ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Registration (For Young and Adult Learners)
I am a Cyberbuddy- An ACERT Initiative
Registration open for Offline/ Online (Delhi, NCR, Outstation) ETT and ECCE Programmes. Batch 2025-26. For Enquiry call ACERT Delhi - 8826698199 | ACERT Noida - 8826698199 | ACERT Gurgaon - 8826698199.
Registrations now open for Batch of 2025-26! Join PG Diploma in Elementary Teacher Training & Early Childhood Care and Education. For course details, call: 8826698199.


Amity Center for Educational Research and Training
Amiown Campus
Sector – 27
Opposite Bharat Gas Depot
DLF Phase - 4
Gurgaon – 122009
Contact No. 8826698199
Email : admissions@acert.amity.edu



Amity Center for Educational Research and Training
I – Block, 2nd Floor
Amity Global School
Gate no. 6
Sector – 44
Noida – 201301
Contact No: 8826698199
Email : admissions@acert.amity.edu



Plot No. 163,
Road No. 13A, Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad, 500033

Contact No: 9553066600
Email : admissions@acert.amity.edu



Amity Center for Educational Research and Training
Amity International School
Sector – 7
Pushp Vihar
New Delhi – 110017

Contact No: 8826698199
Email : admissions@acert.amity.edu



Video Testimonials




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Jutika Barua
Placed At:Sri Chaitanya Techno School

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Respected Chairperson Ma'am for giving me this wonderful platform where I have got the opportunity to groom myself and which ultimately helped me to get this offer from Sri Chaitanya Techno School. I would also like to thank my senior trainer Ms. Bhavna Dwivedi ma'am for all the support and guidance she has provided all through my association with ACERT.

Rachna Dudhoria
Batch:2017 – 18
Placed At:Amiown Noida

They say you only live once but I believe you live many lives in this one life. Through experience of trial our soul is strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved. The ACERT course has given me a new lease of life. The energy and passion through which every subject has been taught fires one from within and wants you to become that change in the field of education. A perfect blend of Montessori, Psychology, Reggio, Music and a plethora of interesting workshops gives you meaningful learning and insight. A very practical, experiential approach to teaching of subjects along with theory is liberating, not boring. A deep appreciation to Vice Chairperson Sapna Ma’am and to all my teachers for providing us with such beautiful learning and an excellent platform.

Rajvinder Kour
Batch:2017 – 18
Placed At:The Shri Ram Universal School, Jammu.

I joined ACERT in September 2017 as an ETT trainee. It was one of my best decisions that I took in my life. This course at ACERT completely transformed my life. I am immensely thankful to Chairperson Ma’am for providing this teacher training program which helped me groom and prepare myself for the challenges in teaching sector. The faculty and staff are all dedicated to student success, making ACERT an exciting Placed At to learn. The flexible and professional environment for learning provides the opportunity to explore yourself. Practical learning of the various modules and the workshops conducted by the dedicated faculty has resulted in optimal learning. I would really like to thank our Sr. Trainer Ms. Bhavna Ma’am, Ms. Monika Ma’am, and Ms. Nandini Ma’am and all other trainers for their unconditional support and handholding right from the beginning of the course till end. And my special thanks to our beloved Ms. Dipannita Burman Ma’am who taught us child psychology and helped us understand the various stages in child’s life. I am glad that my journey in teaching started with ACERT that helped me in personality development, communication skills, understanding individual differences, team work, leadership skills etc. This course covers each and every aspect of life to be good human being.

Maryam Khan
Placed At:Amiown, Pushp Vihar

Acert has been a life changing journey for me, with a unique combination of learning and self discovery. It is just not a teaching course but one which every girl/ woman /mother should do for self actualization. It has made me believe in my self , in the goodness of heart , in hard work and has brought me closer to my passion which is being with little ones. I am grateful to having great mentors who have always guided and been the motivation to always do our best.

Shilpa Mathur
Placed At:Amity International School , Pushp Vihar, Delhi

ACERT has been an amazing journey for me. The information and knowledge I acquired has been invaluable and will always be with me as I look forward to new challenges and opportunities in my life. It helped me build my confidence. It made me listen to others and helped me to think differently. It gave me a true perspective of an educator. Beside the course content I have learnt a lot of life skills like teamwork, impact of motivation, time management and multi tasking. I believe that these life skills are a prerequisite to be a good educator. We learnt all these skills under the best guidance, and with so much ease without even realizing the knowledge accumulation that we have achieved. My mentors were highly supportive. I really felt welcomed and supported. The atmosphere was loving and encouraging and gave a lot of positivity in our approach towards education.

