1. Vidushi Chaurasia, Madan Lal Aggarwal, Nitin Kumar Agrawal, Animesh Agarwal, Anil Kumar, Neeraj Malik, Vishnu D. Rajput, Tatiana Minkina, Manoj Chandra Garg (2023), “Toxicological evaluation on male rodents against penoxsulam herbicide used on soil ecosystem’’ Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology (Published by: Open Science Publishers) [ISSN: 2455-7005] 11(3), 214-223 [DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2023.69757] [CiteScore (Scopus) – 0.24].
  2. Kumar Abhishek, Neha Parashar, Manvendra Patel, Subrata Hait, Anamika Shrivastava, Pooja Ghosh, Prabhakar Sharma, Ashok Pandey, Manish Kumar (2023) Recent advancements in antimony (Sb) removal from water and wastewater by carbon-based materials: a systematic review. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Impact factor 3.30)
  3. Yogesh Kumar, Usha Mina, Vishnu D. Rajput, Tatiana Minkina, Soora Naresh Kumar and Ramesh Chandra Harit, Manoj Chandra Garg (2023), “Investigating the Biochemical Responses in Wheat Cultivars Exposed to Thermal Power Plant Emission”, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Published by: Springer), [ISSN: 1432-0800] 110(80), 1-8 [DOI:] [IF (SCI) –2.8, CiteScore (Scopus) – 3.2).
  4. Renu Dhupper (2022), “Effectiveness of Treatment Technology of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Delhi and NCR Regions – A Case Study” Journal of Indian Water Works Association, January-March 2022.
  5. Renu Dhupper (2022) : Assessment of chlorpyrifos induced toxicity against Acetyl cholinesterase and investigation of various biochemical parameter in Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results.
  6. Renu Dhupper (2022) : Phenolic, Flavonoids Content, Antioxidant Potential of Murraya koenigii L. in Asian Journal of Chemistry
  7. Sheetal Kumari, Vishnu D. Rajput, Tatiana Minkina, Priyadarshani Rajput, Pinki Sharma, Anoop Kumar Verma, Smriti Agarwal and Manoj Chandra Garg* (2022), “Application of RSM for Bioremoval of Methylene Blue Dye from Industrial Wastewater onto Sustainable Walnut Shell (Juglans regia) Biomass”, Water (Published by: MDPI) [ISSN: 2073-4441] 14, 3650-3651 [DOI:] [IF (SCI) – 3.53, CiteScore (Scopus) – 4.8].
  8. Vidushi Chaurasia*, Madan Lal Aggarwal and Manoj Chandra Garg (2022), “Safety Evaluation of Acute and Subacute Dermal Toxicity Potential against Penoxsulam Herbicide in Wistar Rats”, Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 33(49B), 16-28, [DOI:] .
  9. Kumar Abhishek, Anamika Shrivastava, Vineet Vimal, Ajay Kumar Gupta, Sachin Krushna Bhujbal, Jayanta Kumar Biswas, Lal Singh, Pooja Ghosh, Ashok Pandey, Prabhakar Sharma, Manish Kumar. (2022). Biochar application for greenhouse gas mitigation, contaminants immobilization and soil fertility enhancement: A state-of-the-art review. Science of the Total Environment. factor 10.75)
  10. Vishnu D. Rajput, Arpna Kumari, Tatiana Minkina, Anatolii Barakvov, Shraddha Singh, Saglara S. Mandzhieva, Svetlana N. Sushkova, Anuj Ranjan, Priyadarshani Rajput, Manoj Chandra Garg (2022), “A practical evaluation on integrated role of biochar and nanomaterials in soil remediation processes”, Environmental Geochemistry and Health (Published by: Springer) [ISSN: 1573-2983] [IF (SCI) – 4.898].
  11. Ashutosh Tripathi*, Manju Rawat Ranjan, D. K. Verma, Y. Singh, S. K. Shukla, Vishnu D. Rajput, Tatiana Minkina, P. K. Mishra & Manoj Chandra Garg (2022), “ANN‑GA based biosorption of As(III) from water through chemo‑tailored and iron impregnated fungal biofilter system”, Scientific Reports (Published by: Nature), [ISSN: 2045-2322] 12:12414 [DOI:] [IF (SCI) – 4.99].
  12. Alka Srivastava, Rajneesh Singh, Vishnu D. Rajput, Tatiana Minkina, Smriti Agarwal, Manoj Chandra Garg* (2022), “A systematic approach towards optimization of brackish groundwater treatment using nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) hybrid membrane filtration system”, Chemosphere (Published by: Elsevier) [ISSN: 0045-6535] 303, 135230 [DOI:] [IF (SCI) – 7.086, CiteScore (Scopus) – 10.1].
