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On Campus Facilities

Amity Institute of Travel & Tourism has excellent infrastructure with well-equipped classrooms designed to accommodate and allow maximum possible interaction between teachers and students. All modern teaching aids and computer laboratories are extensively used. Facilities of a well-equipped library and a wireless campus, the first with any university are other valuable assets at Amity Campuses. Modern cafeterias and student hostels are other facilities that are available to students.


Leading Travel, Tourism and Hospitality magazines, journals and books are available to cater the student's professional needs and can be accessed at the well-equipped Central library.

Wireless Campus:

Amity has its own 1 MBPS radio link for Internet and intranet connectivity for 24 hours fast and easy access. The Amity Noida campus is also the first Wireless Campus in India

Information Technology Lab:

AITT has its computer lab facility for students to update and enhance their trade related knowledge. These labs are equipped with all travel management related software to provide hands on training to our students.

Residential Hostels :

The AITT provides residential facility separately for boys and girl students. Priority is given to students from outstations.

Sports and Extra Curricular Activities :

Amity University campus boasts of an Olympic sized Running Track, Cricket Ground, Basket Ball, Tennis, Volley Ball and Badminton Courts, as well as Horse Riding facilities. Facilities for Billiards and Table Tennis are also available at the student's hostels.

Health Services :

The Amity University takes great concern towards the medical facilities for all concerned including students, faculty and staff. The Amity Clinic at Sec 125 is an initiative taken by management in this regard. The medical clinic has in house doctors and other medical facilities.

Industry Links :

AITT maintains strong links with the industry to seek regular guidance for designing the syllabi and work experience programme. The Institute strives to ensure that research and consultancy activities are conducted with both Indian and International companies. Leading Industrialists, Visiting Fellows and Visiting Professors are also invited to impart knowledge and skills among our Under Graduate and Post Graduate students. Classes are held within the best atmosphere of an industry- like settings. Students are provided with realistic education with a right mix of theoretical and practical contents.


In the international summer school internship, there was participation from 16 countries: Russia, Finland, India, China, Germany, Brazil, Austria, Italy, UK, Bangladesh, Spain, Hong Kong, Vietnam, USA, Scotland and Switzerland. And I'm glad that I got this opportunity to be a part of it. Without the assistance and guidance of Prof. Urs Wagenseil, Dr. Sabine Muller and Prof. Dr. Andreas Liebrich this wouldn't have been possible. I am gratified that I got this opportunity to experience and listen to the successful and experienced speakers from all over the globe. Last but not the least, I am really thankful towards Prof (Dr) M Sajnani sir and all the faculty members of Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism for giving me this opportunity and having faith and believe in me. It was really a knowledgeable platform that gave me confidence, forthright to express myself in this industry.

Saswati Nayak
MTTM (2020-22)

My experience with this internship has been quite wholesome in terms of learning. I was able to gain deeper insights into how things work around the world. This was of paramount importance for me being a traveling student myself. I now better understand what Switzerland as a tourist destination is doing to improve its tourist influx and their experience. Moreover, this internship was open to people from around the globe; therefore, I was able to gain information about different destinations like Austria as well. There were also several guest speakers in this internship, and they had given us a lot of information about Switzerland tourism (for example - how DMO's works in Switzerland). The best part of this internship is that we have been given practical knowledge about how things work in the tourism industry - for example- we played the game of simulation, where we as a group were working as a 3- star Hotel. We were also challenged to make different decisions for our company. To me, this was the best stimulating experience. Apart from working in our designated group, we also collaborated with other groups for ideas. We were having constant board meetings with them. Apart from this, we were also able to communicate and interact with different people, who were present there during the internship. I believe that I have befriended many folks during my stint, and I will never forget this beautiful experience. Once again, I am thankful to my university for giving me this opportunity.

MTTM (2020-22)

This year through AITT, I got the opportunity to attend the amity online international internship, online summer business school at Lucerne University of applied sciences and arts, Lucerne, Switzerland. There were participants from 16 countries- Russia, Finland, China, Germany, Brazil, Austria, Italy, UK, Bangladesh, Spain, Hong Kong, Vietnam, USA, Scotland and Switzerland. In zoom, through the breakout sessions and destination simulation game, we were able to connect with people from various countries. The sessions conducted were an amalgamation of practical and theoretical knowledge wherein we first explained about a particular topic by professors at Lucerne University, which was followed by industry experts coming and giving a practical aspect to it. We had industry experts from SECO, Switzerland Zurich tourism, Andermatt tourism, Lucerne tourism, CEO of Swiss youth hostels. It was through this platform where we could connect with people at such a high level. Being able to hear their inputs was quite interesting and informative. It actually changed my perspective towards various topics and i was able to gain a lot of knowledge with a global perspective .This experience is an unforgettable one which has been very insightful and widened my horizon.

Rijuta Sawhney
BA(TA) (2019-22)

I would like to begin with my heartfelt gratitude to Amity University and AITT Prof. Dr. M Sajnani sir for providing me with just a great opportunity. It was an honor to be a part of the Online Summer Business School 2021 led by Lucerne University, Switzerland. The sessions were hosted by Prof. Urs Wagenseil and Dr. Sabine Mueller who were exceptional. There we various industry speakers leading informational sessions about Destination Planning, Branding & Marketing, Digitalization, Stakeholder Management and many more. We were given opportunities to ask the speakers questions which was a very insightful session. Breakout sessions were also conducted with 5 students each from various countries which was a great way to connect with everyone. Along with guest sessions we also had to establish a business in the stimulation lead by Prof. Urs Wagenseil and Prof. Andreas Leibech. I was part of a sports and events company called "It's Sick" with two other students from Finland and Switzerland. We ended up becoming great friends and are all still connected. It almost had a realistic feeling of running a business. My company was the best running company that session. To conclude, I learnt skills like patience, Team work, and so much more about the tourism industry and if given a chance I would be a part of the summer school again.

