एमिटी विश्वविद्यालय उत्तर प्रदेश, एमिटी अंतरराष्ट्रीय साहित्यिक महोत्सव पर आपका स्वागत करता है, तथा आपको एक ऐसा मंच प्रदान करता है, जहाँ आप अपनी बौद्धिक अभिव्यक्ति की उड़ान सहजता, सरलता एवं मनोहरिक रूप से भर सकते हैं । एमिटी अंतरराष्ट्रीय साहित्यिक महोत्सव आपको एक ऐसा अवसर देगा, जहाँ आप अपने अंतर्मन की अनछुई आवाज़ को वैश्विक स्तर पर सहजता से नया आयाम दे सकते हैं, क्योंकि इस मंच पर आप अपने अंतर्मन की कल्पनाओं, विचारों को वैश्विक प्रतिभागियों के साथ- साथ, विद्वत्जनो के समक्ष सामाजिक, साहित्यिक वाक् एवं लेखन कौशलों को प्रस्तुत और निखार सकते हैं । एमिटी अंतरराष्ट्रीय साहित्यिक महोत्सव के इस मंच पर हिंदी भाषा में आयोजित निर्धारित विभिन्न कार्यक्रम जैसे एहसास -ए- अल्फ़ाज़, धरोहर का रंगमंच, काव्य संगम, पन्ने पलटने का पहला एहसास, तर्क- वितर्क आदि द्वारा प्रतिभा को निखारने का अवसर मिलेगा, वहीं भाषा कार्यशाला के अंतर्गत विभिन्न साहित्यिक विधाओं में हिंदी भाषा ज्ञान, रूचि एवं कौशलों के विकास के लिये प्रबुद्ध ज्ञाताओं के द्वारा ज्ञान प्राप्ति का भी अवसर दिया जायेगा तो साहित्य परिचर्चा द्वारा हिंदी साहित्य अपने बहुआयामी परिदृश्य को रेखांकित करने व आधुनिक भारत में हिंदी साहित्यिक ज्ञान की महत्ता को उजागर करने के लिए देश-विदेश के विशिष्ट साहित्यकारो के बीच एक साहित्यिक संवाद का मंच प्रदान करेगा ।
1. Insta AD
An activity based on marketing wherein the participants will be creating a jingle using two provided products to create a new one and market them.
2. Twitterature
An activity based on tweeting on the topic given and later expressing your views on the same in front of the judges.
3. Gryphons and Gargoyles:
An activity based on the ultimate debate of good v/s evil. Chose whether good wins over evil or evil conquers it all.
4. Picture perfect
An activity based on the portrayal of the provided emotions through the participant’s photographs.
5. Chills and Thrills
An activity based on creating your own horror story using the central theme provided.
6. Book Cover Design
An activity based on designing a book cover to reflect their thoughts on the story given.
7. Rising Stan Lee
The activity is based on finding flaws in existing characters and then creating a character on their own based on the adjectives provided.
8. Webspree
An activity based on showcasing your knowledge of popular series on Netflix, Amazon, Hotstar etc. Are you a web series know it all?
1. SkillUp to become Reading Kryptonites
The act of reading is a complex and multi-dimensional process. It is a heart-to-heart interaction of the reader with the text to understand what he has read. In the process, the readers construct meaning from different texts based on their background knowledge, experiences, connections to text, established skills, strategies, and ability to comprehend and decode the vocabulary for apt meaning. So this workshop will focus on the importance and benefits of reading, inculcating the habit of reading in everyday life to derive fun in reading. It will also discuss the nuances of upgrading reading skills with mini lessons and exciting activities which will foster a great love for reading.
2. Awaken your Creative hat through a euphonious expedition
Creative writing is generally considered a natural gift or spontaneous activity. No one is a born writer. Every writer has acquired the skill knowingly or unknowingly. For example, a voracious reader who has the habit of jotting down his opinions or a person who writes or maintains a diary is unknowingly enhancing his writing skills because he is always creating something new. Discover yourself and your strength in creative writing through this workshop will help you develop and upgrade a new fascinating skill.
3. L'Art oratoire discours' - Road to dynamic Public Speaking
People usually spend a lot of time preparing diligently to give a presentation or deliver a public speech. Still, the latent stage fright manifests suddenly when facing the audience and hampers your flow of thoughts. So here is an opportunity to attend a session specially designed to strengthen your oratorial skills and train you with voice modulation to captivate your audience with confidence.
4. Unveil your tale - Capturing a story telling ambience
We all have a tale to tell because storytelling has the power to engage speech, influence, inspire and entertain the listeners. Who does not feels nostalgic for the childhood times and grandma's bedtime stories? But storytelling does not end with fictitious narratives alone because the art of good storytelling leads you to success. Every successful corporate world enterprise or a start-up business starts with a brilliant idea which leads to a story and becomes a storyboard for its business plan. "Tell me something about yourself ?" in interviews leads you to unveil your story, which will win you the job if told effectively and persuasively. So storytelling is a great skill that gives you strategies, tools, language, and a mindset that helps you communicate effectively.