  13. Harshita Jain, Varsha Yadav, Vishnu D. Rajput, Tatiana Minkina, Smriti Agarwal, Manoj Chandra Garg* (2022), “An Eco‑sustainable Green Approach for Biosorption of Methylene Blue Dye from Textile Industry Wastewater by Sugarcane Bagasse, Peanut Hull, and Orange Peel: A Comparative Study Through Response Surface Methodology, Isotherms, Kinetic, and Thermodynamics” Water Air Soil Pollution(Published by: Springer) [ISSN: 1573-2932] 233(6), 187 [DOI:233:187] [IF (SCI) – 2.52 , CiteScore (Scopus) – 3.4].
  14. Harshita Jain, Ajay Kumar, Anoop Kumar Verma, Shikha Wadhwa, Vishnu D. Rajput, Tatiana Minkina and Manoj Chandra Garg* (2022), “Treatment of textile industry wastewater by using high performance forward osmosis membrane tailored with alpha- manganese dioxide nanoparticles for fertigation” Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Published by: Springer) 29(53):80032-80043 [ISSN: 0944-1344] [DOI:] [PMID: 35426022] [IF (SCI) – 5.19, CiteScore (Scopus) – 5.5].
  15. Harshita Jain, Ajay Kumar, Vishnu D. Rajput, Tatiana Minkina, Anoop Kumar Verma, Shikha Wadhwa, Renu Dhupper, Manoj Chandra Garg*, Himanshu Joshi (2022), “Fabrication and characterization of high-performance forward-osmosis membrane by introducing manganese oxide incited graphene quantum dots” Journal of Environmental Management (Published by: Elsevier) [ISSN: 0301-4797] 305, 114335 [DOI:] [IF (SCI) – 8.91, CiteScore (Scopus) – 11.4]. NAAS rating – 11.65.
  16. Ritu Nagdev, Ambrina Sardar Khan and Shakeel Ahmed Khan (2022). Role of biogas slurry in soil health development. The Science World a Monthly e- Magazine, December, ISSN:2583-2212 December 2022; 2(12), 2241-2244
  17. Smriti Shukla, Mitali Sharma, Sapna Yadav, Avinash Raghupathy, Kartikeya Shukla, Ajit Varma and Arti Mishra. Synthesis and applications of nanoparticles: State of the Art and Future Perspective. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology-Asia. DOI: 10.2174/2210681211666210224154613
  18. Priya Choudhary, Shakeel Ahmad Khan, and Ambrina Sardar Khan (2022). Effect of air pollutants on physiological parameters and yield attributes of paddy and wheat crops in Faridabad region, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 14(1), 36 - 44 (2022), ISSN: 0974-9411 (Print), 2231-5209 (Online)
  19. Mishra A, Takkar S, Joshi NC, Shukla S, Shukla K, Singh A, Manikonda A and Varma A (2022) An Integrative Approach to Study Bacterial Enzymatic Degradation of Toxic Dyes. Front. Microbiol. 12:802544. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.802544
  20. Shukla, Smriti; Sharma, Mitali; Yadav, Sapna; Raghupathy, Avinash; Shukla, Kartikeya; Varma, Ajit; Mishra, Arti. Synthesis and Applications of Nanoparticles: State of the Art and Future Perspective. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology-Asia, Volume 12, Number 1, 2022, pp. 2-15(14).
