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Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Full-Time


The MBA program is a two years program. Students enrolled in the program attend classes on weekdays during the evening, and also have the option to take some classes on Saturdays. The program offers students to major in one or two of five areas of Business Majors; Finance, Health Care Administration, International Business, Management, and Marketing.

The Program is structured to develop competitive managerial leaders and decision-makers, in both the private and public sectors, through a comprehensive business education, both theory and its application, with flexible managerial perspective.
By graduation, students in the Traditional MBA program gain the knowledge and the tools to demonstrate:

  • A comprehensive knowledge and a global perspective on key business concepts and skills.
  • Competence in the application of business concepts and skills in the field of the student’s Business Major.
  • Strong quantitative skills to analyze and describe major business issues.
  • Ability to conduct empirical research and report the results effectively and professionally.

The degree of Master of Business Administration will be granted upon completion of 45 credits of graduate course work, which include a 15 credits initial tier (I), a 15 credits major tier (II), a 12 credits final/capstone tier (III), and a 3 credits elective course*.

Areas of Major:
  • Finance
  • Health Care Administration
  • International Business
  • Management
  • Marketing

Program Structure

MBA In Finance

TIER I: Initial Tier (15 credits, 5 courses)

BU 613 Statistics for Managers
BU 617 Economics for Managers
BU 619 Financial and Managerial Accounting
BU 624 Managerial Communications
MG 619 Law and the Manager

TIER II*: Major Tier (15 credits, choose 5 courses)

FI 620 Managerial Finance
FI 632 Investment Analysis
FI 637 Securities Laws and Regulations
FI 638 Portfolio Theory and Management
FI 639 Management of Financial Institutions
FI 640 Money and Capital Markets
FI 641 Financial Statement Theory and Analysis
FI/IB 604 International Banking
FI/IB 605 Seminar in International Business
FI/IB 607 International Corporate Finance
IB 531 Global Perspectives in Business

TIER III**: Final/Capstone Tier (12 credits, 4 courses)

BU 652 Strategic Management
BU 660 Business and Economic Forecasting for Managers
BU 662 Managing Organizational Change
BU 669 Strategic Leadership

Additional Requirements:
  • One elective course (3 credits). This course can be chosen from any area of major or from the General Business Elective courses.
  • At least one international designated course. This course can be taken as part of Tier II or General Business Elective courses.

MBA in Health Care Administration

TIER I: Initial Tier (15 credits, 5 courses)

BU 613 Statistics for Managers
BU 617 Economics for Managers
BU 619 Financial and Managerial Accounting
BU 624 Managerial Communications
MG 619 Law and the Manager

TIER II: Major Tier (15 credits, choose 5 courses)

HC 620 Fiscal Management of Health Care Organizations
HC 633 Health Care Organization and Administration
HC 637* Public Policy Analysis of Health Care
MG 611 Human Resource Management
MG 648 Non profit Management
MK 648 Non profit & Public Sector Marketing
BU 621 Business Ethics

TIER III**: Final/Capstone Tier (12 credits, 4 courses)

BU 652 Strategic Management
BU 660 Business and Economic Forecasting for Managers
BU 662 Managing Organizational Change
BU 669 Strategic Leadership

Additional Requirements:
  • One elective course (3 credits). This course can be chosen from any area of major or from the General Business Elective courses.
  • At least one international designated course. This course can be taken as part of Tier II or General Business Elective courses.

MBA in International Business

TIER I: Initial Tier (15 credits, 5 courses)

BU 613 Statistics for Managers
BU 617 Economics for Managers
BU 619 Financial and Managerial Accounting
BU 624 Managerial Communications
MG 619 Law and the Manager

TIER II*: Major Tier (15 credits, choose 5 courses)

IB 605 Seminar in International Business
IB 602 International Management
IB 603 International Marketing
IB 604 International Banking
IB 607 International Corporate Finance
IB 608 Contemporary Issues in International Business
IB 531 Global Perspectives
BU 621 Business Ethics

TIER III**: Final/Capstone Tier (12 credits, 4 courses)

BU 652 Strategic Management
BU 660 Business and Economic Forecasting for Managers
BU 662 Managing Organizational Change
BU 669 Strategic Leadership

Additional Requirements:
  • One elective course (3 credits). This course can be chosen from any area of major or from the General Business Elective courses.

