Event Title: Importance of Millets in Ensuring Food and Nutritional Security

Event Description: To spread the importance of millets among youth, awareness session was organized for the students of ATULASHA (charitable school for underprivileged boys run under the aegis of Amity Humanity Foundation) at Amity University Noida Campus. Millet in any form can be a healthy addition to most diets and it is available in many supermarkets and health food stores in several different forms. It has several advantages, including low-maintenance, disease resistance, nutritional value, market demand, fodder value, and ecological benefits. Millet’s adaptability and ease of cultivation are reviving interest in it. You may find different types of millet throughout India, including pearl millet and sorghum millet. The health advantages of millet can be found in all of these varieties. The students were also provided with millet products. Students of AIOA displayed various self-made as well as packed products of millets. Live samples of Major millet, minor millet & wild species of millets were also displayed in the Millet Bazar. Products like cookies, noodles, mixtures, etc were presented by the students.