
Dr.Anvesha Katti
Assistant Professor-III
Computer Science
Amity School of Engineering and Technology (ASET)

Amity University Haryana

M.Tech(IIIT-B), PhD(JNU)

7.5 years

IFT4301- Data Warehousing and Data Mining
CSE2312 E Commerce and ERP
CSE2304 Data Structures
CSE 2305 Data Structures using C Lab
Computer Networks, Blockchain, Cyber Security
Computer Networks, DBMS, Data Structures
Reviewer for many Journals
On the Publication and Review Committee for various IEEE/ACM international conferences.
Received the Best Researcher Award from Galgotias University in 2019, Recipient for DST PURSE Fellowship
Amity School of Engineering and Technology (ASET)
Amity University Haryana