A Simple food storage and preservation chamber
293 Novel therapeutic bi-layer nail lacquer for the treatment of nail diseases and disorders
294 Novel composite prepared using derivatized diterpene from Clerodendrum kaichianum and PVC polymer
295 Method for synthesis of nanoparticles using bio-diesel
296 Low-cost water testing kit
297 Portable Toilet Cleaning Spray
298 Fuller's earth clay based semiochemical formulation
299 Natural Hair Dye
300 Polyaniline coated activated carbon composite system for dye and heavy metal removal from waste water
301 Biodegradable Plastic from Wallichiao blongifolia Griff
302 Improved system and method for video object trackin using soft computing techniques
303 Beginners Tennis Toss Practice Device
304 Helmet using PCM nanocomposite for thermal comfort
305 Methylotenera Mobilis Clone for Mercury Degradation
306 Synthesis of Graphene Oxide (GO) using Chlorella pyrenoidosa (Algae)
307 An Atom-economical, Regioselective, Metal-free C-5 Chalcogenation of unprotected 8-Aminoquinolines under Mild Condition
308 An environment friendly device to keep insects/ housefly away from desired area
309 A medium for enhancing shelf life of cut flowers
310 Non-magnetic elements doped semiconducting metal oxide materials and its utilization in organic electronics
311 MEF2A gene expression in coronary artery disease patients
312 Infrared powered Vibro-Haptic Piano training system for the visuallly impaired
313 Functional composite materials developed from fly ash and red mud as electrochemical sensors for water pollutants
314 A novel low-cost medium based on mixture of textile and paper waste
315 A process to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus in wistar albino rat mimicked to human pathology
316 Preparation and characterization of nanocurcumin encapsulated virosome for cancer treatment
317 Improved additive composition for paper industry
318 Innovative Room Air Conditioner Using Passive Cooling and Phase Change Material
319 Nanosized substituted lithium ferrite for NTC (negative temperature coefficient) device applications
320 Wheel chair cum car seat system and method of preparation thereof
321 Maple Leaf Planar Fractal Antenna
322 Topical antibacterial formulation comprising Dinoxin B with anolide
324 A System and method for naked eye quantitative colorimetric assay for date rape drug sensing
325 Rechargeable solid state battery based on cement nanocomposite
326 Head massage device having finger like structures filled with magnetic fluid
327 Automated Precast Gel Preparation and Vending Device’
328 A system and method for improving air quality index
329 A method and formulation comprising pseudomonas simiae (MTCC-12057) for promoting plant growth under salt stress
330 Zinc Oxide Nanorods for Fungus Productivity and Broccoli (Brassica oleraceae var. botrytis) Development
331 Design and fabrication of instant solar thermal water heating system based on phase change material - nanocomposite
332 Novel Hydraulic Shirshashana Machine
333 A system for air quality measurement for allergic patients
334 Algal- GO Nanocomposites for the reduction of textile dyes
335 ‘Aerosol Composition for Treating Respiratory Infections’
336 Orthodontic shoe
337 Smart bed to monitor sleeping baby movement and crying
338 A System and Its Method for minimize the value of voltage regulation
339 ‘A pneumatic heaving stand for lifting the rear part of the two wheelers’
340 Automated concentrated solar power mirror cleaner
341 A system and method for parking management using image processing’
342 Biodegradable, eco-friendly and non toxic dye for cosmetic and non cosmetic applications
344 Intelligent Traffic Montroing System
345 An Improved Wiper for Car Window
346 A flexible software testing system by incorporating change point in SRG
347 Sensor for LPG and CO detection at room temperature and method for preparation thereof
348 Tag system for enhancing the security of a Computer system
349 ‘An Auto replacement System for Drinking Water Cane’
350 ‘Use of spring and centrifugal force to increase traction of train wheel’
351 Low cost modified texturized silicon-based gas sensors for room temperature sensing application
352 An Electrochemical Label Free Immunosensor for Rapid Detection of H. Pylori and its Method
353 Suspended feedback mechanism of adaptive noise canceller
354 Synthesis of graphene nanoparticles using gram flour as bio-surfactant and stabilizing agent
355 Nanoparticles integrated with lactose on FTO act as sensing interface for nano-molar detection of Ricin
356 Power saving circuit
357 A novel method for production of biodiesal from waste oil
358 Efficient Low-cost lightweight illuminating horizontal-axis wind-mill
