
Abhay Srivastava
Assistant Professor
Clinical Psychology
Amity Institute of Behavioural and Allied Sciences (AIBAS )

M.Phil in Rehabilitation Psychology (RCI)

2 Years

Advanced Psychopathology (PG), Advanced Psychotherapeutic Interventions (PG), Rehabilitation Psychology (PG), Practicum - III, and Practicum - IV (PG), Psychological Disorders (UG), Social Psychology (UG)
Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy, Advanced Counseling, Relationship counseling, Disability Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Psychology, Interventions with parents of children with disabilities, Psychotherapeutic interventions with emotions (shame and guilt)
Psychotherapy, Advanced Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Disability rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Psychology, Interventions with parents of children with disabilities, Psychotherapeutic interventions with emotions (shame and guilt).
Amity Institute of Behavioural and Allied Sciences (AIBAS )