Priya Tandon
Placed At:Amity International School, Saket, Delhi

ACERT means much more than Amity Centre of Education and Research. It is the place which changed my life forever. I had the passion to teach in me but somehow also had some inhibitions to go about it. After attending the training at ACERT, I was able to understand ‘Teaching’ and ‘Children’ in a new light. And slowly but surely, I have become the teacher I wanted to become and still have a long way ahead. My journey has begun and I have crossed a few milestones and have some in my sight. The trainers created a great atmosphere of learning, sharing thoughts & ideas, collaboration, cooperation and above all friendliness in the class room. They truly recognised my potential and helped me to polish it and supported me to improve myself in some of the other aspects. The course gave me a 360 degrees panoramic understanding of what it would take to become a teacher. It enabled me to know what different hats a teacher has to wear to fulfil her responsibilities in the class room and in the institution. How she needs to balance her personal life and the professional life; how she can meet or exceed the great expectations of her students; how she can create a special bond between her and the students; how she can create the interest of different profiles of learners (visual/auditory/kinaesthetic) in the same lesson at the same time and achieve the learning outcomes of her lesson plan. I can now think at the level of the child and give him/her concrete and extra-ordinary experiences in the class room not just on one particular day but day after day to ensure that the child matures into a thinker and his/her personality develops holistically. I understand that the teachers are not just mere givers of knowledge but they help kindle the desire to learn in a child, the urge to explore and then go on to facilitate the right environment and conditions for the child to learn at his/her own pace. Teachers are also the role models for their students, hence they need to be extremely conscious that they are setting the right example in the first place. I discovered while training at ACERT and teaching in the class room that there are endless possibilities and learning opportunities between a teacher and a student. They both bring out the best in each other in so many ways. I sincerely thank Respected Sapna Chauhan Ma’am for giving me the ACERT experience and exposure. Words fail me when I try to thank my trainers, Respected Nandini Ma’am and Namita Ma’am for what they have done for me. They are my ‘Gurus’ and I owe whatever I have achieved till now and I look up to them for every thing I want to do in future.

Priyanka Yadav
Placed At:Montessori Centre, Canada

I started my journey with some confusion and hesitation. After years of sitting at home one day I realized what productive I’m doing with my life and the answer was nothing. This realization haunted me for few days and then I gathered some courage and approached my mentor teachers in ACERT. . I am really grateful to Sapna ma’am who has given us this platform, women who lose their own identity after marriage and children get another chance to fulfill their dreams. I was a bit nervous and reluctant to join the course but thanks to my mentors, Meghna ma’am and Monika ma’am they motivated me a lot, they are the ones who gave me strength to join the course and have supported throughout this roller coaster journey. There have been times when I did not have faith in myself but thanks to Meghna ma’am, she was always encouraging and supportive. There were times I wanted to quit, but she is the one who kept pushing and had been very positive this journey of mine has been very beautiful with all sorts of emotions and days, I’ve learnt a lot and it has made me not just a better human being but also a better mother. No words can express how grateful and thankful I am for the love and support I have received by my mentors.

Namrata Bhardwaj
Placed At:The Sriram School, Noida

Joining ACERT was a last minute decision I can’t believe I almost missed! The whole experience has filled in a puzzle piece in my personal and professional life that I didn’t even know was missing. What surprised me was how deeply and positively affected my life outside of the class. Though challenging and confronting at times, I felt completely supported and empowered by the staff and instructors throughout the entire training. It is one of the most well-rounded, thorough courses which gradually introduces you to the world of teaching, and provides you with the knowledge and support and fully prepares you for a career in teaching. ACERT forces you out of your comfort zone, encouraging you to take risks that ultimately make you a better teacher. Not only are the fundamentals taught, but the hands on assisting, and communication and life skills taught make this a profound, high quality program. ACERT empowers their trainees to consistently deliver high quality teaching and learning. Through practical and interactive development sessions, we developed confidence and generated ideas and strategies on how to improve our practice. The course enabled me to understand different teaching styles to challenge learners, raise performance in the classroom by encouraging creativity and developing more innovative practice. I would also take this opportunity to thank with all my heart, Ms. Meghna Monga and Ms. Monika Sharda who always gave me tremendous inspiration and insight, and increased my confidence in my own judgment. I was able to better understand my strengths, weakness and values. The year I spent with them and 12 other trainees is extremely valuable. Thanks to this programme, I feel that I have been able to take a big step forward in developing my abilities and aspiration to learn to teach so that I can teach to learn.