  21. Mairaj, Samya; Nagar, Richa Dave; Bhardwaj, Lakshmi Kant; Rehman, F; Punnakal, Anirudh; Chauhan, Abhishek; Jindal, Tanu; “Antioxidant responses of arsenite-induced oxidative stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.) and its modulation by eugenol (extracted from Ocimum sanctum)”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 56,4,396-400, 2022, Agricultural Research Communication Centre
  22. Mairaj, Samya; Nagar, Richa Dave; Rehman, F; Punakkal, Anirudh; Jindal, Tanu; “Paeonol (extracted from Paeonia suffruticosa root) pretreatment lends antioxidant protection against arsenite stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 56,3,331-336, 2022, Agricultural Research Communication Centre
  23. Yogesh, Kumar, Usha, Mina, Manoj Chandra Garg, Soora Naresh Kumar, Harit Chandra Ramesh (2022), “Impact on growth and yield of Rice (Oryza sativa) Cultivars (PB1509 and Arize6444) from SPM deposition under Thermal Power Plant Air Shed”, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment (Published by: International Congress of Chemistry and Environment) [ISSN: 9720626], 26(9), 129 – 133 [Doi: 10.25303/2609rjce1290133] [IF (SCI) –0.197, CiteScore (Scopus) – 0.93
  24. Renu Dhupper (2021), “A Review on Healing Properties of Tinospora Cordifolia (Indian Giloy)”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (ISSN: 2321-9653, IC Value: 45.98; SJ: 7.429)
  25. Renu Dhupper (2021), “A study of effectiveness of treatment technology of wastewater treatment plants in Delhi and NCR regions”, International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, ISSN: 2664-7133
  26. Renu Dhupper (2021) “Fabrication and characterization of high-performance forward-osmosis membrane by introducing manganese oxide incited graphene quantum dots “, Journal of Environmental Management (Published by: Elsevier) [ISSN: 0301-4797] [] (SCI- Impact Factor 6.78)
  27. Renu Dhupper (2021), “Development of titanium dioxide incorporated ultrathin cellulose acetate membrane for enhanced forward osmosis performance”, Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering (Published by: Springer). [ISSN: 2365-6387] [10.1007/s41204-021-00161-w] [Scopus impact score-2.45]
  28. Renu Dhupper (2021), “Development of CA-TiO2 incorporated thin-film nanocomposite Forward Osmosis membrane for enhanced Water Flux and Salt Rejection”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (Published by: Springer). [ISSN: 1735-1472] [DOI:] [IF (SCI) – 2.86, CiteScore (Scopus) – 2.85]. NAAS rating – 8.54
  29. Maisarah Jaafar, Anamika Shrivastava, Sutapa Bose, Monica Felipe-Sotelo, & Neil (2021). Transfer of arsenic, manganese and iron from water to soil and rice plants: An evaluation of changes in dietary intake caused by washing and cooking rice with groundwater from the Bengal Delta, India. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 96, 103748. (Impact Factor 4.56)
  30. Aghilesh K., Ajay Kumar, Smriti Agarwal and Manoj Chandra Garg* and Himanshu Joshi (2021), “Use of Artificial Intelligence for Optimizing Biosorption of Textile Wastewater using Agricultural waste” Environmental Technology (Published by: Taylor & Francis) [ISSN:0959-3330] 22-34, 44(1) [DOI:] [IF (SCI) -3.475, CiteScore (Scopus) – 5.4]. NAAS rating –8.21
  31. Aghilesh K., Alka Mungray and Manoj Chandra Garg* (2021), “Effects of temperature, pH, feed and fertilizer draw solution concentrations on the performance of forward osmosis process for textile wastewater treatment”, Water Environment Research, (Published by: Wiley) 93(10), 2329-2340 [ISSN: 1554-7531], [] 1-12 [IF (SCI) – 3.306, CiteScore (Scopus) – 2.85]
  32. Aghilesh K., Arti Chaturvedi, Jahangeer Ali, Rajneesh Singh, Smriti Agarwal and Manoj Chandra Garg* (2021), “Response Surface Methodology Based Modelling and Optimization of Chromium Removal using Spiral-wound Reverse-Osmosis Membrane Setup”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (Published by: Springer) 19, 5999-6010 [ISSN: 1735-1472] 19, 5999–6010 [DOI:] [IF (SCI) – 3.519, CiteScore (Scopus) – 2.85]. NAAS rating – 8.54.
  33. Harshita Jain, Anoop Kumar Verma, Renu Dhupper, Shikha Wadhwa and Manoj Chandra Garg* (2021), “Development of CA-TiO2 incorporated thin-film nanocomposite Forward Osmosis membrane for enhanced Water Flux and Salt Rejection”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology(Published by: Springer) 19, 5387–5400 [ISSN: 1735-1472] 19, 5387–5400 [DOI:] [IF (SCI) – 3.519, CiteScore (Scopus) – 2.85]. NAAS rating – 8.54.
  34. Aghilesh K., Alka Mungray, Smriti Agarwal and Manoj Chandra Garg* (2021), “Optimization of Forward-Osmosis Performance with low-concentration Draw SolutionChemical Engineering & Technology (Published by: Wiley), [ISSN:1521-4125], 44(7), 1278-1286, [doi:] [IF (SCI) – 2.215, CiteScore (Scopus)-2.7].
  35. Harshita Jain and Manoj Chandra Garg* (2021), “Fabrication of polymeric nanocomposite forward osmosis membranes for water desalination- A review”, Environmental Technology & Innovation(Published by: Elsevier) [ISSN: 2352-1864] 23, 101561 [doi:] [IF (SCI) – 7.758, CiteScore (Scopus)-5.7]. NAAS rating -9.36.
  36. Aghilesh K., Alka Mungray, Smriti Agarwal, Jahangeer Ali and Manoj Chandra Garg* (2021), “Performance Optimisation of Forwards-Osmosis Membrane System Using Machine Learning for the Treatment of Textile Industry Wastewater”, Journal of Cleaner Production (Published by: Elsevier) [ISSN: 0959-6526], 289:125690 [doi:] [IF (SCI) – 11.072, CiteScore (Scopus) – 15.8]. NAAS rating -13.25.
