Introduction to ASNRSD

There is an increasing pressure on the world's natural ecosystems to provide a growing population with a sustainable food supply, resources, and land. Natural resources are under grave threat from climate change, water scarcity, land management pressures and unsustainable development practices throughout the world. Management of these resources requires an interdisciplinary approach and a holistic perspective including ecological, economic and social aspects. As evidenced by various international agendas and agreements, the management of the Earth's natural resources is of concern to each of us and is the need of the hour.

In response to this need, Amity School of Natural Resources & Sustainable Development was conceptualized in 2005 by the Amity University to address the issues of natural resources and sustainable development. In its ten years of functioning, the school has reached new horizons in creation of a research and innovation driven institution of higher learning.

ASNRSD offers two unique academic programmes - M.B.A. Natural Resources & Sustainable Development, and M.Sc. Forestry. It also provides research and advisory services in the domain of natural resource management and sustainable development across the country. The school has been organizing a number of seminars/training programmes/research and demonstration projects also to build up a conscientious opinion of stakeholders on issues related to management of natural resources. It is an established national institute of great repute in the area of natural resource management for training research and education. The department also has a number of MoUs with various national and state level institutes.

Mission Statement

To provide education at all levels in Natural Resources & Sustainable development discipline of modern times and in the futuristic and emerging frontier areas of knowledge, learning and research of sustainability and Natural Resources management and to develop the overall personality of the student and to make them as excellent professionals and good individuals, with understanding and regards for human values, pride in their heritage and culture, a sense of right and wrong and yearning for perfection and imbibe attributes of courage of conviction and action.

Director's Message

Welcome to the website for the School of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development.

At ASNRSD our goal is to be a leading school, in pursuing science that informs society of the impacts of environmental change, how best to adapt to environmental and Forestry challenges, and in the development of management strategies for sustainable solutions. We are a cohesive group of faculty, students and staff who take pride in our focus on problem-driven research, teaching and training encompassing all aspects of environmental Management.

Our research and training focuses on ecosystem response under environmental or human pressures. We develop strategies to help mitigate the effects of these pressures, helping to create and maintain healthy and sustainable ecological systems. Our teaching and research focuses on ecosystem function, conservation biology and natural resource management, from local to national and regional scales, using geospatial technologies and modeling to develop new ways to protect our most valuable resources.

Our post graduate educational programs are necessarily interdisciplinary and focused on real-world problems, preparing students for the demands of leadership positions in natural resource science and management. ASNRSD offers degree options that allow students to tailor their degree to suit their interests and career goals, including part time Ph.D. programs to encourage mid-career professionals to achieve academic qualification and greater interest in research. These are at the heart of what we do, as they develop their projects, fieldwork, and complete their academic course work, they gain both the theoretical and the practical skills they will need to be the resource managers of the future.

Our School is unique among our peers in terms of the breadth of focus, depth of expertise and infrastructure facilities, integrating across the boundaries of biology, physical science, resource management, and international resource issues. We are unique in the number and diversity of partnerships we have established with government, institutions and international funding agencies that foster collaboration.

Prof.(Dr.) S.P. Singh, IFS (Retd.)
Director, ASNRSD