Medha Sharma
Placed At:Gurukul The School

I am Medha Sharma of ACERT, Batch 2017-2018. My journey in ACERT was a wonderful one that I will always keep with me to fall back to in times of need. I am extremely grateful to the beloved Vice -Chairperson Ma'am who has created this opportunity for us where we could meet our ever supportive and encouraging trainers who were there for us throughout the year. I am greatly inspired by the Reggio course and I thoroughly enjoyed studying the different teaching philosophies. Learning was made very interesting, almost as easy as breathing by our trainers and sometimes we learnt a lot through playfulness and banters. We were given academic knowledge and practical experience but most importantly, we always had emotional support and strength of our loving and motherly trainers when we were in need and although I have not expressed it enough, I am very thankful for that as well. At times when you feel so tired that you want to give up, I feel like I was lucky enough to have my trainers and mentors to push me ahead. My time at this institution has been life changing as far as my career is concerned and it has made me a better individual who can contribute something significant to the society.

Shivangi Virmani
Placed At:Amity International School, Pushp Vihar, Delhi

It’s is said that nothing is greater than a journey that helps you find yourself and ground yourself. My journey at ACERT was one such journey where I learnt to accept myself as I am, and hence others. I learnt to direct my energies and effort in an efficient and positive way. In ACERT I broke free of my inhibitions and felt what it is to dedicate myself completely to my profession. And here, I saw how my profession transformed to passion. I learnt what it is to be a teacher, and am grateful to have found mentors who I know will always help me grow and blossom as a teacher. One day, I too shall learn to be as empathetic and grounded as my mentors are.

Shweta Sahni
Placed At:Magic Years, Delhi

The new beginning of my life started with ACERT. It was a complete transformation. This journey transformed me inside out. It was full of new experiences. I still remember my first day at ACERT, it was a class full of curiosity . There was hope and excitement in everyone’s eyes, hope for a brighter and a beautiful future. I am at loss of words when it comes to thanking my mentors Nandini ma’am and Namita ma’am. They made every possible way to bring out the best in me . They helped me realize my strengths and turn my weakness into my strengths.. I would like to specially thank Sapna ma’am to provide me with the resources and opportunity to show my creativity and gain knowledge through this coursework.

Sonia Gandhi
Placed At:Amity International School , Pushp Vihar, Delhi

As I began writing this testimonial, the first thought that came to my mind is " Not everyone gets a second chance. If you do get one, take advantage of it because it's a gift & it may have something better than you had before." I feel God gave me a second chance when I decided to enrol in ACERT. My sincere gratitude to Chairperson Ma'am for considering me capable enough to be a part of this institution. The level of care and trust that my mentors showed in me always made me felt so unique and special. It is their love and support that made this journey so beautiful and memorable for me. Their compassionate attitude and positive outlook made the transformation for me very smooth The updated curriculum and practical trainings made me feel motivated and empowered to teach. Kudos and cheers to the entire team of ACERT Delhi for bringing out the best in everyone and changing the face of this noble profession.

Batch: 2016-17
Centre: Delhi
Placed At: Delhi Public School, Mathura Road, Delhi

My journey with ACERT is no less than a miracle for me. It just transformed my whole personality and my perspective towards my life. My heartfelt gratitude to Chairperson Ma’am, Ms. Sapna Ma’am for giving me this wonderful opportunity to build a happy and joyful career path for myself. I believe that the right mentors are very important for your good understanding and overall personality. I can say it with full confidence that ACERT Delhi trainers, Ms Nandini Ma’am and Ms. Namita Ma’am are best in their fields. My mentors helped me in grooming my hidden potential. Their motivating words and valuable feedbacks at every step prepared me for a bright future. This course gave me a good insight of the latest teaching methods and understand the changing and diverse role of a teacher. The regular hands-on trainings and interactive sessions took my understanding and learning to a next level.

Deepa Arnav Agarwal.
Batch: 2016-17
Centre: Gurgaon
Placed At: GD Goenka Public School Gurgaon.

My desire to start my career and work for an organisation while fulfilling the responsibilities at home was made possible only by Respected Sapna Chauhan ma’am’s vision of eliciting the potential hidden in the ladies and mothers sitting behind the closed doors. I genuinely feel obliged to her as ma’am kept the mother’s in mind and made this course so much accessible and feasible to the homemaker’s in terms of the timings and the duration. I found this course to be so much integrated as it revolves around education and teaching and hence leaves no stone unturned in imparting, exposing and incorporating all areas of teaching and education. This course opened the doors of schools for me and helped me to start my career in teaching which inturn will help me to strike a balance between the responsibilities at home and the responsibilities that I would take up because of my zeal to work for an organisation. I feel thoroughly blessed to be associated with ACERT. It has been a blissful journey which is proved by my being regular to the centre as everyday gave me immense pleasure because of the positive environment and tremendous and incredible learning happening day after day. The learning outcome from the course at ACERT has been enormous, thus enabling me to teach differently. The miscellaneous presentations, assignments and assessments kept me on my toes throughout, stimulated my thought process, and has polished me beautifully, helping me to rediscover myself.