  37. Alka Srivastava, Aghilesh K., Akhil Nair, Shobha Ram, Smriti Agarwal, Jahangeer Ali, Rajneesh Singh and Manoj Chandra Garg* (2021), “Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Network Modelling for the Performance Evaluation of Pilot-Scale Hybrid Nanofiltration (NF) & Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membrane System for the Treatment of Brackish Ground Water”,Journal of Environmental Management (Published by: Elsevier) [ISSN: 0301-4797] 278(1), 111497 [DOI:] [IF (SCI) – 8.91, CiteScore (Scopus) – 11.4]. NAAS rating – 11.65.
  38. Twinkle Poonia, Nirankar Singh* and Manoj Chandra Garg (2021), “Contamination of Arsenic, Chromium and Fluoride in the groundwater of Indian states: An organized review of recent literature, meta-analysis and cancer risk assessment” International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (Published by: Springer). [ISSN: 1735-1472] 18, 2891-2902, [doi:] [IF (SCI) – 3.519, CiteScore (Scopus) – 2.85]. NAAS rating – 8.54.
  39. Priya Choudhary, Shakeel Ahmad Khan, Ambrina Sardar Khan, Sandeep Kumar, Lal Chand Malav (2021). Air Pollution Tolerance Index of Wheat and Rice in The Proximity of Gas Based Power Plant. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, December - 2021; Volume – 9(6) page 791 – 804
  40. Harshita Jain, Renu Dhupper, Anoop Kumar Verma and Manoj Chandra Garg* (2021) “Development of titanium dioxide incorporated ultrathin cellulose acetate membrane for enhanced forward osmosis performance”, Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering(Published by: Springer), 6:67, [] [CiteScore (Scopus) – 5.378].
  41. Jahangeer Ali, Manoj Chandra Garg* and Pinki Sharma (2021), “Effect of Hybridization of Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis Membrane on Inorganic Fouling Potential of Groundwater”, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2021, 1-13 (Published by: American Society of Civil Engineers-ASCE). [ISBN: 9780784483466] [DOI:].
  42. Vidushi Chaurasia*, Madan Lal Aggarwal and Manoj Chandra Garg (2021), “Biochemical and Histological Evaluation of Penoxsulam Herbicide on an Animal Model”, Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 34(4B), 12-23, [DOI:]
  43. Alka Srivastava, Yamini Saini and Manoj Chandra Garg* (2021), “Assessment of Chromium Biosorption by Saw Dust from Groundwater in Delhi Region”, Ecology, Environment and Conservation [ISSN 0971 - 765 X], NAAS rating – 5.41.
  44. Areej H. Taha*, Himanshu Joshi, Manoj Chandra Garg, Hazim Kareem Manhee (2021), “Case Study of Evaluation RO Desalination Systems for Potable Water in Safwan, Iraq”, Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection (Published by: Scientific Research), [ISSN: 2327-4344] 9, 158-181, [doi:].
  45. Vidushi Chaurasia, M. L. Agarwal and Manoj Chandra Garg* (2021), “Dermal Toxicity Study in Wistar Rats against Penoxsulam Herbicide”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (Published by: Advanced Scientific Research) (ISSN: 0975-2366), 13(2), 2277-2284, [DOI:] [CiteScore (Scopus) – 0.8].
  46. Prateek Srivastava, Shalini Dhyani, Mrinal Alexander Emmanuelle and Dr. Ambrina Sardar Khan* (2021). COVID-19 and Environment: A poignant reminder of sustainability in the new normal, environmental Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability volume 4, pages 649–670 (2021)
  47. Renu Dhupper (2020). Availability of soil nitrogen and soil biological activity in rice-wheat cropping system under conventional and conservation agriculture practices. Plant Archives, volume20 number.1pp.2629-2635 (0.07).
  48. Renu Dhupper (2020). Phosphorus and Potassium availability and uptake in rice and wheat crop under conventional and conservation agriculture practices, volume 20, Plant Archives (0.07), issue-2 (0.07).
  49. Renu Dhupper (2020). Traditional knowledge on ethanomedicinal plants among local people of Sarain range chopal forest division, H.P.Plant Archives, volume-20, issue-2 (0.152).
  50. Renu Dhupper (2020). Survey of ethanobotanical plants usedindigenous people of nerwa range, chopal forest division, H.P, India.Medicinal Plants, volume-12, issue-3, page 323-333 (3.84).
  51. Neebir Banerjee, Sai Sathish Ramamurthy, Ganesh K.M., Tanu Jindal and Kartikeya Shukla. Review Paper on Surface Water-Quality Assessment of Chitravati River after the Establishment of Check- Dam in Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupation Health. Volume 20, Issue 3&4, December 2020.
