Theme of International Symposium

With sustainable strategies, a sustainable world may be built by fostering its three pillars: economics, the environment, and society. Currently, all types of waste, such as organic biomass, plastic, electronics, and radioactive waste, have a significant impact on the economy, the environment, and social concerns. The adoption of a 7R methodology and strategies:   Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Rethinking, Renovation, and Regulation is urgently required. The development of sustainable waste management solutions has become a key concern around the world as time has passed.

Waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and recovery necessitate cutting-edge waste treatment technologies and valorisation strategies, which will be presented. Rethinking, Renovation, and Regulation strategies will enable the development of novel waste processing methods and the application of responsible waste management practises. It is critical to use innovation and ground breaking engineering and technology to process trash for waste to wealth, the country's circular economy, the preservation of a healthy environment, and the improvement of people's living conditions. It will enable the creation of a world and environment that are both sustainable.

Few subtopics are written below:

  • Few subtopics are written below:
  • Waste to energy, electricity, chemicals, drug, device
  • Conventional to advanced treatment technology of waste 
  • Advanced management strategies 
  • Recycling of waste 
  • Recovery of organic waste 
  • Reuse of waste
  • Industrial effluent Treatment
  • Hazardous and Radioactive waste management 
  • Waste management and sustainability policy

Who Should Attend: International Symposium will be attended by-

  • Faculty/ Academicians
  • Research Scholars
  • Corporates & others


Resource persons are from Nottingham University UK, University of Coahuila Mexico, CSIR, IIT Kharagpur, DBT, GOI, CSIR-NEERI, UNDP, IIT Roorkee, IIT Delhi, ICT Mumbai, IARI