Neha Bajaj.
Batch: 2016-17
Centre: Gurgaon
Placed At: GD Goenka Public School Gurgaon.

I express my gratitude towards ACERT for taking pain and making me so confident that I faced the interview for the first time in my life and I got success. I applied in GD GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL and I got selected. When I first day entered ACERT I had a meeting with Bhavna ma’am and the way ma’am motivated me no one could stop me from joining the ACERT. Since then my journey for being a teacher started. Everyday all the teachers came with a smile on their face and kind words for students which meant a lot to me. The love of all the mentors ignited my curiosity for learning and made my learning much more fun. I really thank ACERT for all the support and your expert advice helped me and will always help me in future . ACERT provided me a lot of help as well as good learning environment. I appreciate the way our mentors our teaching us and making us ready for being a good educator. ACERT has done a great favour to me and words are very less to express my gratitude towards ACERT.My special thanks to Bhavna ma’am for always motivating and encouraging me . I assure ACERT that your efforts will not go waste and I will prove to be a good friend and guide to children because I have learned the same from ACERT . My heartfelt thanks to Respected Chairperson ma’am for fulfilling my ambition and making a difference in my life.

Jasjeet Gupta
Batch: 2016-17
Centre: Noida
Placed At: Shiv Nadar Noida

This journey stared last year in October when I decided to become a teacher. At that time it was just a reason to do any professional course and start a job. I had been sitting at home for too long as it was the need of my children. Once I started with this course it became a life changer for me. It gave me a purpose and a goal. I have my own identity today thanks to this course. I have loved the psychology class they have helped me to become a better person and now I understand the how and why of child behavior and his mind. The way ma’am explained each and every concept with her personal life examples made this subject very interesting. Absolutely loved the story telling classes they took away the inhibition and stage fear from us. Today I have become a great story teller and students completely enjoy the stories that I narrate. Reggio classes are very close to my heat because that’s my philosophy of teaching. It has helped me to evolve as a person and become an open-minded teacher. I have gained so much by learning about the different philosopher’s right from Plato to Vygotsky to John Dewey and of course my philosopher presentation on Aristotle. It took us through a journey of how educating has evolved. Thanks to our Mentors for helping us through our presentations. They have this quality of making everything look so easy and fun. Thanks for being a guide and a mentor to me and helping me through this journey. At the end I would like to thank Respected Sapna Ma’am for setting up the ACERT and giving us this opportunity to become a teacher. I will always keep your mantra very close to my heart and follow it – “Once a teacher always a learner.” Thank you Ma’am.

Sonal jain
Batch: 2016-17
Centre: Noida
Placed At: Genesis global School

The mediocre teacher tells, The good teacher explains, The superior teacher demonstrates, The great teacher inspires. Before joining this course at ACERT, I perceived the role of a teacher as a lecturer or a demonstrator, which clearly reflects that I had a superior mindset. But as my journey progressed at ACERT, each and every day my thoughts and perception changed and now at the completion of this course, I aspire to be a teacher who can inspire the learners. This transformation came only with the help of guidance and support given by our wonderful mentors. And now I proudly say I am a learner who does not teach but learns with her learners. Thanks a lot to both the trainers, and people who supported me throughout this course.

Srividya Dandapani
Batch: 2015 – 16
Centre: Noida
Placed At: Ardee World School Noida

One of the wonderful choices that I made in my life is having done the ETT course from ACERT. At the very beginning I was very apprehensive of taking up a course but the journey changed my whole perspective of seeing things and yes changed me as a person too. It began from knowing self to knowing the education world to knowing children. A beautiful journey that has unfolded the creativity, compassion, and motivation that was enfolded in me, and made me discover my own self. The content of the course equipped and prepared me for the current demands of the educational system. I had fallen in love with the Montessori teaching and the materials to a great extent. The scope of knowledge and the exposure given in the course is commendable. The experiential learning given to me helped me to become an intuitive mother as well as a great teacher. Needless to say, this could not have happened without our trainers who had been my continuous support throughout the whole journey. The encouragement and motivation given to me for what I am today can never be thanked enough. Thanks!

