
Dr. Amresh Prakash
Assistant Professor-III
Computational Biology, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data Tools
Faculty of Science Engineering And Technology

Amity University Haryana, Amity Education Valley, Pachgaon, Manesar, Gurgaon, Haryana 122413

Ph.D. (Feb. 2012)
ACBR, University of Delhi

12 Years, 2 Months

DSC3103/4103: S&EDA
DSC3107/4107: Big Data Tools and Tech.
DSC3110/4110: S&EDA Lab.
BTE2303: Biostatistics
BTC 5001: PhD-RM & CA
BTC 5003: PhD-Bioinformatics
BTH 4206: Biostatistics
BTH 6806: Biostatistics
DSC 3202/4202: RT& A
DSC 3209/4209: RT& A Lab.
DSC4301: Generalized and Linear Modeling
DSC4308: Generalized and Linear Modeling Lab.
Implication of machine leaning and AI approaches to decode the conformational ensembles of proteins may triggers the neurodegenerative diseases
Statistical analyses of big data
Research articles in SCI Journals: 74 Book Chapter: 02. https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=rmm5am4AAAAJ&hl=ena
As PI: SERB, DST: Development of a protocol to amplify the conformational sampling of proteins from molecular dynamics simulation and their application to investigate the mechanism of protein folding/unfolding in presence of co-solvent (Gdmcl/Urea) YSS/2015/000228: 21st Feb 2016-31st May 2019: 31.50 Lakhs Co-PI: ICMR: Identification of early diagnostic biomarkers for GBM using differential Alternative Splicing and deep leaning. 23rd Feb. 2022-22nd Feb. 2025: 18 Lakhs
International Society For Computational Biology (Iscb)
International Brain Research Organization (Ibro)
Indian Biophysical Society (Ibs), Life-Membership
Member Of Editorial Board
Associate Editor: Frontiers In Oncology
Guest Editor: Chemical Science
Review Editor: Frontiers In Chemistry (Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Faculty of Science Engineering And Technology
Amity University Haryana, Amity Education Valley, Pachgaon, Manesar, Gurgaon, Haryana 122413