  52. Shikha Sharma, Arti Mishra, Kartikeya Shukla, Tanu Jindal and Smriti Shukla. Food Contamination: It’s Stages and Associated Illness. IJPCBS 2020, 10(4), 116-128.
  53. Varsha Yadav, Jahangeer Ali and Manoj Chandra Garg* (2020), ‘Biosorption of Methylene Blue Dye from Textile Industry Wastewater onto Sugarcane Bagasse: Response Surface Modelling, Isotherms, Kinetics and Thermodynamics Modelling’ in Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (Published by: American Society of Civil Engineers-ASCE) (ISSN: 2153-5493), 25(1): 04020067, [DOI:] [IF(SCI)-2.44, CiteScore (Scopus) – 2.4].
  54. Jain, H., & Dhupper, R. (2020). A study of effectiveness of treatment technology of wastewater treatment plants in Delhi and NCR regions. Article in International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences.
  55. Jain, H., & Dhupper, R. (2020) A Review on Healing Properties of Tinospora Cordifolia (Indian Giloy). Article in International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology.
  56. Renu Dhupper (2019). Crop adaptation to air pollution ii. So2 stress tolerance is guided by inductive interaction of oxidative and antioxidative characteristics and the activity of key enzymes regulating sulphur metabolism
  57. Renu Dhupper (2019). Crop adaptation to air pollution i. Effect of particulate and so2 pollution on growth, yield attributes and sulphur nutrition of wheat, barley and chickpea
  58. Renu Dhupper (2018). Ethnomedicinal plants used by indigenous people of kanda range, chopal forest division, Himachal Pradesh. World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, Volume 7, issue1, 697-710.
  59. Renu Dhupper (2018). Carbon Footprint of rice and wheat crop under conventional and conservation agricultural practices. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Volume 36, Number-4, 2018 )3.49).
  60. Renu Dhupper (2018). Carbon footprint is an indicator of sustainabilityin Rice-Wheat cropping systems-A review. Chemical Science Review & letters, 2018,7(27), volume-7, page-74-784 (6.748).
  61. Renu Dhupper (2017). Solid waste management practices in India. International journal of current trends in science and technology.
  62. Manoj Chandra Garg* and Himanshu Joshi (2017), ‘Comparative Assessment and Multivariate Optimization of Commercially Available Small Scale Reverse Osmosis Membranes’ in Journal of Environmental Informatics(Published by: International Society for Environmental Information Sciences) (ISSN:1726-2135), 29(1), 39-52. [DOI:]. [IF (SCI-E) -10.22, CiteScore (Scopus) – 7.8]. NAAS rating – 10.60.
  63. Renu Dhupper (2017). Wind Energy: Emerging Sustainable Energy Resource, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 37 (9): 758-768.
  64. Renu Dhupper (2016). Assessing Soil Fertility Status of Rehabilitating Degraded Landscape of Rourkela Forest Divison, International Journal of Pure and Applied Bioscience,4(5):103-107.
  65. Renu Dhupper (2016). Vegetation structure and species diversity in rehabilitating degraded Landscape of Rourkela Forest Division, Advances in Life sciences.
  67. Renu Dhupper (2015). Effect of Artificial Ageing Pretreatment on three species Desert. Journal of Chemical, Biological and physical sciences. Impact Factor :1.310
  68. Renu Dhupper (2013). “Performance of Multipurpose Tree Species on Saline Soil Environment for Fodder Production”. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences. Impact Factor: 1.310.
  69. Renu Dhupper (2013). Germination and development of desert tree species with a restricted supply of shade. International journal of technology and research advances.
  70. Renu Dhupper (2013). Effect of Gibberellic Acid on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Behaviour in Three Desert Tree Species. Indian Forester, 139 (3) : 236-239,2013
  71. Renu Dhupper (2013). Effect of Seed Pre-treatment on Survival Percentage of three Desert Tree Species. International journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Enginering and Technology. Vol. 2. No. 3, 776-786.
  72. Renu Dhupper (2013). Growth behavior of Three Species of Rajasthan in Relation to Salinity and Changes in Ionic Composition of Leaves. International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology.
  73. Shivangi Somvanshi, Renu Dhupper (2013). Spatial Image Enhancement Techniques for Determining the Water Quality of Gomti River, Lucknow. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Enginering and Technology. Vol.2. No. 3, 707-713.
  74. Bhawna Dubey & Renu Dhupper (2013). Air Pollutants and Their Environmental Impact. International Journal Of Advanced Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences.
  75. Renu Dhupper (2012) “Growth Response of Three Important Differentially Water Stress Tolerant Species During Early Stage of Growth”, International Journal of Environmental Sciences.
