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Rai, A. K., Anirvinna, C., & Shekhar, M. (2022, October). Computing Diner Preferences for Menu Variability and Quality of Fine Dining Restaurants. In International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (pp. 521-531). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Avinash Kumar Singh et al A Study of the Benefits of State Tourism Organization Community Engagement and its Impact on Awareness and Visit Intention, Neuroquantology 20 (5), 2022. Pp. 1052-1060., E-ISSN- 1303-5150
PhD in Management from TAPMI School of Business, Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan.
Title: ‘Consumer Decision Making Factors in selection of Luxury Hotels in Jaipur’. Guided by Dr C. Anirvinna, Associate Professor-TAPMI School of Business, MUJ.
Shekhar M. Choose or Check-In: Gender Influence in Booking of the Luxury Hotels in Jaipur, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 37(3), 2019, pp. 378-385.
Shekhar M. A study of Relationship between Demographic Factors & Consumer Decision Making Style Influencing the Selection of Luxury Hotels in Jaipur, Research Analysis and Evaluation. 116 (5) pp 49-58 ISSN- 0975- 3486.
Mishra, A, Dhaka, S, Shekhar M. Customer Behavior and Attitude Assessment for Green Practices in Lodging Industry at India. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 37(3), 2019, pp. 381-386.
Mishra, A, Dhaka, S, Shekhar M. Exploring Obstacles in Conducting Green Practicing: The Case of Indian Lodging Industry, journal of xi'an university of architecture & technology 12 (2), pp 2498-2954,. ISSN-1006-7930.