Khanak Saxena
BA(TA) (2019-22)

It has been a matter of great pleasure and privilege to be a part of Amity University especially a part of AITT. "Think Different", that is one thing that Amity University urges on and to great extent succeeds in teaching its students, and invariably helps to achieve what they need. It nourished me and thus gave me an opportunity to define me.

Dheeraj Taneja
Class of BA( TA) -2020

Amity university has an amazing infrastructure. It has the most modern infrastructure with all the needed facilities for the students. Classes are fully air conditioned, it has various labs and libraries and they have all the needed facilities. All the faculties are highly and well educated with very supportive and friendly nature with the students. Amity has its separate societies and cultural teams to give its student chance to show their talent and shine like a star. It also has its placement and internship cells which provides the students with the various internship amd placement opportunities to secure their future.

Princy Francis
Class of BA (TA) -2021

The day when I decided to study tourism from Amity Institute of Travel & Tourism, from that day onwards I was in for a treat. Splendid Surroundings, awesome seniors and well knowledgeable faculties. Studying tourism is not only theoretically valid here but trips and conferences are the icing of the cake. My whole life changed after joining Amity and I am looking forward for a successful career upahead after the Bachelors course. I will miss this precious 3 years of college life. Thank You Everyone At AITT. I feel proud to be an AITT'ian.

Anushree Joshi
Class of BA (TA) - 2013

The First day I entered in the Amity Campus, I found myself in a totally different environment as college life is totally different from the school life. I was very nervous, but after few days I got the inspiration from my Director Sir as well as all my faculty members. A special thanks to Masters Batch of 2009, who were very friendly by nature. Amity University is simply a knowledgeable university and helps grooming a student's personality, be it in visit to conferences or doing internships in various tour companies. Thanks AITT.

Saurabh Singhal
Class of BA (TA) - 2011

The day I had entered Amity, I was bit nervous, but later, enjoyed the atmosphere of AITT. Real success comes from the mentors (our faculties) here, as they urged the students to have a goal in life and do the future planning accordingly. I had a good experience studying the Bachelors course, as it has helped me in improving my personality and skills as well as in gaining practical experience in tourism industry too. I must say thanks to Amity Institute of Travel & Tourism for changing my life in a better way.

Ashish Kumar
Class of MA (TA) - 2013

With lots of dreams I came to Amity, & after coming here I've many more dreams. Day one saw new faces in the class, few days later became very good friends with all and I hope that day doesn't come when I'm not friends with any of them! For me personally Amity has given a lot to me, not only in terms of new friends, but a lot of strength to accomplish my dreams in life. AITT rocks!!!

Class of BA (TA) - 2013

Amity has always been a home away from home, and from the first day itself, faculty has been like a family to me. With there support & guidance, I see a brighter future for myself upahead.

Bijoy Vijay Raghavan
Class of BA (TA) - 2013

It's my privilege to be a part of such a renowned institution. I still remember how nervous I was on my first day to college as I was a complete stranger to this new city. But amity was so warm to me. So many endless memories, friends, faculty members added this more to the experience.
Amity has taught me to tackle many problems simultaneously and it has helped me grow my as an individual. I would like to express my gratitude to our Dean Prof. (Dr.) M. Sajnani Sir for providing us platform where we can interact directly to the industry experts and learn so much from them. Thank you Amity for adding so much of positivity to my life. Today I am a confident travel trade professional because of the guidance I received from you.

Ms. Khushboo Singh
Master of Travel and Tourism Management (MTTM)
Batch : 2017-2019

Home is the word, that closest describes my alma mater. My family of teachers and friends, is what made my two years here, one of my most treasured and productive phases of my so far lived life and there is a longing to come back. One of the best qualities i observed was of inclusion, and acceptance of whoever you are and whatever you want to be or do in your professional endeavour. A place where you are encouraged to follow your passion, be the true you, break the chains of convention and yet uphold the wealth of our culture and traditions, and make the world see the magic of your originality. The encouragement and motivation received from faculty was immense. They are as approachable as your own family. The value of being independant and a self starter, is instilled down to our very being, the need for innovation being our motto and creed.
Personally, i grew from being an introvert, dormant inactive self to someone very active, included and in charge of many responsibilties, which i never thought i could do justice to. The direct credit for this goes to our ever-so-inspiring Dean Prof. (Dr.) M. Sajnani and his team of very able family of experienced and knowledgable teachers. The events and projects, are managed almost entirely by students themselves, which reflects the faculty's dedication and drive to impart practical learning and also the level of trust, that the faculty bestow upon us. The regular interaction through seminars with industry professionals kept us abreast of the advances and requirements in our industry and helped us mould our minds and personalites to adapt to the changing competitive environment. There are limitless options for all round development through extra co-curricular activites and such clubs, like debate, phorography, dance, shooting, swimming, sports, and even clubs for socialising and unwinding and so many more, which make for the completeness in academic life. I felt I was in good hands academically and on my way to become a resourceful professional, to be able to contribute value to the growth of our industry and bring good name to all who we represent.

Mr. Raunaq D. Shah
Master of Travel and Tourism Management (MTTM)
Batch : 2017-2019