MBA in Management

TIER I: Initial Tier (15 credits, 5 courses)

BU 613 Statistics for Managers
BU 617 Economics for Managers
BU 619 Financial and Managerial Accounting
BU 624 Managerial Communications
MG 619 Law and the Manager

TIER II: Major Tier (15 credits, choose 5 courses)

MG 614 Organizational Behavior
BU 651 Management Theory & Evaluation*
MG 611 Human Resource Management
MG 613 Entrepreneurship
MG 618 Total Quality Management
MG 620 Management of Technology
MG 624 Emotional Intelligence & Leadership
MG 648 Non Profit Management
BU 610 Management Decision Making & Negotiation
BU 621 Business Ethics
BU 628 Computers for Managers
MG/IB 602 International Management 
IB 605 Seminar in International Business
IB 608 Contemporary Issues in International Business
IB 531 Global Perspectives in Business

TIER III**: Final/Capstone Tier (12 credits, 4 courses)

BU 652 Strategic Management
BU 660 Business and Economic Forecasting for Managers
BU 662 Managing Organizational Change
BU 669 Strategic Leadership

Additional Requirements:
  • One elective course (3 credits). This course can be chosen from any area of major or from the General Business Elective courses.
  • At least one international designated course. This course can be taken as part of Tier II or General Business Elective courses.

MBA in Marketing

TIER I: Initial Tier (15 credits, 5 courses)

BU 613 Statistics for Managers
BU 617 Economics for Managers
BU 619 Financial and Managerial Accounting
BU 624 Managerial Communications
MG 619 Law and the Manager

TIER II*: Major Tier (15 credits, choose 5 courses)

MK 646 Marketing Management
MK 641 Applied Marketing Research
MK 642 Sales Management
MK 643 Consumer Behavior
MK 644 Promotional Management
MK 648 Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing
MK/IB 603 International Marketing
IB 605 Seminar in International Business
IB 531 Global Perspectives in Business
BU 621 Business Ethics

TIER III**: Final/Capstone Tier (12 credits, 4 courses)

BU 652 Strategic Management
BU 660 Business and Economic Forecasting for Managers
BU 662 Managing Organizational Change
BU 669 Strategic Leadership

Additional Requirements:
  • One elective course (3 credits). This course can be chosen from any area of major or from the General Business Elective courses.
  • At least one international designated course. This course can be taken as part of Tier II or General Business Elective courses.

Prerequisite Requirements

All students seeking admission in MBA Program must demonstrate proficiency in computers, mathematics, accounting, and statistics. All pre-admission requirements must be completed by the end of the first semester of the MBA program.

Computer Proficiency

Computer proficiency can be demonstrated in one of two ways:

  • Satisfactory grade (B or better) in a word processing and spreadsheet processing college course(s) within the last four years.
  • Completion of a graduate level, non-credit, computer workshops BU 602 and BU 603 (word processing and spreadsheet). The cost of each workshop is one credit equivalent. Offered fall semester.

Mathematics Proficiency

Proficiency in mathematics can be demonstrated in one of two ways:

  • Satisfactory grade (B or better) in a basic algebra and pre-calculus college course within the last four years.
  • Completion of BU 604 Math Workshop. non-credit. A review of relevant mathematical concepts that will prepare students for more advanced work in finance and statistics. Topics include: basic algebra, mathematics of finance, and probability theory. The cost of the workshop is one credit equivalent. Offered fall semester.

Statistics Proficiency

Proficiency in statistics can be demonstrated by grade (C or better) in a Statistics college course within the last four years*.

Accounting Proficiency

Proficiency in Accounting can be demonstrated by grade (C or better) in an Accounting college course within the last four years*.

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