Infrastructure & Facilities



Classroom is the place where students spend most of their time. All classrooms and labs at Amity School of Liberal Arts & Foreign Languages are air-conditioned to enable a comfortable environment for long hours of learning through classroom teaching and group discussions. Classrooms are also wi-fi enabled, so that the students can make optimum use of online learning resources, whenever required.


A good library is the heart of any academic institution, and so is at Amity University Haryana, Gurugram. The departmental library is a repository which has books, magazines, national and international journals for reference of students. It is designed to provide comfort and user-friendly environment to enable learning. 




Digital language Lab is equipped with 32 seater advanced  digital language lab that helps students to improve pronunciations, go on line , submit home work and helps teacher monitor student’s progress.


The language department organizes seminars and workshops and various aspects of educational programs. It boosts teaching methodology and improves pedagogical methods.

The Language Lab has advanced language software. Teaching and educational material are updated regularly for effective learning of foreign languages.

Other facilities and infrastructure of Foreign Language include

  • Two Audio-Visual lecture theatres: Audio- Visual tools play a very important role in the learning of foreign languages. It not just familiarises the students with the native pronunciation and diction of the language but also helps in understanding the cultural nuances embedded in the language.
  • One classroom with audio-visual equipment: In order to enable the students  achieve the aforementioned goals, a classroom is also ICT enabled, so that its not just the teachers who make use of the tools but also the students in their day to day learning experience through presentations.
  • Six classrooms dedicated to honours courses: Apart from teaching value added courses to all the students of the university, a big responsibility in itself, ASL has dedicated honours courses for French, German and Spanish Language. The department has dedicated classrooms for the batches so that the movement of the student does not hamper their concentration and time.
  • More than 1500 reference materials in the Central Library: Amity School of Languages has been supported not just by the University; it also has collaborations with embassies and cultural centres. This has enabled the department to procure knowledge materials from the source country. This undoubtedly provides the students with the edge of having access to international study materials.
  • “French Corner” and “Russian Corner” have been established in the Central Library by the Embassies.