  76. Renu Dhupper (2012) “Plants in relation to salinity and its interaction with soil water stress, International journal of scientific and research publications. Impact Factor, 2.07.


  1. Patent filed, Date of Patent Application e filing 26-Nov-21, Patent Application No.:202111054697
  2. Manoj Chandra Garg and Sheetal Kumari (2022), “Biosorption of methylene blue using low-cost biosorbent triticum aestivum and method thereof” Provisional Patent filed, Date of Patent Application e filing 27-Dec-2022, Patent Application No.:
  3. Manoj Chandra Garg (2021), “CA-TiO2 incorporated thin-film nanocomposite forward osmosis membrane and method thereof”, Provisional Patent filed, Date of Patent Application e filing 7-January-2021, Patent Application No.:202111000802
  4. Manoj Chandra Gargand Harshita Jain (2021), “A novel manganese oxide incited graphene quantum dots membrane for improved forward- osmosis separation performance” Provisional
  5. Manoj Chandra Garg (2020), “A forward osmosis system for treatment of industrial wastewater and method thereof” Provisional Patent filed, Date of Patent Application e filing 7-September-2020, Patent Application No.: 202011038652, CAP filed 7/09/2021 (E-2/1270/2021/DEL)
  6. Manoj Chandra Garg (2020), “A Reverse Osmosis System for Treatment of Brackish Ground Water and Method Thereof” Provisional Patent filed Date of Patent Application e filing 3-October-2020, Patent Application No.: 202011042972.


  1. Sustainable Solid Waste Management, by Dr. Harshita Jain, Dr. Renu Dhupper (S.K Kataria and Sons publishers)- May 2023. ISBN: 978-81-963589-2-1,
  2. Fundamentals of Environmental Studies (For all undergraduate students) by Shivangi Somvanshi and Renu Dhupper (S.K Kataria and Sons publishers)- January 2013. ISBN: 978-93-5014-388-9.
  3. Texbook on Energy Resources and Management (for all post graduate students) by Dr. Renu Dhupper, 2015 (CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.) ISBN: 9788123925752
  4. Prateek Srivastava, Ambrina Sardar Khan, Jyoti Verma and Shalini Dhyani (2022), Insights into the World of Diatoms: From Essentials to Applications, Edited Book, Springer Nature, Nature Publishing Group. ISSN 2730-6755, ISSN 2730-6763 (electronic), Plant Life and Environment Dynamics ISBN978-981-19-5919-6, ISBN: 978-981-19-5920-2 (eBook),


  1. Renu Dhupper, “Biodiversity conservation in Changing Climate by Dr. Renu Dhupper” (Lenin Media Private Limited, Delhi, India).
  2. Renu Dhupper, “Technological Assessment of Sewage Treatment Plants” ( Apple academic press) Hard ISBN: 9781771888110 E-Book ISBN: 9780429276026.
  3. Sharma, S., Shukla, K., Mishra, A., Vishwakarma, K., Shukla, S. (2023). Diatoms: A Potential for Assessing River Health. In: Srivastava, P., Khan, A.S., Verma, J., Dhyani, S. (eds) Insights into the World of Diatoms: From Essentials to Applications. Plant Life and Environment Dynamics. Springer, Singapore.
  4. Renu Dhupper, “Management Of Flood Disasters in Peri Urban Ecosystems of Noida Using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems in Geoinformatics for Sustainable Urban Development.”
  5. Renu Dhupper, “Advancing the interventions of nature-based solutions in cities for urban climate resilience in Geoinformatics for Sustainable Urban Development.”
  6. Harshita Jain, Renu Dhupper, and Deepak Kumar. Advancing the Interventions of Nature-Based Solutions in Cities for Urban Climate Resilience. GEOINFORMATICS FOR SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENT. (2023). CRC PRESS.
  7. Harshita Jain, Renu Dhupper, Anil K. Gupta, Pritha Acharya, and Deepak Kumar. Renu Dhupper, Harshita Jain, Anil K. Gupta, Pritha Acharya, and Deepak Kumar GEOINFORMATICS FOR SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENT. (2023). CRC PRESS.
  8. Gupta, J. E-waste: policies and legislations for a sustainable green growth. Waste Management and Resource Recycling in the Developing World Elsevier Inc.
  9. Sheetal Kumari, and Manoj Chandra Garg (2023), “Role of Nanobiochar and Biochar-based nanocomposite for improving soil health: Application and Benefits” accepted in Nano- and Nano-biochar in Reducing Soil Stress: An Integrated Approach for Sustainable Agriculture, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group.