359 ‘A Novel low cost medium based on rotten tomoto
360 ‘Automatic cooling system-based rabbit hutch
361 One-pot synthesis of gold nano particles (AuNP) through green route
362 Vehicular accident avoiding mechanism for foggy weather
363 An improved screw jack
364 Passive Haptic Learning based typing skill enhancement system for the visually impaired
365 Biocompatible and biopolymer based herbal coating for enhancement of shelf life of perishable fruits
366 A Novel System to Extinguish Fire at High Level Ceiling Clearance
367 A smart transparent environmentally stable graphene-based electrode
368 Portable clean energy generator using rare-earth magnets, ferro-fluids and compressed or expanded air
369 Hole coupled slotted MIMO antenna with defective ground surface
370 Opthalmological biometry using ultrasound assisted with toric calculator
371 Smart Monitoring System Using Smart Glove
372 Synthesis of Al3+ doped BiFeO3 nano-ceramics having improved electrical properties with low leakage current density
373 One pot green synthesis of ulvan reduced andrographolides loaded silver nanoparticles
374 Automated switch with remote features
375 Device to refill compressed air cylinder in pneumatic bicycle
376 Creation of a diagnostic tool to identify spatial abilities in scholastically classified slow learners
377 A Modified Sensor for Ultra Low Detection of Arsenic in Contaminated Water
378 Smart Remote with USB Port
379 Nanoparticles Enhanced Desert Sand for Solar Energy Harvesting
380 Android/Tizen based artificial intelligence techniques for prognosis and diagnosis of electrical machines
381 Smart Tap with Automatic Temperature Control
382 Methods of Extraction and Fractionation of Bio-active components of Morinda coreia for anti-tubercular and anticancer activities
383 Two Factor Mechanical Hand Based Volumetric Force Feedback System
384 An Anti-pollution Eye Makeup
385 Internal Liquid Cooling System for Laptop
386 A system to notify human body water requirement
387 A System For Active Cooling Of Solar Photovoltaic Cell Using Evaporation Technique
388 Graphene quantum dots based hydrogel nanocomposites for site specific sustained drug release
389 Hybrid Hydrogel Grafted Wood Husk for Removal and Degradation of Dye From Water Effluents
390 A Method of Green Synthesis of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles using Cucumis Sativus (cucumber) Extract and Its Infusion in Cream
391 Synthesis and Biological Activity of ({5-[(3aR,4R,6aS)-2-oxo-hexahydro-1H-thieno[3,4-d]imidazol-4-yl]pentanoyl}oxy) dibutylstannyl 5-[(3aS,4S,6aR)-2-oxo-hexahydro-1H-thieno[3,4-d]imidazol-4-yl]pentanoate
392 Animal Shock Device
393 A blood detection device
394 Portable and modular filament extruder machine for 3D printer
395 Disposable food packet with inbuilt warming facility
396 Pressure Modulating Device for Diabetic Foot Ulcer Healing
397 An Improved Wearable Device for Security and Two Way Laser Communication
398 Biodegradable food packaging material
399 Alignment tool for leg and foot
400 IoT based smart health monitoring system for distribution/power transformer
401. A variable power cloud for large scale integrated semiconductor devices system and method for simultaneous and paralled compression and encryption of data
402. An improved nanacomposite for the delivery of agrochemicals
403. A composite comprising of encapsulated Bacillus pseudomycoides and iron oxide nanoparticles for the removal of toxic diazo dye Congo Red
405 A Novel Composition for the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
406 Biocompatible and biopolymer based herbal coating for enhancement of shelf life of perishable fruits
407 Hydrophobic coating formulation with titania nanoparticles prepared through peptization method
408 Thermostable superoxide dismutase enzyme purified from black cardamum (A. Subulatum) for cytotoxic effect on HEP G-2; human liver cancer cells
409 A system and method for joint ownership of digital signals
410. A Method of Green Synthesis of Barium Ferrite Nanoparticles
411. FTO/AuNPs- based nano sensor for Chlorpyrifos detection in fruits and vegetables
412. DNA shaped UWB patch antenna
413. A System and Method for production of quick cooking rice flour
414. A Method of Synthesis of Development of Copper (Cu) doped Cerium Di-Oxide (CeO2) Nanoparticles
415. A System and Method for defect detection in pome fruits
416. Natural Compost loaded Acacia Gum based Biodegradable Hydrogel for Conditioning of Agriculture Land and Grass Ecosystem
Contact Information
Dr. Meenakshi Kanojia
Additional Director
Directorate of Innovation and Technology Transfer.
Amity University, Sec 125
Noida, U.P
0120- 4392215
88260 00471
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