Paper Submission



Manuscripts, which are here referred as submissions/ articles/ papers are the substantial piece of academic writing. Manuscripts for IC3SE-2025 will ONLY be accepted in electronic format through  Microsoft CMT online submission system through:

Inability/ difficulty is online submission must be addressed to organizing team.

  • Authors should only submit originally written, unpublished work to IC3SE-2025.
  • Submissions should strictly follow the recommended IEEE Conference Template.
  • All references must follow the IEEE format of citation.
  • Please prefer to limit your paper within 6 pages in PDF format.
  • Authors wishing to submit an over-length manuscript may do so. There will be an over-length page fee of USD 25 per page and limited to an additional 2 pages (maximum page submission is eight (8) pages).
  • All fonts must be embedded in the file.
  • Fonts that require non-English language support are not allowed.
  • The document should not have any password protection.
  • Do not put your own page numbers in the manuscript.
  • Do not put your header and footer in the manuscript.
  • The decision regarding the acceptance of the papers is at the discretion of the Chair of the recommendations of Technical Program Committee and weightage/ comments given by PC Members/ Reviewers.
  • Note that short manuscripts / abstracts are not considered.

Note to Authors:

Papers submitted to IC3SE-2025 need to include a quantitative discussion related to why and how the proposed/ analysed/ discussed technology, concept, process etc. is a significant technical improvement in its area.


Out of Scope:

Papers that are principally cataloguing qualitative or managerial aspects like impact, effect, case-study, rise, journey, study etc. will be insufficient to be accepted and are outside our scope. Next to this, submissions focusing only on policy/ decision making or economic aspects are unsuitable to accepted in IC3SE-2025.



IC3SE-2025 authors can select from a variety of approaches for articles that fall within the scope of this conference and IEEE. These article types include, but are not limited to:

Original Paper: Describes the original work of author(s) in the form of an electronic manuscript, which may include abstract, key words, introduction, problem statement or justification, objective, approach, significance, research questions, limitations, definition of terms, referred or related work, methodology, technically in-depth investigation, details of experimental analysis, result and/ or conclusion, further scope of work, references on the topic within the scope of IC3SE-2025 and IEEE. This may include additional materials, including figures, tables, datasets, pictorial/ graphical representations, and videos links.


Review Paper: A thorough compilation and succinct summary of research performed on the topic within the scope of IC3SE-2025 and IEEE, in the form of an electronic manuscript, which may include abstract, key words, introduction, problem statement or justification, objective, approach, significance, research questions, limitations, definition of terms, referred or related work, technically in-depth investigation or comparison, conclusion, pros and cons, proposed scope of further work and references. This may include additional materials, including figures, tables, datasets, pictorial/ graphical representations, and video links.




To comply with ethical standards as well as to provide appropriate context for published work, citations of the author’s own articles should not be excessive.

Citation Style

The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text. Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list. The entries in the list should be numbered consecutively and cited in numerical order, and citations in the text should be identified in IEEE referencing format.



Final Manuscript

After the confirmation of the acceptance of the manuscript from the end of IC3SE-2025, author(s) will has/ have to submit the final version of the manuscript which must include the suggestions/ changes as per instructions/ improvement mentioned by the Technical Program Committee/ Program Committee Members/ Reviewers in the comments, if any, in the acceptance notification via email.


Copyright Transfer

Authors will be asked to transfer copyright of the manuscript to IEEE. This is a mandatory requirement and will be an electronic process. Author(s) will be notified via email for e-copyright transfer process. This will ensure the widest possible protection and dissemination of information under copyright laws. In case of any difficulty in the copyright transfer process, author(s) must connect with the conference organizers.



The camera-ready-paper is here referred to as Preprint, which will be the final version of the manuscript at the end of the IC3SE-2025. The preprint version of the eligible manuscripts will be sent to IEEE for inclusion in IEEE Digital Library. IC3SE-2025 organizing team will notify the corresponding author/ author(s) with preprint copy of the manuscript via email for their consent on the final version. Authors may also suggest any changes/ errors/ typos/ spelling mistakes, if required with a revert mail, if required.


Update in Manuscript

Once the manuscript is accepted and if any changes are suggested by Technical Program Committee/ Program Committee Members/ Reviewers in the acceptance notification or otherwise, author(s) must include those changes without changing the essence of the accepted version. These changes must be limited to 20% part of the manuscript.




Originality of the manuscript submitted is the author(s) responsibility, and author(s) must avoid duplicate submission and publication, plagiarism, and self-plagiarism. All manuscript submissions will be screened against the  CrossCheck database.


Co-Author Guidelines

When an article is submitted, it is implied that publication has been approved by all author(s)/ co-author(s). Further, changes to the co-author list are not permitted after the manuscript has been accepted. Exceptional cases may be considered by the Editor.


Corresponding Author Guidelines

The Corresponding Author is here referred to the author who will be doing the e-mail correspondence with IC3SE-2025, irrespective of the author position in author sequence. In addition to the content of manuscript, Corresponding Author will solely be responsible for putting the name and details of other authors/ co-authors in the submission manuscript. Conference committee explicitly considers that all the authors/ co-authors has/ have contributed to the submission and their consent has/ have been taken to put their name in the submission by the corresponding/ first author.



Please prefer not to use more than three levels of displayed headings.



Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently after that occurrence. If the abbreviation occurs first in the abstract, it should be defined both there and at first mention in the text.


e-mailing and Notifications

After the submission of the manuscripts in IC3SE-2025 authors will be notified by e-mail(s) only. IC3SE-2025 will not be held liable for any lapses in e-mail communication, like non-receipt of mail, mail going junk/ spam folder and similar glitches alike.