5. Brightening Shilly Shallying - Conversation analysis and polishing Speaking skills
Learning conversational skills always sounds like a cakewalk activity, then why do you need to prepare for a conversation? All you have to do is talk, right? True, but it is not easy as it may sound to become a great conversationalist. You have to do a lot of planning, preparation and practice. We all have faced a situation where we had a lot of things to say, but we could not express exactly what we wanted to say. Properly speaking, the right thing is a skill to be acquired with a lot of practice in your day to day life. So here we have an exciting workshop which will enlighten you with a compiled list of fun-filled activities that will help you enhance your speaking ability. Speaking involves a lot of factors like waiting for your turn to speak frequently and use the correct expressions, understanding language functions and applying the skill in debates, telephone calls, and all kinds of oral interaction, so here we go and get the taste of that skill.
6. Exotic Settings, and non-human Homo-sapiens. - Exploring Humanity Through Literature
Shakespeare has remarked that "A man may smile and smile and yet be a villain". No man is perfect, but unfortunately, we all tend to be judgemental (including us) and classify people as monsters, devils, angels, and divine beings. So is there something unique about this kind of peripheral judgement, or is it to do something with our unconscious mind? When we talk of 'Non-Humans", we think about a robot, animal or alien this leads us to become suspicious of any stranger we meet. Yes, Indeed sometimes people have weird ocult experiences and these tales are reflected in literature. Still, literature filled with plots, stories, characters and themes usually challenges you to emphasise these so-called 'Non-humans' and understand their failings. So this workshop explores the so-called monstrous villains, aliens and ghosts who might have a heart of gold, for they might be more wronged than wrong. On the other hand, a respectable and kind person may ultimately be an evil-minded human. Hence, this session helps you gain insight into interpreting literary works incoherent, organised, and focused forms and critically analyse characters leveraging on video clips or activities.
1. Out of the esoteric to the exoteric - A Celebrity's congregation
From the private world of their hearts and minds to the public discussion world: Who doesn’t dream of becoming a celebrity? Many aspire, but a few make it. In this panel, celebrities and successful people will share stories of their tryst with a successful destiny to inspire us.
2. Call the shots to your TBR (to be read) files - Bookworm or a Dunce?
A little knowledge is dangerous. Are we actually reading? Do we have to be a bookworm? Wearing a dunce cap is no more a nightmare, for Knowledge is free and readily available. Nowadays, so many materials (summaries, reviews) are at your disposal. We grasp the content of books or understand any subject before reading it or about it. Besides, much of our time is spent on social media and binge-watching, leaving very little time for the actual reading process. We also compliment writers'' works with comments like ''fantastic, well-researched work'' ''by skimming through their work. The discussion will be on Deep Knowledge vs Shallow Knowledge. Do we have to read the whole text to acquire complete Knowledge?
3. A lot of different flowers make a bouquet - Get a taste of a joyous coalition of diversed cultures
Possessing excellent communication skills is the bedrock of success in every field. In today’s digital world, understanding and communicating cross-culturally is of paramount importance. It is a particular skill that has to be acquired and practised. This skill is mandatory to bring success. Build trust, attain global peace, break the barriers of diversity across the world, and make it a united and peaceful world of Joy. Yet, this lack of understanding of Global cultures is closing the minds and hearts of human beings and dividing nations, as a result of which we witness conflicts, wars, and chaos across the globe. This fruitful discussion of experts in the field will focus on training and acquiring cultural understanding and the need for the worldwide promotion of cross-cultural communication.
4. Together through literature - Keep the literature fires burning
Reviving the taste for Literature through developing a passion for it: Nowadays, people choose job-oriented subjects and keep a degree in Literature or even spend some time enjoying the richness of literature as their last priority. How to save Literature from dying? This discussion will be on how to arouse the passion for Literature. What is the use of Literature? Literature is the reflection of the society of its time. It is a magical time machine through which we enjoy a joy ride to the ancient past and experience and relive life in the glorious past. As a result, we can better understand cultures and have a greater appreciation of them.
5. Through the enchanting window - The art of story telling
A panel discussion on storytelling and its mesmerizing and soul-stirring effects: We all have a story to tell but telling it persuasively and alluringly makes us emerge as the winner. When you go for an interview, they ask you to tell your story. Every start-up enterprise has a storyboard. All great inventions took place through ideas that developed into stories and paved the way for new inventions and discoveries. Storytelling is not limited to imaginary stories alone, but we create the skill by telling a story persuasively, mesmerizing the listener. Successful storytelling skill is the cornerstone of entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership, and it empowers.
6. Embracing the world through Language and literature
When we speak of Literature, we think of Shakespeare, the evergreen genius or of the adventurous world of Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn or Tom Sawyer. There is another world in the Arabian Nights, the magic carpet, the magic lamp of Aladdin and the Panchatantra tales, which are captivating, entertaining and informative. As cross-culturalism is the key to the united world, we get a better understanding of cultures of the world through their Literature through translations in multiple languages. Experts from different nations (poets, writers, professors) will discuss the need to develop a World Literature through which we unite and become one family.
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