  10. Sheetal Kumari, and Manoj Chandra Garg and Jyoti Chowdhry (2023), “Remediation Techniques for Soil Contaminated with E-Waste Associated Toxic Materials” accepted in “Electronic Wastes and their Impact on Environment, Animal, and Human Health - The One Health Approach” Editors: Nova Science Publishers, USA.
  11. Sheetal Kumari, and Manoj Chandra Garg (2023), “Application of nano and nano biochar for improving soil physiochemical properties” accepted in “Nano-Biochar and Nanoparticles for Soil Health Improvement”, Editors: Nova Science Publishers, USA.
  12. Jyoti Verma1, Akriti, Hemlata Pant and Ambrina Sardar Khan* (2023). Biofuels from Diatoms: Potential and Challenges, In Insights into the World of Diatoms: From Essentials to Applications, Edited Book, Springer Nature, Nature Publishing Group. ISSN 2730-6755, ISSN 2730-6763 (electronic), Plant Life and Environment Dynamics ISBN978-981-19-5919-6, ISBN 978-981-19-5920-2 (eBook),
  13. Nupur Joshi and Ambrina Sardar Khan* (2023). Integrating Environmental Monitoring Techniques for an Effective Healthcare System In Geoinformatics for Sustainable Urban Development, published by CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), USA, p159-172
  14. Akanksha, Pranjal Pandey, and Ambrina Sardar Khan* (2023). Anatomization of Land Use/ Land Cover (LULC) Dynamics with a Focus on Land Surface Temperature in Lucknow City Using Geospatial Techniques In Geoinformatics for Sustainable Urban Development, published by CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), USA, p85-104
  15. Arti Mishra, Arun Pratap Singh, Simran Takkar, Anjney Sharma, Smriti Shukla, Kartikeya Shukla, Balendu Shekher Giri, Vimal Katiyar, Ashok Pandey. Phytoremediation of dye-containing wastewater, Editor(s): Pooja Sharma, Ashok Pandey, Yen Wah Tong, Huu Hao Ngo, Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2022, Pages 197-222, ISBN 9780323999076,
  16. Khushboo Iqbal, Neha Sharma, Simran Takkar, Smriti Shukla, Kartikeya Shukla, Ajit Varma, Arti Mishra. Integrated CO2 sequestration, wastewater treatment, and biofuel production by microalgae culturing: Needs and limitations. Integrated Environmental Technologies for Wastewater Treatment and 2022, Pages 217-240
  17. Shukla, S., Upadhyay, D., Mishra, A., Jindal, T., Shukla, K. (2022). Challenges Faced by Farmers in Crops Production Due to Fungal Pathogens and Their Effect on Indian Economy. In: Rajpal, V.R., Singh, I., Navi, S.S. (eds) Fungal diversity, ecology and control management. Fungal Biology. Springer, Singapore.
  18. Neha Sharma, Smriti Shukla, Kartikeya Shukla, Ajit Varma, Vineet Kumar, Menaka Devi Salam, Arti Mishra. Recent Advancements in Microbial Degradation of Xenobiotics by Using Proteomics Approaches. Book: Omics for Environmental Engineering and Microbiology Systems. Ed. Vineet Kumar, Vinod Kumar Garg, Sunil Kumar, Jayanta Kumar Biswas. 2022
  19. Rishabh Agrahari, Khushboo Iqbal, Jaagriti Tyagi, Naveen Chandra Joshi, Smriti Shukla, Kartikeya Shukla, Ajit Varma & Arti Mishra. Diatoms in Biomedicines and Nanomedicines. In: Srivastava, P., Khan, A.S., Verma, J., Dhyani, S. (eds) Insights into the World of Diatoms: From Essentials to Applications. Plant Life and Environment Dynamics. Springer, Singapore.
  20. Manoj Chandra Garg*, Harshita Jain, Nirankar Singh, Renu Dhupar (2022), “Application of Emerging Nano-materials in Water and Wastewater Treatment” published in “Urban Water Crisis and Management- Strategies for Sustainable Development”, Editors: Arun Lal Srivastav, Sughosh Madhav, Abhishek Kumar Bhardwaj, Eugenia Valsami-Jones Elsevier Publication [DOI:] [ISBN: 9780323918381]
  21. Manoj Chandra Garg and Harshita Jain (2022), “Membrane based Remediation of Wastewater” published in “Recent Trends in Wastewater Treatment”, Publisher: Springer International Publishing. Editors: Sughosh Madhav, Pardeep Singh, Vanadana Mishra, Sirajuddin Ahmed, Pradeep Kumar Mishra [ISBN: 9783030998578] [DOI:].
