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Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences

About Us

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Introduction of Institution

Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences (AIRS), Noida under the overall guidance of Amity Foundation for Developmental Disabilities, which is the integral part of Amity University Uttar Pradesh, is a centre of excellence for quality education in special education with its strategic focus on emerging trends.

AIRS is one such institution which endeavors and continuously strives for excellence towards the delivery of services to the persons with developmental disabilities; developing appropriate models of care for persons with developmental disabilities; and identifying, conducting and coordinating research in assessment, education, training and rehabilitation of persons with developmental disabilities. Its mission is to play a catalytic role to ensure a sustainable development in the programmes of special education in the country.

The academic and cultural activities at Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences (AIRS) provide a platform where all students come together and explore the individual and group talents and resources. The faculty and management possess a high degree of integrity and knowledge that churns the teacher trainees into efficient and effective human beings. Hence we say: "We nurture talent".

Objectives of Institution
  • Prepare Professionally

    To prepare professionally competent special educators and rehabilitation professionals in tune with the latest trends in the field of special education.

  • Professional Training

    To provide hands on experience to teacher trainees on accessing and processing information in improving the methods of teaching and learning with reference to children with special needs.

  • Physical Facts

    To acquaint the teacher trainees with the various psychological facts required for day to day handling of the students in inclusive set-up and special school environment.

  • Ethics

    To inculcate ethics, values and modernity in teacher trainees and to give them an opportunity to apply those values to move ahead and make a mark.

  • Responsibility

    To equip the teacher trainees with a sense of responsibility and respect for human values.