Neha Aggarwal
Centre:ACERT Delhi

I joined ACERT just after completing my secondary education in school. Each and every moment at ACERT is full of learning . I deliver my heartiest thanks to our VCP MA’AM SAPNA CHAUHAN to select me as trainee for the course . From the very first day I went to ACERT and till date the environment is full of positive vibes. The encouragement I got from the faculty members , support from my classmates fills me up with an immense energy to work hard . This course helped me to know my self, my interest areas , and I got an opportunities to learn about various teaching methodologies followed in Indian schools and abroad . EECE course helped me a lot to interact with children understanding them in a much better way , creating the bond and trust relationship with the children as well as parents . Throughout the year I got lots of opportunities to perform weather its morning prayers, circle time , class presentations, observations , role pays etc. ACERT team served at its best . I am glad that my journey in teaching started with ACERT that helped me in personal grooming, personality development ,communication skills , understanding individuals diffrences, accepting each other , team work , leadership skills , I learned such good skills story telling, art and craft, drama, music and movement , etc from the the faculty which will always stay with me throughout my life . I also learned so many life skills in this courses like problem solving, decision making , working in a team , accepting each other , understanding individual differences. This course covers each and every aspect of life to be good human being, following sanskars and ethics . ACERT provides the best facilities in all aspects weather it’s the study material , classroom setup, practical training, classroom observations , etc. my learning experience in this year at ACERT will enlighten many more years in my life. It’s a proud moment for me to write this testimonial for ACERT.

I would really like to state that its all because of Nandini ma’am and Namita ma’am that I have successfully completed the course . both of them helped me out from the first day i went to ACERT . weather its choosing the course , enrolling for the course , details, encouragement, feedbacks etc. They both were a great support throughout the course and always available for us to help .

Srividya Dandapani
Batch: 2015 – 16
Placed at : STEP BY STEP

One of the wonderful choices that I made in my life is having done the ETT course from ACERT. At the very beginning I was very apprehensive of taking up a course but the journey changed my whole perspective of seeing things and yes changed me as a person too. It began from knowing self to knowing the education world to knowing children. A beautiful journey that has unfolded the creativity, compassion, and motivation that was enfolded in me, and made me discover my own self. The content of the course equipped and prepared me for the current demands of the educational system. I had fallen in love with the Montessori teaching and the materials to a great extent. The scope of knowledge and the exposure given in the course is commendable. The experiential learning given to me helped me to become an intuitive mother as well as a great teacher. Needless to say, this could not have happened without our trainers who had been my continuous support throughout the whole journey. The encouragement and motivation given to me for what I am today can never be thanked enough. Thanks!

Ratna Sahasrabuddhe
Batch: 2015 – 16

The teacher's training program at ACERT completely transformed my life. For me it was a complete package in itself. The course taught me to be a more observant, empathetic, collaborative, creative and confident individual. Although this course just happened to me by chance. However I feel it was one of my best decisions as it helped me to restart my career after a break of several years. I got a greater insight into child development, & psychology. I was familiarized with new methodologies and approaches to education. I learnt storytelling, speech and drama, Different Educational Philosophies, child development and psychology, principles of Montessori teaching, Art and Craft, Music and Movement... The list goes on and on. I can now meaningfully use my talent without compromising on my family needs. The course has changed my life.

Neha Chaudhary
Batch: 2015 – 16

Since the first moment I came to ACERT I was met with nothing but energy and enthusiasm. The faculty and staff at this institution are like family. A family that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I got so many opportunities to perform throughout the year whether its class presentation, Observations, Assemblies preparation, group discussions and many more and we always get the help required… Trainers helped me beyond words I can say. "While studying at ACERT, I grew as an individual, learning to interact and talk to people from different backgrounds. I spent one year and this was an absolutely unforgettable period in my life. The facilities that are provided are impeccable and the variety of services available made me always feel much supported I gained the experience and confidence I need. The knowledge I have gained will benefit not only my classroom practices but can also help guide my school's policies. I can honestly say that my learning’s can be applied in my work setting. I firmly believe that this institute has prepared me for my career as a future educator.

Gunjan Amarpuri
Batch: 2015 – 16
Placed at : THE BASE/MMI

I chose to study at The Amity Centre for Educational Research & Training Noida because it offers the unique combination of teaching practices and over all development in one programme. It has given me the confidence to move ahead in my career. It gave me the opportunity to step back and reflect on what I do, how well I do it and where I can improve together with the toolkit to progress. It has given me a much greater sense of appreciation for what it is to become strategically focused. When the programme commenced, I gave myself one year to challenge my thinking, change my outlook and choose my next step. This could not have been achieved without the remarkable opportunities, training and innovative sessions by the faculty. Thank you for transforming me into a Reflective Practitioner.

Jyoti Bisht Kalakoti
Batch: 2015 – 16

The very first day, first session, I realized that it was not going to be easy at all. The course was very intense, but the support and guidance from our Trainers was excellent throughout, we worked through the assignments and presentations and at the end of the course I really felt I’d learnt a lot. In fact I can now appreciate the quality of the education and knowledge imparted when implemented in a professional environment by extremely dedicated faculty. I’d never taught before so I was quite nervous at first, but the course gave me the knowledge and teaching techniques I needed to build my confidence. I cannot express how valuable the ACERT course has been. It feels great to be offered a job at the end of my course.