  22. Manoj Chandra Garg, Aghilesh K. and Smriti Agarwal (2022), “Parameter optimization and modelling of forward osmosis membrane separation process”, published in “Novel Approaches Towards Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery Technologies”. Elsevier Publication, Editors: Arvind Mungray, Alka Mungray, Shriram Sonawane, Shirish Sonaware, 185-206 [DOI:] [ISBN: 9780323906272]. 1st Edition - August 1, 2022
  23. Deepak Pal, Ashutosh Tripathi, Tahir Hussain, Tanu Jindal and Kartikeya Shukla. Assessment of Impact of Human Interferences including Mining Activities on Water Quality of Banas River, Rajsamand City, India. Asian Journal of Chemistry 34(12):3299-3307, DOI: 10.14233/ajchem.2022.24032
  24. Smriti Shukla, Kartikeya Shukla, Arti Mishra, Tanu Jindal, Shikha Sharma, Divya Upadhyay, and Vartika Singh. Ecological Perspectives on Soil Microbial Community Involved in Nitrogen Cycling. C. Cruz et al. (eds.), Soil Nitrogen Ecology, Soil Biology 62,
  25. Anamika Shrivastava (2021). Dietary Arsenic Exposure: Sources and Ris Arsenic Toxicity: Challenges and Solutions, Springer.
  26. Rishabh Parashar, Smriti Shukla, Kartikeya Shukla, Ajit Varma, and Arti Mishra. Unravelling Microbial Nitrogen Pathway in Rhizosphere. C. Cruz et al. (eds.), Soil Nitrogen Ecology, Soil Biology 62,
  27. Arti Mishra, Suryansh Rajput, Preeti Sen Gupta, Vanshika Goyal, Sanskriti Singh, Shikha Sharma, Smriti Shukla, Anamika Singh, Kartikeya Shukla, and Ajit Varma. Role of Cyanobacteria in Rhizospheric Nitrogen Fixation. C. Cruz et al. (eds.), Soil Nitrogen Ecology, Soil Biology 62,
  28. Divya Upadhyay, Kartikeya Shukla, Arti Mishra, Tanu Jindal, Shikha Sharma, and Smriti Shukla. Molecular Aspects and Oxygen Relations of Nitrogen Fixation in Cyanobacteria. C. Cruz et al. (eds.), Soil Nitrogen Ecology, Soil Biology 62,
  29. Sharma, S., Mishra, A., Shukla, K., Kumari, P., Jindal, T., Shukla, S. (2021). The Potential Impact of Climate Change on Soil Health, Soil Biota, and Soil Properties: A Review. In: Choudhary, D.K., Mishra, A., Varma, A. (eds) Climate Change and the Microbiome. Soil Biology, vol 63. Springer, Cham.
  30. Jain, H.,Dhupper, R., Gandhi, V., & Kaushik, G. (2020). Technological Assessment of Sewage Treatment Plants. Environmental and Sustainable Development Through Forestry and Other Resources, 343–386.
  31. Sarika Grover, Prateek Srivastava, Jyoti Verma and Ambrina Sardar Khan (2020). Biomonitoring by diatoms-A review In Innovations in agriculture environment and health research for ecological restoration published by Society of Biological Sciences and Rural Development India. ISBN: 9788192353555
  32. Manoj ChandraGarg (2018), “Renewable Energy-Powered Membrane Technology: Cost Analysis and Energy Consumption” published in "Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes", Elsevier Publication, 85-110, Editors: Angelo Basile, Alfredo Cassano and Alberto Figoli [DOI:] [ISBN: 978-0-12-813545-7] 21 September 2018
  33. Manoj ChandraGarg (2017), “Status and Possibilities of Forward Osmosis Desalination Technology in India”, published in “Emerging Trends in Engineering Innovation and Technology Management”, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, 272-276, Vol.-II, Editor: Dr. Zakir Husain [ISBN: 978-93-86724-31-1].


  1. Manoj Chandra Garg, R&D project (2017) titled “Performance Evaluation of Forward Osmosis Membrane System for Applications within the Agriculture and Textile Industries” of 31.5 Lakhs in Early Career Research Award under Engineering Sciences area from Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), GOI, New Delhi (3 years).
  2. Manju Rawat Ranjan, R&D project (2018) titled“Assessment of toxicity on Vegetative Crops by application of Municipal Solid Waste Compost (MSWC)”of 26.04 Lakhs under Engineering Sciences area from Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), GOI, New Delhi (3 years).
  3. Renu Dhupper, CSR Project (2023) titled“To research water samples and devise mechanisms for effectively treating them, and To ensure clean water and sanitation at multiple locations at NCR”of 24.03 Lakhs from Coforge Company.
  4. Dr. Anamika Shrivastava, CSR Project (2023) titled To design and implement the proper management of solid and liquid wastes, and To research mechanism for waste recycling and energy recovery” of 29.21 Lakhs from Coforge Company.