Prof.(Dr) Sanjay K. Jha Director, Amity School of Liberal Arts & Foreign Languages
Amity University Haryana, Gurugram
From the desk of the Director
Welcome to Amity School of Liberal Arts & Foreign Languages (ASLA & FL) at Amity University Haryana, Gurugram. Since its inception in 2012, ASLA & FL has undergone rapid academic growth with its vision at par with institutes of international stature joining the league of world class Centre of Excellence in Liberal Arts. The School upholds its three objectives: (i) disseminating the importance of Liberal Arts for proper integration of knowledge with intellect and instilling moral values in students, (ii) creating an intellectual forum to explore workable solutions of cross-cutting issues of Liberal Arts and Languages, and (iii) enabling students to be at par with their global counterparts academically and to help them excel in research, professional and academic spheres using flexi curriculum.
Apart from existing world-class degree-programmes like BA, MA and PhD in History, Political Science, English, Sanskrit, Applied Linguistics & ELT/TESOL and Foreign Languages backed with two value-added courses: Communication Skills and Physical Education, the School, as part of its futuristic venture, plans to launch two more Master Programmes of Philosophy and Sociology. With a promising team of (teaching & non-teaching) and the energy of all our students, the School is bustling with academic and extra-curricular activities.
The School is unique because of its enduring legacy of providing education to all irrespective of class, creed, sect, religion, and nationality. The School is always bustling with academic and extra-curricular activities to nurture and enrich the academic, managerial, organizational, communication, interpersonal, personal and professional skills of the students. With weekly conduct of seminars, workshops, conferences, field visits, expert lectures, community awareness campaigns, internships, etc. the School provides its students a holistic exposure to academic, social, cultural, professional, and spiritual aspects of life.
ASLA & FL publishes two peer reviewed journals and one newsletter namely, (i) International Journal of Innovations in TESOL and Applied Linguistics (Quarterly), (ii) International Journal of Innovations in Liberal Arts (Biannual), and (iii) ASLA & FL Newsletter (Annual). To stay competitive in a global scenario for holistic development of the students, ASLA & FL is not only collaborating with several Indian and overseas universities, but more importantly, it has recently established its own placement cell and in-house training programmes to ensure that its students become ideal candidates for local, national, and international organizations. To this end, all the faculty members of ASLA & FL are expected to create and strengthen the intellectual ambience of openness to ideas and plurality of perspectives.
As Director of ASLA & FL, it is a privilege for me to work with my distinguished faculty from the diversified areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. We collectively and creatively address issues and seek innovative approaches to meeting the academic and non-academic challenges of our students. Finally, I urge upon all my dear students to take ASLA & FL to a new height of academic excellence and eminence by making a mark in their areas of specializations and by proving themselves as good human beings and worthy global citizens.