Geeta Kanyal
Batch: 2015 – 16

When I made the decision to pursue this programme, I didn’t realize I was making a choice that would change my life in such a beautiful way. I am so much more confident in my abilities now. The Trainers were amazing. My favorite part about the Elementary Teachers Training course was that I grew as a person and as a teacher by leaps and bounds each day. Practical learning of the various modules and the workshops conducted by the dedicated faculty has resulted in optimal learning. It has transformed me into a more positive person thereby enabling me to become a good teacher, facilitator and guide. The content of the course is unique and awesome. The immense support by trainers and the educative environment at ACERT helped me to start my career.

Nupur Garg
Batch: 2015 – 16

I have completed the PG Diploma in Elementary Teacher's Training course at ACERT. Since the first moment I came to ACERT I met with nothing but energy and enthusiasm. The faculty and staff at this institution are top rate. They all want their students to do well. This institution has so many opportunities for individuals who would like to pursue their career in Education. My trainers helped me beyond words I can say. This institution keeps the student first. I really believe was a privilege coming here and I am so glad I made that decision. I learned the Montessori teaching methods in detail which are followed in all the renowned schools all over the world. I am glad that I had chosen ACERT as this course here has opened the door of a new world of opportunities for me. ACERT has made us aware of many innovative and latest methodologies of teaching through the process of constant & experimental learning. The knowledge and skills I have gained at ACERT will empower me to help others. I am very excited by what I can do and I have many ideas that I want to implement which will be pretty useful for the school I am now working with.

Deepshika Garg
Batch: 2015 – 16

A thought can wither away in moments if not pursued with conviction, confidence and appropriate guidance. I would like to show my gratitude to ACERT for the perfect teacher’s training program they offer. The course has helped me in gaining insights in child behavior and their psychology, physical and motor skill developments and various modes of child development. It has helped me to boost my confidence, creativity, positive attitude, ability to adjust, Most importantly in becoming a better mother.

Shipra Agarwal
Batch: 2015 – 16
Placed at : KIDZEE, JAIPUR

"I was not sure where I was going, and I could not see what I would do when I got there. But you saw further and clearer than I, and you opened the seas before my ship, whose track led me across the waters to a place I had never dreamed of, and which you were even then preparing to be my rescue and my shelter and my home." ― Thomas Merton, The Seven Storey Mountain

Thank you ACERT and my Trainers Meghna maam & Monika maam for everything.

Rani Singh
Batch: 2015 – 16

I have done Elementary Teacher Training from ACERT, Noida. I was a housewife before joining this course. I have two kids and I realized my teaching potential while teaching them. Then I decided to join ACERT to enhance my teaching skills. This course has equipped me with the innovative and latest methodologies of teaching through the process of experiential learning. It also helped me to develop my personality and increase my confidence level. I am quite satisfied with my development and now I am working in a reputed School in Noida and making the best use of what I have learnt in ACERT.

Shivani Mankotia
Batch: 2015 – 16

When I came across the ACERT course, I was quite excited as it came with Amity’s brand name as well as manageable class time and travelling distance. I’m very glad that I enrolled myself in the ETT course as it reignited my mind which is always eager to learn new things. It incorporated so many new age and innovative ways of teachings which I had no clue about. Child psychology gave a new dimension to my thought process not only from a teacher’s perspective but more importantly as a parent also. ACERT has equipped me with a new qualification, broadened thought process and opened new vistas for me. I am very glad to be part of ever increasing ACERT world.

Alisha Anand
Centre:ACERT , P.V.
Placed at : Amiown school Pushp Vihar

ACERT provides every budding teacher a platform to increase her thirst for wisdom.

Having completed the PG diploma course in Elementary Teachers Training has helped me gain immense knowledge of diverse teaching methods in different subjects. It has also helped me to understand the psychology of a child's mind.

The "Hands On " experience that ACERT provides is exceptional and valuable which would be impossible to substitute with any other teaching syllabus/ institute/ teaching module. It has certainly given me a medium to enhance my teaching skills along with helping young ones in taking their first learning steps and nurturing their young minds.

I thank ACERT and its entire team for this wonderful life changing experience and providing an opportunity for a challenging start to my career in teaching.

