Organizing Committee


Dr. Ashok K Chauhan
Chairman, AKC Group of Companies & Founder President,  Amity Universities and Institutions


Mr. Atul Chauhan

Chancellor, AUUP

Russell J Rodriguez
President, International Symbiosis Society, USA

Prof. Dr. Lidia Szpyrkowicz
Embassy of Italy, New Delhi

Maj Gen K J Singh
Vice Chancellor, AUUP


Prof. Dr. Paola Bonfante, Italy

Prof. Dr. Francis Martin, INRA, France

Prof (Dr.) Ajit Varma, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India


Dr. Shwet Kamal
, AIMT, AUUP, India

Organizing Secretaries

Dr. Ram Prasad, AIMT, AUUP, India

Mr. Neeraj Shrivastava, AIMT, AUUP, India

Executive Advisors

Prof. Dr. Abbott L, Australia

Prof. Dr. Ahmed S., Malasiya
Prof. Dr. Behnke RGE, Hongkong
Prof. Dr. Bruce N C, UK
Prof. Dr. Collier P, Scotland
Prof. Dr. Cuenca G, Venejuela
Prof. Dr. Declerck S., Belgium
Prof. Dr. Dion P, Canada
Prof. Dr. Ebrahim O, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Gautam SP, India
Prof. Dr. Gill G, India
Prof. Dr. Giovannetti M, Italy
Prof. Dr. Goltapeh EM, Iran
Prof. Dr. Hartmann A, Germany
Prof. Dr. Hudson B, USA
Prof. Dr. Kagan-Zur V, Israel
Prof. Dr. Ma K, China
Prof. Dr. Morte A., Spain
Prof. Dr. Naik S, India
Prof. Dr. Nara K, Japan
Prof. Dr. Oelmuller R, Germany
Prof. Dr. Olsson PA, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Olubukola B, South Africa
Prof. Dr. Öpik M, Estonia
Prof. Dr. Rai M, Kenya
Prof. Dr. Regvar M, Slovenia
Prof. Dr. Sanders I, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Shrestha K, Nepal
Prof. Dr. Vestberg M, Finland


Ms. Manisha Sharma