Sanchita Tiwari, Tanya Bansal, Sanskar Garg and Vidhi Sharma were selected in Delhi Archery team and participated in the 9th Mini National Archery Championship held at Tirupati on November 11, 2016. Sanchita Tiwari won a silver and a bronze medal and Tanya Bansal won two bronze medals in the competition.
In the 37th Delhi State Archery Competition held from February 28, 2017 to March 4, 2017, Sanchita Tiwari won 3 gold medals in the junior and 3 gold medals in the Sub-Junior compounds. Tanya Bansal won 2 gold, 1silver and 1 bronze medal in the junior and sub junior Recurve, Sanskar Garg won a gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze medal in sub junior in Mini Compound and Ria Churiwala won2 silver and 1 bronze medal in the Mini Compound category. The team also won the Overall Women‘s Trophy.