Namrata Sandhu
Centre:ACERT Delhi
Placed at : Amity International School, Pushp Vihar

When I Identified that teaching is my inner calling and I wanted equip my qualifications to take up this profession and I was very sure of taking teaching course from Amity as it is a pioneer for nurturing talent. Amity has achieved excellence in imparting high quality education with prime focus on holistic learning and imbibing competitive abilities in students which has helped me immensely. Amity centre for educational research and training (A.C.E.R.T) is a unique program at par with the International Standards, follows an International curriculum with modern methods of teaching and hands on experience from attending workshops and seminars from the most eminent educators, to observations and presentation in the classes. The practical knowledge I gained and the experience I’ve gained fuelled my confidence and propelled in to pursue my dream. It is difficult to put in words how thankful I am to my trainers for their insight, wisdom, professional attitude, mentorship and guidance. I’ve learned a lot from my fellow batch mates and have some beautiful memories to cherish for lifetime. The experiences at A.C.E.R.T have helped me evolve intellectually, emotionally as well as creatively and live a life which makes me feel happy and proud one day, seeing the children bloom and shine. Most importantly I would like to thank Vice Chairperson Ma’am for providing women a platform for empowering themselves.

“I know there is hard work ahead
With challenges all new,
All that I’ve learned together in this year
Will support me through and through.
A.C.E.R.T will always be a part of me
Touching horizons all new…”

Nandini Bangur
Centre:ACERT Delhi
Currently Studying : at ISDI Parsons-Indian school of design and innovation Mumbai

In May 2015 when I took the decision of joining ACERT , I thought I was entering a year long commitment of learning teaching practices after which I would become an early childhood professional. What I did not know then was that this year long interaction with the best trainers and bunch of lovely friends was not about just becoming a teacher but was about transforming me as a person.

ACERT has played the role of a catalyst in my journey of becoming an educationist. It is here that I have realized that it truly takes a big heart to ignite young minds. The course at ACERT with its innovative and experiential learning methods takes one from theoretical knowledge taught interactively and through Socratic dialogue to projects, presentations, skill developmental classes etc. Child psychology, early intervention, learning of individual differences, behaviour modification and understanding of various methods, ideologies and philosophies has enhanced my knowledge base and made me understand how much more effective we can be as teachers if only we gain knowledge of these various things. Group working has enhanced my group working ethics and has given me the opportunity to learn so much from my peers. We were also given the opportunity not once but many times to observe a real classroom setting and working, which for me was the best way of knowing and understanding certain teaching practices, methods and policies that cannot be understood without actually observing or experiencing them.
Our trainers at ACERT have not just been our attracting and motivating force for the course but are the best role models. As I stand here today having learnt what they have taught me, what drives me more to become a better, innovative, effective and reflective teacher is that I want to be at least a little bit like my teacher trainers, my mentors. I want to have the same energy that I have seen in them every single day that has made me want to be more energetic and full of life. I want to be able to connect to my future students the way they are able to connect to each one of us and understand our individual differences which to us seems so effortlessly and flawlessly done even though I now understand how much of an effort it actually takes.

I am grateful to have got the opportunity to do this course.

Nishthaa Pilani
Centre:ACERT Delhi

Being a part of ACERT DELHI has helped me gain immense knowledge of diverse teaching methods. It helped me gain confidence and how important it is for a teacher to perform confidently. It taught me that how important it is for a teacher to work on the holistic development of a child and especially during early years. It gave me the opportunity to step back and reflect on what i did, how well i did and what are the areas that require improvement.

The "Hands On" experience that ACERT provided changed my life and made it wonderful. I Thank our VCP ma'am Miss SAPNA CHAUHAN and our mentors Miss Nandini Juneja and Miss Namita Jain for this wonderful learning experience.

Anamika Prasad
Centre:ACERT Delhi
Placed at : Aadyant playschool

When I joined ACERT I never felt that I was at a new place, our mentors were always so supportive and willing to help and guide in all possible way.The platform provided by ACERT to us, as budding teachers has been a great inspiration and inculcates in us a sense of achievement. I would like to quote Alfred Mercier here “What we learn with pleasure, we never forget”. This quote holds true for the learnings at ACERT, the journey was so joyful yet so enriching. This has taught me how as a teacher I should make learning a pleasant and enriching journey for all my students. The realisation of being an active and influential educator and to always keep learning is taught at ACERT. I got so many opportunities to perform throughout the year in real class presentation, Observations, Assemblies preparation, group discussions, Storytelling sessions and many more skill development programs to help me be an efficient educator and we always got the best guidance by our mentors Ms. Nandini Juneja & Ms. Namita Kothari. I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude and love for them.

This course has been a learning experience of lifetime and it has taught me to not only be an educator but be a motivator, researcher, empathetic listener, reflective practitioner, friendly and an appreciative teacher.

Ritu Bhatt
Centre:ACERT Delhi
Placed at : Delhi International School, Faridabad.

To begin with I would like to acknowledge and express my heartfelt gratitude towards the entire fraternity at the Amity to have provided me with the opportunity of being a part of the great learning process at THE ELEMENTARY TEACHER’S TRAINING PROGRAMME, held at A.C.E.R.T , Pushp Vihar. I would also like to extend my humblest and sincerest thanks to my mentors, for their support, encouragement and critical analysis that has been helping me in grooming myself as a purposeful educator. I intend to use all my learnings and experiences gathered at A.C.E.R.T as tools and instruments in my teaching profession to facilitate the holistic development of young minds into promising individuals.

  • Mornings at A.C.E.RT were a positive headstart for the day characterized by the morning prayer, hymns and songs and news and views. This manner of starting the day surely brought back memories from school as a student and all the more made me feel and realize the importance of having a great morning headstart for a positive and fruitful day at school ahead. It also brought to my mind as TEACHING being the only profession where such a blissful and serene start to each day was possible.
  • Class Boards pertaining to a variety of learner groups and learning styles were prepared by us to enable us to understand their significance .We were divided into groups and were given the responsibility of enriching the classroom with appealing and relevant information.
  • I also learnt the importance of a VISUALLY STIMULATING CLASSROOM, both for the students as well as the teacher. The purpose of having visible information in the environment acquaints and reinforces it repeatedly for the students and is a ready aid for the teacher to brief upon at any point of time.
  • Recognising, understanding and dealing with the self as an educator as well as identifying and understanding the physical, intellectual(cognitive), social, emotional, moral and linguistic development of children under various age groups and backgrounds is tremendously helping me in my present day challenges as a Mother Teacher to young children who are barely 4-5 years of age.
  • Various group activities taught me great interpersonal skills and team building strategies.
  • Communication is a gateway to expression, something that I learned through activities like story renditions in amiown classrooms.
  • We as students had the privilege of having been guided and mentored by eminent resident as well as visiting staff in our class rooms.
  • I have already brought to use a number of strategies, workshops and programmes that I had learned at Amity with a positive and effective feedback from my seniors and colleagues.

At the end of it, I would like to ascertain that my journey at A.C.E.R.T has been a major turning point in my life professionally and personally. It has not only streamlined the clarity of my goals but also provided me with mentors, guides and co learners to whom I shall always turn back to whenever I am at crossroads. It has infused in me a great deal of confidence in the implementation of new ideas at my workplace. I can only say a heartfelt thank you for one of the most real and amazing experiences of my life that I shall cherish forever in my heart.

Parul Bansal
Centre:ACERT Delhi
Placed at : Amity international school PV

One year ago when I joined this course I could never imagine the transformation that I would undergo from an absolute fresher to a confident and mature teaching professional. The trainers made sure that the course had an optimum balance of theory and practical. We were exposed to all aspects of teaching, from art, music, to child psychology to lesson plans and many more. The trainers gave detailed and prompt feedback to us so that we could improve our skills accordingly. They were always very encouraging and motivating and were ideal role models for us.

We were given periodic group assignments and presentations so that we learnt how to work in teams. This is an essential part of the teaching profession. Lastly, the one-month hands-on training that we went through solidified our understanding by actually applying concepts that we had learnt like 'set induction', how to manage different types of child behaviours, how to manage your class time so that we don't digress away from the actual topic.

Overall it was a wonderful and enriching experience for me and I thank the instructors for their commitment and hard-work.

Medha Taneja
Centre:ACERT Delhi
Placed at : Holy child auxilium

My journey at ACERT has been the best journey of my student life. I came here with a few doubts and apprehensions about my career as I had done B.Tech which was nowhere relevant to a school teacher’s job. But since the very first day, I could sense an aura of positivity and reassurance that I have come to the right place.

As the days passed by our mentors equipped me with all the skills, knowledge and all other tricks of the trade. Hands on experiential learning being the core focus of this course, I gained a lot of experience and confidence in handling young children. In today’s changing times, mere knowledge of content matter isn’t sufficient to make one a successful educator, we rather need a lot of in-depth knowledge of a child’s behaviour, attitudes, interests, aptitudes, personality etc. Also different children have different needs due to the difference in their cultural, linguistic and economical backgrounds. Each child is unique and we as educators need to cater to this uniqueness in order to bring a change in their lives. And so teaching is not a science, it’s an art.

And this art is what I learnt and practiced at ACERT. Not just this, the whole experience at ACERT has helped transformed my overall persona in ways more than one. I have become more confident and strong willed individual. Today I am working in a convent as a main class teacher and all the credit goes to ACERT for shaping up my career.

I express my heartiest thanks to our dearest VCP Ms Sapna Chauhan Ma’am, Nandini Ma’am and Namita Ma’am for their constant support, most valuable guidance and such diligent efforts.

Loads of best wishes for the future batches of ACERT.

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